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<br /> � . . . _ _. _ ..�_- �-. ___.__ `__'_. _- � ..- ... �' -.
<br /> FROM � � I hereby certify that this instrurnent was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> Grace J. North et al - � 81ed for record this . _ _ __1�_th _ _______day of_______M�r�h ____ __ ____.______
<br /> - --- --..--- -
<br /> ---- ---- - 9. D,, i9 _lg a�t__ __11___ _ _ - --- ------o'clock----- -- - ----------- -A-- --M�
<br /> - -�--- ---__ - -- - - _ _______- -- --- _. _ `WARRANTY �
<br /> �'O � D��D ��� � �
<br /> -°- --- _ . - -
<br /> -- ---- - ---- -- --------------- ------------
<br /> -------?�ill iam C.---Robinson--- ----- ----------------- ----- County Clerk,
<br />�,
<br /> I - -- ------ ----- - --------------------------------------------P---Y---
<br /> - ---- ---------- _.__ - - ---- - � . De ut .
<br /> Know all l�en by These �'resents:
<br /> That---.__�r�a-e-J. _Noxth,- ain�le-�--�nd_SIa_nn_ie--A�- -NQ_rth-,--s_i_n�l�_: __ - ----- -------- -------- --------- ------ _._--- -
<br /> -------------------- - -- -
<br /> of the County of-----------�a�l-------- ---,---- ---- ___ .----and State of- -----__N�l��ask�----- --------- ------ ---_ --- ------- -----Grantor----il------, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of_---One--Ilnll_ar _�and-a�he-x---�-o��--c_o_ns_idar�.�_ions--- - - ------ ------- -- - -- -- ----------------------------------------D��n?q�,
<br /> in hand paid, do_____ I�ereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto___ _ ____ _.__ ____________________..____________
<br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------�li l l_ia�---C�----�-ob i ns o n----------------- ;
<br /> of the County of_------�8�-}-------------------------------------------and State of_------N�kras-k,t�---------------------------- --------, Grantee.----, the following de- '
<br /> scribed premises, situated in the County of_ H311____--_---- ------_-__-_and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> ---------�ats---f:i.v�,--.�_i�c---and---s-e�ren--�-�--6_=-&-�-)----in_B�.�ck--�ta�---eight--�-�-�-----��---�he--Dr_i�i�al-�-i�la�e- -a£- -------------- ,
<br /> ----------�-a-�-r-o-,---�I�br_�.s��-,---as__._�hQwn--bY --the--r_�_�_�_x_3ed pl�.�---�he��s�f-•--------------------------------- - ---- --- - ---------- --------------
<br /> -------------- - - -- ------- ---- --- - --- - --- --- - -
<br /> ---- -_-- ------ ------------------------------------------------------------- -------- -------- ------------------------------------------
<br /> TogetY�er with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belongin�, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim, �;nd
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__________, and of either of them, of, in, or i:o the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto rhe said Grantee. _________and to___________h�.fi�__________.__heirs
<br /> and assigns foreve,r. And______�P8__________hereby covenant_____with the said Grantee______that_________�s_____________hold___.___said premises by good and perfect -
<br /> title; that__._________�¢�___________________ha__�g.good right and lawful authority to sell and convey ihe same;that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever-------------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- --- ----- --- ---=------------------------
<br /> -------------------------------------------------------------�----------------------------------------------------------------------And----------------------------��----- - ---- - ---covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever,__________________________________________________________________________________..______________________________.__
<br />, Dated the- -- f if th - -------------------------day of_-------------�v��r�h------------�------- -----A.D.,19__l�
<br /> WITNESS ------------------------------�'r�A_C_8---+T,.----�lQ��l?�------------------------------------ `
<br /> ------------------------------N�nni�--A•----Nnr�h�-------------------------------
<br /> -----------------�"-•---�------P_ie_r��--------------------------------------------
<br /> ss.
<br /> ------------���.�,---County, On this-------f if_�h--------------------------day of_-- --�d�a.r�h-------- - -------- ---------A. D., 19--1-Q----, before me,
<br /> the undersigned, a Notary Pub]ic_____________________________-___________within and for said County, personally came______________________________________________________________________________
<br /> ----- --- -- �xac-e--�-.---�Io��-Y� a-�t�--�����.�---�.---i�o�-t�-�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be theidenticalperson_s___tivhose name___8__�r�_.____________________af�xed to the above instrument
<br /> as grantor__g___, and_____trBY____________severally acknowledged the same to be__________th��r_______voluntary act and deed for the
<br /> � purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my hand and afi'ixed my otr'icial seal at_.______________.____,___,_____________ .
<br /> __�r_anc3__Is1 and,-_�v$br.�sk�, ____ _�__ __on the date last above written, °
<br /> (SEAL) ------�-- - -___--- VP�-1��_ Piar��------------------- -- -------
<br /> Notary Publie.
<br /> ��y� Commission expires--------�'ebruar_y____lst-�----------------------- --------------------------.19----1�
<br /> � �i
<br />