<br /> . . . . . D � � LJ � � `J �J � D LJ lJ OO ❑ � � �: ��.
<br />_ .... . . . . . .. .. � . �.-, .... . . ..... �., . :._. .... ...., . . - - � . .. ` -- - � �-
<br /> 4�]49-I6LOP?6�BARTLEBTCO..P(i1NT9NG,LITH06RPF'HIpG.9TAT60N6RV:OMRHA ��� . � . „ „ A � ...
<br />- i . . . � � . .::. . .. . . . ._. . ... .... . . .. .., _ :.-.. . ._.__ ., ..,:�.,T .._ ..... :___'_" . . . � ' . ..
<br /> �na that after �he ex-�iration of thres months or z�:ore �xor:� the date of the service af this 1
<br /> notic� to-�Jit ; on or c�ft�r June 6, 1S'09, the unciersi�nscl zvill appl� to the cot:inty treasurer of
<br /> �Iall County, ?.e'ur��ka, for a tax deea to s�,id �aro�ert;r. Dated this llth d�.y of Fet�ruarp, 1�G9.
<br /> George �imrel, Purch��er. ;
<br /> ;
<br /> �.
<br /> "1'17�t I found �eb:astiar: �iri�fi�el no�r ir� pos�ession o�' saic� lot ; that �. A. Peterson and S.A.PetersQn
<br /> estate, ���a� the ��rson in zvhose nam� saicY real estatc� ��as taxeci or especially assessed Sor the ;'
<br /> years 1901 to 190�, t�.at T made dili�ent in�suiry oi' old resicients af the Cit�r of �rand Isl�nc� �rd
<br /> ;
<br /> at th� Countv of�icer� of saic� county that that said �arties coulcl not be f'ound in sait� county.
<br /> �
<br /> �'hat u�on this llth day of F�bruary, 1�G9 I c�eliverecl �aia notica to Sebastian �im�al �ersonally ;'
<br /> i
<br />� in ��id county. T,hat I eauseci saia notie� to be �ublishecl in the Free Press a l��al ��ee�;ly
<br /> nevrsy,�:��:�er, publishecl in �rand I�land, in said county* for three cnnsacutiva weeks, the first
<br /> I
<br /> puLlication �oing on Fe�ruary 12, 1�:09 as will more fully a�pear by the affiaavit of �ul�lication �
<br /> hexeto attachecl and m�arkec'z exhitiit �3 . and r.:a�e a �art ]�ereo�' . That the tax certificate �.entioned;
<br /> hereina�:ave is �.ttacheci hexeto and inacic� a �€�rt hareof as F�x. A. "�hat affiant has paici all
<br /> taxes ,uUsenuent �o �aici tax �ale on said pro��yrty and requests County Treasur�r to is�sua hir,1 a
<br /> tax �.eec� there�'or.
<br /> �eor�e Cir::r�el .
<br /> Su�ascri�:�Qd in rr.y ��res��:ce anr� sY�orn to l��forQ mQ this :��iar . 9, 1v0�.
<br /> (�TAL) ;,A;,� comn:is,i�n. c�xpiras 1�'ov. 1C, 1:�10 . Ba�ara��� Paine, I?ata�Pu�lic .
<br /> .[ her�by acknot��leci�;e that a copJ of saici notice Yierein was served u�on me personally Feby,11;1�;09'.
<br /> Sebastian_rrimr,el ,
<br /> EX�iII�TT A.
<br /> �.
<br /> C4UNTY TF�Aa�tJF,ER� �' CF�TIFICA�'E CF 7'Ah rALF.
<br /> No . C67�.
<br /> __ __..____
<br /> The ti.tat� o�' .�e�;r�sl�a }
<br /> �r;,
<br /> �.,>.
<br /> ,-.
<br /> ., ,
<br /> ,
<br />� . .
<br /> ,
<br /> Hall C�ur.t I Z, .1..Kin Treasuxer of the C�unt of �Ia11 in the State of ,
<br /> Y
<br /> Y ) � �> >
<br /> II
<br /> Ne'�rasl•:a, do hereLy certify that the �'011o��in�, c�esexi�ecl real est�te in saia count5t and state,
<br /> + .�• . i • n
<br /> t .
<br /> r sr
<br /> �o-�yit . Lot.� r�;1ne ., ancl tar� 10 in �lock sixte�n (16 of �est View bein a subdivision of
<br /> }
<br /> � ) t ) � �
<br /> -
<br /> the Sautheast c�yuarter (SE�:) of the North�<<ESt �,uaztex (NW4) of uection seventeen (17) township
<br /> �leven (11) North of Ran;e i3ine (�) '�est of the G" PM. tivas on the 5" day of June A.D. 1�0`7,
<br /> ;
<br /> duly sold by me in th� rr�anner �rovided by law, at F'rivate sale, at the County "�reasurer�s offica '
<br /> in r�rancl Island, NeY�r�ska, such real ost�ta havin,; been rrevicusly offered at public sale but
<br /> not �old for wan�t af bic:ccers, for the delinquent taxes the year 1J01, 190�, 1�0�,, 1°04 ana 1�05 '
<br /> ;
<br />' uj���nn the 3bOVP, c;eacrib�d �remises, amaunting to one & 27-1C�0 Dollar�, incluc�in� int�re�t and '
<br /> t
<br /> pQnalty thexeon, ana the costu, allawed "�y la�v to ��or�e rir:7?�el for the sur� of Throe � 1J-100
<br /> Dollars, he �einr� the hi�h��t �nd best biac�er for the �:ame . And S furt�l�r certify, that unless
<br /> redar��ption is mac3� o�' saia Rea1 �state in the manner �ravided by lavr, tha �a3d reorge �im�ael, his�
<br /> heirs or aseigns will be entitl�d ta a deed therefor on and after the 6" day of June, AD. 1�09 �
<br /> on �urrencAer of this certificate, z,rovicied the 13w as rnade in such cases hos been complied wit��. ''
<br /> In �rritness whexeof, i hav� hexeunto �et r,�y hanr� thi� 5�' day of June A.L'. 1907 .
<br /> Y�.F?.Kin�1
<br /> �3 19 Treasurer of Ilall Cour�ty, State of Nebras�a.
<br /> �y
<br /> (�i�AL} R.L._ Harrison,_Deputy. y
<br /> NOTICE:
<br /> T4 Est�ta of �.A.Petexson, to Sarah 2�,5. Peterson. ,�nci any and all other per�ons
<br /> interestecl. You ancl each of you are hereby notified that uZ�on June 5, 1907 I purchased at
<br /> t
<br /> priv�.te tax s�le of th� County T.reasur�r of Nall Cour.ty, �debxaska, at his office, Lot� nine and
<br /> ten, blocl� �i�t�en, of 4�est View, bsing a �ubaivision of the southea�t quarter of the north��est
<br /> ;.
<br /> ,
<br /> quarter of section aeventeen, town�hip elevQn, north of ran�e rine, west in ��iall Gounty, �iebrasl:a,
<br /> for delinc�uen�t taxes for the year� 1��ID1, 1�02, 1903, 1�04 and 1°05 which was t�xed ancl i
<br /> i.
<br />