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<br /> j
<br /> FROM � I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> , � filed for record this ------I6_.th_�__. ._.-------day of_-------M1Z�h-, ------ ------------
<br /> -- -----J_ame�------M.----P-�-ex�s---an-d -wif�----- ---- '
<br /> A, D., 19 �O,,at_ ._ _ - --3 ---------o'�I�9�k -- -__� ---�-----P-•-�� '
<br /> ------- -- - _ - - �'� --- -- ---- - -- -- WARRANTY � ����=-����.�-��---� ----
<br /> DEED -
<br /> --- - --- - _=---
<br /> __ -- _ -- -
<br /> County Clerk,
<br /> ----�-Qhn- -�� ---�iQwell. an3 _ ----- --- - -- -
<br /> - - ------- -
<br /> ------- ------------ ------ --- ---
<br /> --- ,xrSCS -- �. -ows11- ----- - _ -- - --- --- - � Deputy.
<br /> Know all l�ien by Tl�ese 1'rese��s:
<br /> That-- -----.--�ames _ M.- --Pi�rc_e__and--__Minni-e--H,---P-i_ex_c_e,- ---huaband--ar�d-wi fe---------___ _ ----- ------ ----- -____----- ------ ----
<br /> ---------�----------- -- - - --- ------- ---- - --- - - -----,- --- --------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,----
<br /> of the County of-------------------�a11,_.----------------------and State of_-------,---N�ht�8��3F----------.- ------ - -------- --------Grantor-s----..-----, in consi�e�°atia.�
<br /> of the sum ot'--- - -----One _Hundr_ad__and-_,�i$t� and -na/--I OD. - ---- - -- ---- ---__ --- - -- - - ---- ------- - ._.DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do---------------------------hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto-------------------_ __. ------------------------------------_-------------------------------
<br /> ---------J�hn--�}---HQ�'�11---���__rxA��---��----�I_Q�e$11----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -------- --------------------- ------------------------------- ',
<br /> of the County of_-----------------------Ha11-,------------------------and State of_----------I�e_br�ska-,----------------------------- ----------, Graniee-------, t�e followi�g^ de- '
<br /> scribed premises, situated in the County of____________H�11_i ____________________and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />'I ---------------L-o-t--Number_--Thr-ee---�-3�---1n---Bl.��k---numbs�--Ta�---�IQ}��--in _�i.lber_�s--Additian_to.-_the---G�-t3�--a�--- ------ --
<br /> I ----------------�r_and__Is�land,---rIekzr_aska.- �s- �latted---anc�.---�acorc�ed.-------------------------------------- ---- -------------------- ----------�---------------- -
<br />�' -- ---- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
<br />� ------------- - -- ----- ---- -- - -- _- --- ---- - --- ---- -
<br /> -------------- --- - - - -- - --- ----- - - - - - _- ---- - - ---- -- ------------ ---------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------------------------------ -
<br /> T'ogetl�er with all the tenelnents, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Ir�terest, Dower, Curtesy, C�laim, a�td
<br />, Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__________, and of either of them, of, in, or t.o the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described prelnises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee___.._______and to________h1S__________________heirs `
<br /> �nd assigns farever. And_________�lf�__________hereby covenant______with the said Grantee__.___that_________$8________._hold_______said premises by goad ar�d perfeet
<br /> title; that______________ZR_e____________________ha__uBgood right and lawful authority to sell and convey�he same;that they are free ana clear of all liens and incur�bra�ces ;
<br />, whatsoever.---------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />' ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />,
<br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And---------------��g------------------------ - ----------- - ---eovenant-------to warrant and
<br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever,_________________________________________________________________________________._______________________________________ `
<br />� Dated the. _ - - _- ._ . 15--th-s ---- ---------day of_------------M�T�ht----------- ------ ____-A.D,,19_I0,
<br /> I� WITNESS ----------------��r.:��-------�-•------�z�r_C.e--------------------------------------------
<br /> _
<br /> -----�Ar$-•---Mi.nnie------8-•-�-----P_iss c-e--------------------------------�---------
<br /> -- �----------,�'ohx�..-R-•---�`�i.s��pB_�n------------------------ ----- .
<br /> ss.
<br />' -----------�a1.1------County, On this--------------16---��-r--- - -----day of_-------------A�BrCh, - ------- - -- -A. D., 19--I-0�.---, befare me, ;
<br /> the undersigned, a Notary PubIic_________________________________.____within and for said County, personally came______________________._________________________________________________.�__ '
<br /> -----Jar�ea--�L.--P-isra�---a�nd- �i�n�-a-B-+---P_is�rce-----------huah€ind-----and---�aa.��-----------------------------------------
<br />'i to me personally known to be the identical person_s___whose name�____________�,�E3________________affixed to the above instrument �
<br />�', as grantor_s____, and__.______thB_3r__-_--_severally acknowledged the same to be________thflir_______voluntary act and deed for the
<br /> purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF'I have hereunto subscribed my hand and aflixed my of33cia1 seal at_____________�',r��Ild___—____________
<br /> _____IBI.��ld�.__N�brSB_ka.____ ._ ___.______ __on the date last above w�°itten,
<br /> (SEAL) -------- -------_ _�ohn_.R�---Thomp-s_oxL------Notary Public.----- �
<br /> �✓ly Commission expires------I'_�_1���.��'-�---25----�-h-�-----�9I6��-----------------------------------------j�-------
<br />