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�`:�. <br /> �� � <br /> DL`� � �J L111 � � 0 � Dn <br />_ . . __ __ _- --- — - _ _,._ �_ —. -- <br />� 3 . 40147�:(LOPP&B8IATLCTTGO•�PR�NTING,LITHOGRAPNING,8T11TIONERY�OMAHq . � - ��� <br />_ ...... :�'_'__ <br /> � . , : . . ::� _ _""'.� _ _-�__..._..____' " -___"_ . - ..__i-�-- �_:_-_ <br /> �,R�� l I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and <br /> Fannie--L. Allan- -ancl__hu�bana--- --- -__----- -. __ <br /> flled for� record this 3rd. ----___ ._ ------day of_ -------MarCh .----- ------- <br /> - - - A, D., 19_1�D., at- _ _ _ � _ ---------o'ciock - --- - ---------P----M� <br /> ---- -- - _ -_- - - - - __ -_ - -_ __ _ �WARR�.NTY <br /> -- - ; <br /> , DBED �� .'�s��, <br /> Z� , --- - - - - °-�- --- ---- --- -------- <br /> Ral�?h I�. All�n. County Clerk, <br /> - -- - - -- _ _ - _ --_ _ _ - _- - - -- - � <br /> - - - --- -- - ---- ------ ---------- ------------ - --- <br /> Deputy. <br /> I�now all 1VI�n by �'�:iese Presents: <br />� That.__�e a-Fann3s _L. A11an_�nc�--�Toh.�__�.�,�,az�,-h��_�a,u�b�nc1,- - - - - - --- -- -- ---- - -- --- _._ _ -- <br />', of the County of-----H3�,-�,- ----- --- _---- -------- ---and State of--'l�Isk�.�_���.�----- - -------- - ---- --- ___ - -- - ----..- -----Grantor-,-6----------, in con�d�a�ti'an <br />�', of the sum ot'-----Two__Huncl_recl---�nc�__t�enty_-f�V9 00-1,00--- ------- ------- -------„- -------. _---- ----- ----- ------- -------➢OLLA.RS, <br /> in hand paid, do ---------------hereby GRANT, BARG�IIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto-------------------_..._----------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------�--��,�.�2�---�-•---sA._1_1��.-A-------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- ---- - -� ----- --- -- -- -------------------------- <br /> of the County of_--------._H�11 --------------and State of_------------�I6-c�'��3kS-----------------------------------�---------, Grantee-------, the followi�g d�e- <br /> i, scribed premises, situated in the County of______�a��..______________________ and State of Nebraska, to wit: ' � <br />'i ---Ls��---fiv�---{-5-�--in--r�Io_c�_nins----t-9�----af---��hirn�uex_�_s-._��.c�.i� -�-a---the---�i��---o�----�r_and--�sla��._,.__I�e'r�raa�a�-- <br /> --�s---�ur_v��e-c�� pla��-e-d-�ncl--r_ecoscl.e�.•-- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------- <br /> --------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- ___-__- --- -- _ -- -------- --- -- ---..---- ---------- - - --------- ----- <br />�, -- -------- - -- ----- ---------� - -- - - ------- ---- -- ----- ------- ----------------- -- - ------------------- <br /> -- ---- ----- ------------ ---------------- --- - - --- ---- -- --- - -- -- -------------------------------------------------- --------- - -------------- ----------------- ------------------- <br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and �11 the Estate, Right, Titl'e, Ir�terest, Dower, Curtesy, G�laim,,and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor___ _______, arrd-��i#;�e�ef-t,�am, of, in, or �,o the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to____._____hi�__________________heirs <br /> i and assigns forever. And__�tte____ _________hereby covenant______with the said G:antee__.____that________g��_____________hold_____.._said premises by good �xtd petfact ` <br /> title; that_____ _��e__ __________________ha�'e__good right and lawful authority to sell and convey�he same;that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbra�nces <br /> whatsoever_----------------------- ----�-------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - -- --- ---------------------------- - <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And-------------------�� --covenant------,to �varrant and <br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever,_________________________________________________________________________________.___.______________.__..___.____.___ ' <br /> Dated the_ _3rti _ _ ___- -------- -----------------day of_------,��C.b.-------- ------- --------- ____...A.D.,19_10. <br /> WITNESS ------------------------------F82�213.8-I'-�----A�.].an------------------------------------- <br /> ---------------------------�o�n__,����-_------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---------�-�--El l i ot t�------------�-------------- ----------- - --------- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. <br /> --Hall-------------County, On this-----------=--�TS3.-- - -- ----- --day of---------------��e.T_�h ------ -----�-- --- - -A. D., �9--1Q ---, before me, <br /> the undersigned, a Notary Public_____________________________.._____within and for said County, personally came______________________________________________________________________________ <br /> - -----------F�.��ie---L-.---A�.-la� -anc�--Jah�-�11��-�-- �e-r---��a-ba�d,------------------------------------�----------------------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__Ei___whose name_____�__are_______________________affixed to the above instrument <br /> as grantor�_____, and_____�he�-------------severally acknowledged the same to be____t�.Q�„s._________voluntary act and deed for the <br /> purpose therein expressed. , <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my hand and afI'ixed my ofl3cial seal at_ <br /> _---_r�,�Xl�.---1_:31�.�1�.._-_-__-___ . ___ ___---__-- _-on the date last above w�itten, <br /> (SEAL) ---------- - - - - Glaude--E113,ott-- -------------------- --� -- -- >> <br /> Notary Public. <br /> M� Comrziission expires------�e C-'----��--�-�--1915.------------------------------- - -- ---------i9-------- ' - <br />