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. � _ <br /> �� �,� <br /> DL� L� '.J � � VO � Dn <br />� _ . _. . _ _._- � _ ___- - <br /> _ =_ — --- <br /> 4014�•+'.CibFWABApTLGTTCO..PRIf�ITING,LITH06XMPHING.5TAT10NERY�OMAHq _ . _. . � �� J <br /> _" _ __ "w__ ____'"_ " _r-�__'__.___. '_- ' <br /> FROM � I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and ; <br /> N filed for record this _ _ .2.I.;-- -----------day of_---------- --APr-u-r ----------- <br /> --- -- - ----.-I�-a_ �•-�ra�uf or_d,--- caida�.- - - <br /> _ , A. D., 19��--, at-- __ _.._ - `�3 --------- 'clock- - - -- - -----------A._M. <br /> ------ -- - -- - - --- - - - - - . .____. WA�2I�ANTY <br /> � DEBD , <br /> TO � _ _ __: - ---- - ----- a-�� ------------ <br /> - -------- --------Jg�:�s--�,_-�iQ�e�itt� -- - -- - - - County Clerk, <br /> -- - � <br /> --- - ----------- --- ------------------------------------------------- <br /> _ -- - - --- -- ---- � Deputy. <br /> Know all l�en by T�iese Presents: <br /> That__ I_"Y__ I�.a__C. C ra_wf ord_,_.widov�, ----- - _ - -- -- __--- -_ _ --- - <br /> of the County of_----------------Hal-1._--------- -and State of_--------N.@br�.�_k�-----------_----- -------- - -----------------Grantor_---------._, in consideration <br /> of the sum of_----On� - - - ---------- �an�--��he-r---�ons_i_3esa�i�r� - - ---- - - - --- <br /> -- - ---- - --- ---------------------- ---DOLLARS, <br />� in hand paid, do-------------- ____-----hereby GRANT, BARG�IN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ <br />'' ---------------------------sa.���--5�:---�:_Q3�ai�t---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ---_.- -- ._ ---------- --------------------------------------- <br /> of the County of _I-�_t3���.--------------and State of_---------t`�_�t�r�lska----------------_ __--.__.. _--------------------, Grantee-------, the following de- <br /> scribed premises, situated in the County of____________ __H3�.].__________________and State of Nebrask�,, tG Wl�r <br /> --------`�'-��--S.QU�h-�as-�---quart�r -of---�h�--�Is�rth=_s�zs-��r--- ��---�-=���-E---�----�----�f--Se�ti�zn_T�renty--�-�Q�-- -i-�--- <br /> l� ------------�_s�_�nz�h�.p---�-s-n--�ZQ-)-��ort_�.�_Q�- Rar�,g�--��n--�_IQ-}---West--of---the__6.'�h-�---P_.---��---�-Qn��.a����, 9�42--�cr�s�---���ar- <br /> -------------�i�-�a---�_r�.�--G_over_nmsnt--�urve-�--�h�rss�f_.-------- - --- ---------- --------- <br /> i ------------ <br />� -- --- --- - ----------- - ------------- _- - -- --------- - -- __- -- -- ------------------------------------------ ----._ <br /> - - --- ----- ------------ -------------------- ------------ <br />� ------------- - - ----- - --_ --- - _ _ - -- -- ------- - - - - - - -- - - -- - - ---- ----------------- - <br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditatnents, and appurtenancns thereurito belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim, and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_.________, �e€�er-�a€�I�i,.of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto f.he said Grantee____._____and to________hi8___________________heirs <br /> and assigns forever. And_________ _____I______hereby covenant______with the said Grantee_____that_______�____._________hold______said premises by good and perfect <br />� title; that_.___________I________________ha_�t�_good right and lawful authority to sell and convey lhe same;that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever---------=------------------------------------------------------------- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> -------------------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- --- -------------- --------------------- <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And----------------------------------z. ---- --- --- ---covenant-------to warrant and <br />�, defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever,______________________________________ _____________ _______________________. <br /> Dated the__---__ 20�--- - ---=----------------------------day of_----------�prll�-------------------------- ---A,D,,$�Q6_. <br /> WITNESS - ---------------------�-�.a.----�-s-------�_Tti.�4�_ta------------------------- <br /> ---------------- ---------------------J�in__A11an-- --------------------- " � <br /> STATE OF NEBRgSKA, <br /> �ss. <br /> � Y, a Y p o- -----._---__----A. D., 19---Q�---, before me, <br /> �._=------hall------Count On this--- ---------2Q --- --------- -----da of_-------.A s_i1- - -- -- <br /> the undersigned, a Notary Public---------------------------------_____within and for saicl County, Personally came------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> ---- ---���----�_R-----�_�awf Qr_�.�--a_-wi.�.av�_,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ �` <br />� to me personally known to be theidentical person_______whose narne_______________�,�_____________affixed to the above instrument <br /> as grantor_______, and__.__________�h�____,se�e�'a�y acknowledged the same to be_________hs_r.__________voluntary act and deed for the <br /> purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN FlITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto siibscribed my hand and af�xed my otl'icial seal at____________________.___.________________ <br /> ____ _.__C.�'sn�_ ISI�ri_c�}__I�IBbT�.sk�,_____ ___on the date last above w.°itten. <br /> (SEAL) --------- - _ --- __ ___- - _ __�Tohn -- All�n_----- -- -- <br /> Notary Publie. <br /> i�ly� Commission expires------- ��2�,---�-,----��I2•-------------------------------------------------------------�------ , <br />