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<br /> U � � LJ � L� � OO � LJ � O� o '-u' � Cl
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<br />� .��Q]��—IBLOPP6BARTLETTCO..PRINTIN6.LITFBB6iiAPMIN6.ETAT10q6NY:OMIlHA .. ... . ... . . .. .. . .. ,� '� . � i� . .�...
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<br /> !�
<br /> �,'
<br /> '�EX�IILiIT B" .
<br /> wtate of �1e'�xaska )
<br /> )"R``
<br /> �iall County )
<br /> I , A. W. Lei�er, being �'irst duly sworn, de�ose �nci �ay that I am the
<br /> DQ;�uty Sheriff of ��all County, �tebr�s�a. Tha� T receiv�r� the �rithin not3.ce on this 11�' day o�'
<br /> Febr. , �. �, LQO�, and after u.iligent �earch I am unabl� to f�nd �Tames F. Casey, nar�ed in ''
<br /> �aid notice , in Hall Count y, Nebr�:�ska. �
<br /> �. '�. I,�iser� Deput y,
<br /> Subscribed in r�y �res�nce and �zxrorn to be.iore r�e, this 11" day of Februazy , A.D. 1909 . � �
<br /> (SEAL} 7Ry com�mis�ian ex�,ires Februas�f 10, .�.�. 191� . T. 0. C. Harrison.
<br /> �l�tnt�ry Public
<br /> NGITICE.
<br /> rrand Islana, tlebr. Feb. 10, 1909.
<br /> To Jamss F. Casey, ana any ana all per�;ons irterested in the nro�erty hereinafter described
<br /> �ituated in the County of �all, anu. "ta�e o�' t?ebras�:a. "You are hereby notified that on �hd
<br /> 6th day of Jul,r, 190 i, I purchasea of tYie Treasurer of Hall County, i3ebra�ka, at private tax
<br /> �ale, the follo�rin�; de�cribecl ��ro�erty to-vrit : Lots thirteen (13) and fifteQn (15) in block
<br /> (16j in t�niversity Plac�. Taxec� for the years 1p03, 1�04 and 1J05, and ta�ec� in the nane o�
<br /> A�1 c��h�e � i i i �. :^�' �"�e � Y d l 17 �' ��� �`i �.����i � n � c�cC��1 C� S � �� �� �� ,
<br /> Jar.:es F. Caseyrl The timP o�' rede�:�tion ti�ri11 exrira �Jith the 7th day of July, 1�09, after �rh3ch
<br /> �
<br /> tir:e I ���ill a;�ply to uaia Treasurer �'or a t�x deeci for said lots.
<br /> �J. P. �+�cKni�Y'it . `' .
<br /> Purchaser . �
<br /> �'EXHI�3IT, C" .
<br /> T.h� �t�.te af �1e�raska )
<br /> }��
<br /> �.;.,
<br /> �Tall Gounty )
<br /> �. �f. Au�,ustin�, b�in�; first ciuly ��prn, aer�os�s and says that �'
<br />,
<br /> he i� the I-�u�iness 3��Igr , of '.��iE FR�E PRES�, a legal weakly ne�rsr�;aor, �ublished at Gr�nc� Island,
<br />�I said county an� sta.to, and that th� �rin�ea notice horetn attach�d anc� m�d� a paxt hereof, vras
<br /> publi�hed in tr.e re�ular editions of s�ic� nerr�s;�,aper for 3 con;ecu�ive tveeks, the first publicatio� �
<br /> bein� on the 12 d�xy Of F�brU�i�*� 1J0�.
<br /> E.�.Au�;ust ine .
<br /> "u�;scribecl in my �resonce and sworn to b�fore me thi� �0" day nf I��iarch, 190�, at rr3nd
<br /> I qlancz, Nebraska. �
<br /> T. 0. C. Haxrison. �'
<br /> (�E�I,) �ay cornmiseion ex�;ires Fa�ruary 1(J" , 1�12. Tlotary �'ublic.
<br /> Fees �6 00.
<br /> The �tµt Q of �T�bra�ka } �Exhibit D" . �9�0_�0��'
<br /> )s s "-
<br /> Iiall Countt,r )
<br /> I, W.R.King, Treasurer a� the County of Hall, in �he State of �
<br /> ���abra�ka, �o here'a�T certii'y t�iat the follov�in� described real est�tc in �aic� county, and �tate
<br /> to-�it : Lot� thixteen and fifteen (13 � l�) in block sixtoen (16} of tJniversity Place, was on
<br /> the 6th day of �Tuly A.D, 1�0'7, duly solci by me in tYie m�anr.er providecl by 1��;�, at Private uale at
<br /> the County 'I'roaUurer ' s o�fice ir� rranci Islar�a, Nebrask�, such real es�ate havin� been �reviously '
<br /> o�f'erecl at ��ub?ie sale but not sald for ���ant o� biclders, for the delinc�uent ta:;as the y?arc '
<br /> 1903-1�04 & 1�05, u�:�an the above describeca premises, �.mountin�, to 7G-lOn includin� interest and �
<br /> ��enalty therQOr., ,�nd the costs a1lo�rrecl by lav�r ta �`1.F.?.ic��r.i�ht , for tho surri of Ono &93-140 Dollars
<br /> he be�.r�g the hi�he�t ana beat biddex for the sa�e . And i furthQ� cartify, that unless redemption''
<br /> i� r�.ci� of said �teal ��tate in�he n:anner �rovided �y las:i, the ��id �.R.l,ic�night, his heirs or
<br /> a�si�;n� �rill '�e entitlad to a c3aec� ther�for on anci after the 7th day of July A.D. 1909 on sur- -
<br /> render of thi� certificate , provideri the la�: as m,ade in sueh cases has basn cora�lied vrith.
<br /> • �
<br /> ;
<br /> i;
<br />