<br /> �l ;l
<br />. o � � � � � � o � D�
<br /> _ _ _ __- __
<br /> �
<br /> PROM l I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> � . �led fo^ record this 5th--- _.__----daY of-------��Ch-- ---- -------------
<br /> 1�i11iam -D.--Deyeraauh__.and---��if-e-- ------ -- - �
<br /> --- -
<br /> A. D., 19_1Q, at-- _ � _ ---------o'clock--- ---- ---�------A,---M.
<br /> ---- - ---- - -.. _ - __ --- _ _ lWAR�2ANTY ��� ��
<br /> ( DEED c�����_'.,.` a' '-a'
<br /> TO " �
<br />, __ -_ _ __ -- - . - ----- ----- --- -----
<br /> ---
<br />'', Ch�txles F . 'Yattdes County Clerk,
<br /> I ---------- ----------- --- - -- - ---- - . -. ---- - - - --
<br /> _- - - --- - -- - ---- ---------- --------- --------- ------------
<br /> _ - - -- _ ---- � Deputy.
<br />,
<br /> K.now all 1VIen by These Presents:
<br /> That----- _�illiam _A, DovQ.x_�au�---and___Q�rn�hia_A.--Devaraaux,---hu�ban�.--a�c�--��f e,- -_ _ _------- --__-- --- -- -- ----------
<br /> of the County of_�i�.l�.-----�--------------------------------------_.----and State of-----_._Nabx-.-------- - ---- --- -- - -- --------Grantor-s----------, in consider�tian
<br /> Ei ht -- ------------ ------------ ------- ---DOL�AI�S, .
<br /> of the sum of------ ---�----Y_ -seVan_hunc3.r�d- (:�8'700_ 40-) - --- ---- ------ ---- -- -- --- - - ----- -
<br /> ' _hereby GRANT, BARGkIP�, SELL, AND CONVEY unto____ChAr19�_F._Xa.udeB_____________________,________________________________
<br /> in hand paid, do,--,- -------- -
<br />,', of the County of,-----Ha1-1--------------------------------------and State of ----------I�'8-br----------------------------.--------------, Grantee--------, the following de-
<br /> scribed premises, situated in the County of_______�a].1______________________________and State of PTebraska, to wit:
<br /> ----Ttie--s ou�h---half---�S�-)---of--�he--r�o�t��-�@_��---q._L1F�S-fi,-B-r----�N�t��----flf---S��y_iO.n__f�z�'_�e-9xt---��4�---c3-f---�-0-V�8h].T�--------------
<br /> ----Nine ��-)---Narth,--of__Range---Ten----�10)--West---of---thc�---63th_.P,�d-•---in__�ia11---�9�an��r-}---Ns}�x-•--------------------------------------------
<br /> -------------------------------------------- -�------------------------------------------------------- - -- - --- - ---- - ---- - - - ---- ------- ---- -- ------------- --- ------,--------
<br /> li� --------------- --- ------ --------------------
<br /> ----------------- - -- - ----- - - - --- -- - ---- - --- - ---- -- ----- - --- ------ --- --- ----- - ---- ---------- -- ---------- - --
<br /> I �
<br /> ---- -- -- - ------- --------------------- -- --- - ------ -- -- - ----------�------------------------------------------ - - -- ----- ----- ---------------------- ------------------ ---
<br /> -------------- ---- - ---
<br /> -- -
<br /> - - - --- --- ------ -
<br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, anc� appurtenances thereunto l�elonging, and all the Estate, Rig1�t, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Cl�m, and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor____�_____, and oi either of thetn, of, in, or t.o the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto ihe said Grantee____�_______and to_________�,7..�______________.___heirs
<br /> and assigns forever. And_____��re___________hereby covenant_____.with the said Grantee_______that____.___�t�_._______._hold_______said premises by good a,nd perfect
<br /> title; that__________t��_____________________ha__.'St_�ood right and lawful authority to sell and convey�he same;that tbey are free and clear ofall liens and incumbrar�a�s
<br /> whatsoever--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-------------------------------------
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-------
<br />' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------------------------And--------------------�@-------------- ----�------------ - --covenant-------to warrant and
<br />'� defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever,________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
<br /> I�
<br /> --- ------ ------- ------ - -------- ----- --- --- ----- ----------------------- ----- � - --- ----- ------ --------- ------ ----------------- ------ -------- .
<br /> IDated the___ _7�h _------ ------- -- -day of--- --- �anuary------- - _ _ .---A.D.,191Q--
<br /> WITNESS ---------------------------------�Iilli2t2:1 D. Devereaux
<br /> ---------------------------- Cynthi�.--�-�---De_v__ereaux-------------------
<br /> II'I ---------�-1---�-•--�'-�------------------------------------------------- � ��� �
<br />�
<br /> i. . ___________"__'___"__________""_"""___"""__"�_____________________'______'___'"__"_"____'___________"_'_�_'"______
<br />. ss.
<br /> -------kiall---------County, On this __7_th-----------------day of_-------,Ie�n-•------------------------------------A. �., 19--1�---, before me,
<br /> the undersigned, a Notary Publia_____.._______________ ________________________within and for said County, personally came_________________________________________________________________________
<br />, ---�illi.am-D----T�ave_re�ux--anci--Q3r�tlza��-�r---Dev��€�:�.�-r---�usb�:�--�.�c�---v��:€a-f-------------------------
<br />� ------------------------------ ------------ - --- -- - - --- ---------------------------------- --- ----------------------------------------------------
<br /> �
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical persori__�?___ti�hose name_s__�x�__._______________________a�xed to the above instrument
<br /> as grantor_�____, and____�h��r____________severally acknowledged the same to be_____��g�,�_______voluntary act and deed for the
<br /> purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto suhscribed my hand and afl'ixed my otCicial seal at________________._______________________
<br /> __S�oni�h�n.l__ Nebr_*__________,_____ _ _ _on the date last above w�itten.
<br /> (SEAL) ------- - - --- ---___ ._H�__ E_._ --F.ur�.k------------------------- '
<br /> Notary Public. �
<br /> 1�2,� Ap ri 1 17, 1913 . -------------19-------- .
<br /> Cornmission expires---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />------ _ i
<br />