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_ ��_.,� <br /> �- -< <br /> ��� . , . <br /> Dl.� � �J LJII IS � OLlLIDn <br />_ -- _ _- — — _ <br /> , 4Q��.�KLC:71�6�APTL[TTGO•.�'A�NTING,LITH06RAPMING,STATIONEHY�OM/�HA . � . . " <br /> FROM � I hereby certify that this instrument i�as entered on Numerical Index and <br /> n r ., <br /> filed fo� record this----__ _---I_I_, -.----------_day of_---Apr11-x---_._---- ---------- <br /> ----- --- -- -�nnet_�� - �-• �t��rn�- - - - - -- - <br /> �. D., 19__I C�, at-- 3_-$0 . _ --- ----o'c?ock-- - -- ------ --------p_._1Y1. <br /> ----an�___�. �. ---Stea_rn�___ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ �waR�tANTY <br /> TO DBED <br /> __�_ ._ --- - - --- - - -- -- --- ----- <br /> County Clerk, <br />'' ----------- ZTa�h��.a --- I,.. Chee_vcr - - - -- - <br /> ----- - - ---- _ --- - -- -- - - --- � <br /> ----- - - ----- - --------------------------------------Deputy. - <br /> K�.ow all 1Vlen b�r These Pres�nts: <br />� That-- -_._ An�a�t e_ C. _S_te�xr_s__an3.�._ _�I._ __S�.t earr.s-,---hex_husk�an�T__ _ -- --- ---------- -- -,--- __ _ --- --- ---- - __ .__ <br /> -------------------- - - -- - - ----- --- ---- - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•----------•-- <br /> of the County of ---- -----------Eall----------------------and State of-------------------Nehra�li-3----- -------- -----------------Grantor-------------, in con�ideration ; <br /> of the sum of_--------- - ------ --�-----Thirt y_---- Three-- Hundred----00%��� ------- ------------------------------------ --DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paid, do------. .------------ -----hereby GRANT, BARG�IN, SELL, �ND CONVEY unto----------------------___-------------------------------------------- --------------- <br /> ---------------------------------------------Vasht-1-a----I�-=---�he_��*er-------------------------------------------------------------------- ---..- -- ---------------------- ------------------------------ <br />', of the County of_ --------�QC k------------------- and State of_-----------?'1is�_onsin------------- ------------------.-------------, Grantee------, the following de- <br />�' scribed premises, situated in the Coun�y of_____________H�.�„1__ ________________________and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br />' -----�.,-Q�--�even--�-'�-)--in_Elo_Gk--��x--�-6-�---in__±hs---.original---t-ovrn---x�ava--Cit-Y----af__Grand--Is_land,---a�-----sY�o-wn--b�t----- <br /> I��� -------the--re_c_o��oc� ��at-�-�'i-�r��- - --- ------ --- ----------- ------------------------------------�--------------------- --- --------- ----------------- <br /> -------------- -------------------------------------------- --------------------- ------ -- <br /> ------- ------ -------- ------ --- ------- ----------- ----- --- ---- ----- - - _ _ _ - - - __ _ - , -- _------ --- --- -- -- -- - -- - ------ <br /> -------------- -- -- ------ ------ ----� - - -- -- - - -- -------- ------ ----- ----- -------- -- ---- ------------- ------------------------- ---------------------------- <br />'I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------- ---- ----- - --------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Together with all the tenemeilts, hereclita:nents, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curte�sy, Claim, �nd <br /> ' her of them of in or �.o the same or an art thereof. <br /> er of the said Grantor__________ a��d of'elt , , , , y <br /> Demand whatsoev , P <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto ihe said Grantee_________and to_______h��C______.___._.______heirs <br /> and assrgns forever. And_________w�__ ______hereby covenant_.____with the said Grantee____ ___that__________�!9________hold______said premises by goad a� perfe�et <br />', title; that_________________tiY�'__________haVe__good right and lawful authority to sell and convey fhe same;that they are free ana clear of all liens and incttmbra�ces <br /> I�� whatsoever-------------- ---------------- --------------------------------------------------- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Ii ---------------------------------------------- ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And--------------------------�$-- --- ---------------------- - ---covenant-------to warrant and <br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever,______________________________________________________________________________.__________________________________________ <br /> - - ------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ----- ------ - -------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Dated the_ -- ___II_th�----------------------------day of.------------------------April--�-------- -- ----�1.D.,19__I9_. <br /> tiVITNESS -----------------------------------Ariri�t��------�-------$_�QarZis--------------------- <br /> ------------------------------Ii���i�4n---R'_,_,__��e�x�s---------------------- ,` <br /> - ------------�_QY��?------�?_-----._�Y_�.�_r.�p�or.---------------------------- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss, <br /> ----------Hall-------County, On this---------------�_�._8_v_8�1�h-----day of_--------A-P�-11-3------------------------------------A:. D., 19---�-Q---, before me, <br /> the undersigned, a Notary Public________._________________________within and for said County, personally came__.______________________.________________________________________________ <br /> ---An��et ue --�.--St�:ar-��, and.--H. -�!.---i tea-rne----h�r---hus_b�n.d------------------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be theidenticalperson__3___whose narne_S_______3T�____________________affixed to the above instrument <br /> as grantor�_____, and_______�h�;�t___________severally acknowledged the same to be____their_________youluntary act and deed for the <br /> purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my hand and aflixed my oft3cial seal at_, .____________________ <br /> __�ra21Ci---IBland,--�ZBbr. _ ___--___ _-__._ --on the date last above wi�itten, <br /> (SF�I,) -------- --_____ _- -- - _ ____ - -- -�Tahn-----8._._T�iam �on__ <br /> Notary �ublic. <br /> M;� Commission expires Fa'��3ry_-,---w-�-a--I����--�=------------------------ ---------------1�---�-- <br /> .: <br />