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<br /> D � L� ,.J � l� � O � Dn
<br /> _ _I-n _ _ _ ,: --- _ __. _ � — _ ===
<br /> • iY147.•�KLCiPh6Bi�11TLCTTGO..PNINTINp,LITH06RAPHING,3TATIONEflY�OMAH� _ , . -.
<br /> -.._.. ::- .. . � ... . . .. . � . . . . .... . . ... . _.:_ _'.' _ _"_" _�__'_ � , _.._�_ _��"___.__::���--
<br /> FROM � I herehy certify that this itistrurnent was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> ---- --
<br /> ---------�ohn------ALl�n__an�__�if6----. ---- filed fo:� record this ____ _ w7_� _, .__-------day of ------._-------Ap�il r----------- .
<br /> A. D., 19--I_4,,at-- -- 4� - ---- -------o'clock-- --- -----------------------�'._M.
<br /> --- ----- -- - - -- _- - --- -- -- --- -- - --- -- - `WARRANTY
<br /> T DE�D � ,�'
<br /> TO ----� - � -=-��-r"-��'�'--- ---- ------
<br /> _- - -
<br /> ----------- -------_Ii�nr_�*_---.�0 4traann ------ County Clerk,
<br /> � - ---- --------------------- ------------------------------------------Deputy. --
<br /> K.now all l�en l�y These Presents:
<br /> That-- �8_, �ohn Allax� and_ Fa�ani� I�•----�,llan, hi�___�if�� -- - _ _ ----- -- - -- - --- - _ - -
<br />', of the Coun�y of----- -------- --------- .i�.al1-------- ---------and State of _I�Q_b_ra�k�----- ----- .-- ----- --- ------------�rantor-S-----------, in cons�dera�tian
<br />� of the sum of_--- --EQ1.ix---_Huriclx�3---OQ�I.OQ------------- - - - ----- - ------------- ---- --- -- -------- ---- - -------- ---------------- -- --- ------DOLLAR.S,
<br />' in hand paid, do------ -- .---__ _ _---__hereby GR�1NT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto --._ __ - ----- -------- ------- ------- --- - ----------- '
<br /> - -- - ------ -
<br />' -------------------------------------�?_en��----L�o�_��ann------------------------- -------------------- ------------------- ---- -- ----------,
<br /> - ---- -- -- -------------------�-----
<br />', of the County of_---------_------------i]nlzgl�.s_ and State of_ ----------IQ�hT_a.�lc�------------- -__- - -- --------------, Grantee-------, the follawing t�e-
<br />' scribed premises, situated in the County of_ __.��?_�1_7._________ and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> ----Al_l__Qf---�ln�k_�__T_�rent_y_-4�fl---���-}----Q�---�_c_a.rff!-s.--A3di�inn---t-o--�"ast---�,awx�--in---the--City---af--Gr�nd__I�larul.,-----
<br /> -----?�_e_br_a�ska-,----a�--�urv�ys�,--P1a�t_��---a_�.d._ _r_�_c_or3e��.------------------------------------------ --------------- ----------- ----- -------- -� ------
<br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, a,nd appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Clailn, and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__s_____, and of either of them, of, in, or %o the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__________and ta_____________._his__.___._____heirs
<br />' and assigns forever. And_______ _�8__ _____.hereby covenant______with the said Grantee____ ___that______�'4_-_________hold______said premises by good agd perfect
<br /> title; that_____________we_______________ha_�t'e__good right and lawful authority to sell and convey�he same;that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbran�es
<br /> whatsoever--------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------And ---------------------�53--- --- - --------- ----covenant--------to warrant a�d
<br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever,______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
<br /> Dated the- --_--- ---- 27 th�-----------------------_day ot'-------April-t------------------ A.D.,19__ID.
<br /> WITNESS --------------------------------------------�I S�21ri----,A�.l�xl_----------------------------------
<br /> .{..}. -------------------- -----------------�'�n���--�-•----Allan�---------------------------•-
<br /> --------- °-�----��_��-Q-k-k--------------------°------------------- �
<br /> --------'-----------------------------------------------------°-----------�--°------------------ � -
<br /> ss.
<br /> --------i�All--------County, On this_ _�_�th_�------__-----------day of_------------AP_ril-,-------------------------------A. D., 19ZA-r---, before me,
<br /> the undersigned, a Notary Public___________________ ________ _�vithin and f'or said County, personally came________________________________________________________________________
<br /> -- -- ---------�I_ohn__A11an--an3__FanniQ--I�.--Allan---r--=his---vuif_e_:------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> --- ---� ------------------------ -- ----- -- -- - - ----- -- --------- ------- ---- -----------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person8_____whose narn�3_______$rH_________________afI'ixed to the above instrument
<br /> as grantor_g____, and________the�______severally acknowledged the same to be_______'th�_i.x'________voluntary act and deed for the
<br /> purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subs�ribed my hand and affixed my official seal at_______________._______________________
<br /> ______GS'��si_Z_��._F�n�_�___�n_�ai3 . �_Q�tn��on the date last above w�itten,
<br /> (SEAT,) - -------- - _-- _ _ _-Cl�u�s_._E11iQt-�------ --- - --
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> My Com�nission expires----------I�6C.---�I-�---I9I-�------------------------------------------------------1�----
<br />