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<br /> D � � � � � C� O � D� . �
<br />_ �_ _ _ __ _
<br />_ _ _ _ _ T _� _ __ - �__
<br /> .�Q��'�.�:S1.OFPh�NATL6TTCO..PRINTING,LITHOGRAPHING,5TAT10NENY�OM/�H11 . ._ . . _. . �
<br />- :.:..- .. . . . . .. . .. . _.-. .. . ,. -. ..__ .-- _..=-N.:.�.��_'_.��.�`�=
<br /> FROM l I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> e
<br /> �dvrard E. Bri�tin and wifo filed t'o� record t�is_____ _____�r�__ ____________day of__March_________.____
<br /> ---- ------- -- - ----- ----- _ _
<br /> - --- -- --
<br /> �. D., i9_1(�, at___ _ 11. __ _. -
<br /> ----------�'clock-- -- --- ---- ------------A-----M•
<br /> ------- - - -- - - - ___- -- ---- _--- - - ----- <WARRANTY
<br /> ( DEED � '��
<br /> T0 '� �' .
<br /> �_ = c-�_,�
<br /> _- __ _ _ -- --- --- -- -- - ------- ----------
<br /> County Clerk,
<br /> r.ci�3r _S._ Lea_y_on��orth--- ----- - --- - --
<br /> � - - __--- - ----- ----- ------- --------- - ------- ---------
<br /> _ - --- -- - .----- --_ ._-- - Deputy,
<br /> Know all 1V.�en by The�se Present�:
<br /> That------��ra --,---Edwara_E.---Bxittin__.ancl--r�amiQ___Brit.�i21, __h_usr�anci---an�--�tife,------ --------- _ _ --- --- - --------- ------ ----- ----
<br /> --------------------- ---- --- - - - - __ ------ ---- ------- - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•----
<br /> of the County of--._----�Ia11 _ and State of__-__--_N81��3�is.�_._______-__---__---- - -------_-_-_--_--Grantor-�----_.--_--, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of_---- _��e�ten.__Thata.s�d - &-�-a--- - ------ -- -- - - - - -- ---- ----- - - -- - - -- -------- - ----- -- -- ------ ---DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do.__ ____ -- --- ---hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto_- ----- - __ ___ _----- ------------ ---- -------- --- ----------
<br />'' ------------ -----------------------------------------Edgar--S.--Le�_y_onwarth------------------------------- -- - - -
<br /> -- -- ------ ------------- -------- ----------------
<br /> ,
<br /> of the County of_-----------------��1�-------------------------and State of------------------Ns�.��3sk�---------------------------------------, Grancee-------, the following de-
<br /> scribed premises, situated in the County of____K�11_ ____________and State of Nebraska, to tivit; t�tro paTCelB of lant� layin� in
<br />;I' Section No. Twen-�y (24) , in �o��rnshir� ido. Ten (10) , 2�orth, of Ran�e No. Eleven (11) , Weat of tk�a
<br /> �.th-Pxa,r�6i��.---�de-r-i�ii��-7---��r��-��z�a-r-ly---de-a-�-�i�s�--��---fr�-1-14wa,---�o-w� -�-----�egir�r����-,-��i��3�--�-��---{-���---rads
<br />' & si:r (G) �'eet eaa� of the south weet corner of the north half (N�-) of the aouthEQa�at quarter of
<br /> -- --------- -----._ --- ------------------------------------------- --------------- -------- - --------------------------
<br />' �aid section twanty, anct r�annin� eaat one hundrod twentyt7irQe rods, ten feet , six inche�, thence
<br /> nQr_th,--�ar-��-���18---r�$-J---$�.'4---�E���-j- ��F�---�-��i�8$-f •-�i-�'i�i�1G8--�L�T��-�.��---W�EVi��--O�B---Y�IkIi��E�----r�V�8T3#i����ee---�rod�-,
<br /> ten fest , cix inchas , thence aouth for�y-one rods, six feet, ten inches, ta the place of beginnin:�
<br /> c�----c�ont�in�.n-r�---thirty-t�ro---a����--�c�g�---t�r---Y-�-��-,--�.�id -tn� riext �arcal- descril�ecl--as -follaws:--- �ommeric-inU
<br />� at tha Northwe�t� coxner, �outh :vQ�t quarter of said section no . (20) , twanty,___thance__runnin�_________
<br /> ---------- - - --- ---------- ------ ---- --- --- - --------- ---------- -- -- ---------- --------- ---- -- - - ------- ----- -
<br /> �� north, forty-�our rods thence east thirty-six rods six feet, thence south, forty
<br />' ��u:� _rods-l---thenco__;_v_��t--,---thi_rty__-�i.x____r__o�a-,---�-ix__fae�---�c�---�n-Q---�1ac�----Qf__�a�inniz�.�___�n�3---aon�a_ini.ng.--�-en---
<br /> acras r�ore or less, 3nd all laying in the North hal�__of__the___South_-west___.quarter___of__said___S�.___�0_
<br /> ---------- -- - ----- ---- ------ ------ ------ -- --- - ------------- -- --- - ---- --------
<br /> �p--.---10-.--�?,an��---11-,---�ie�t--af--t'ne__�ixth__Pr_incinal--?�ex���i�.n;----�ul����t----�Q---�---��_�a�in---m9r_�-�a��--in---the---�um `
<br /> of---=�3000_00 a11 of which the �r3ntee__assu�nas---and---agr_e___e__s---to--pay_.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `
<br /> Together with all t1�e tenements, hererlitaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim, and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_._. �____, aud of either of them, of, in, or �o the szenre;•o, any part thereof.
<br /> � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee___.______and to_____h�.s_,__________._______heirs �� �
<br /> and assigns forever. And_____y�g._ �--. _______hereby covenant_____.with the sard Grantee___ __that____�tQ__now____hold___ __said premises by good and perfect . ,
<br /> title; that_________ti�e_______________________ha_Y�_good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same;that they are free and elear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever---------------�x���t----�S--�l��z��----m�lz�is�n�-d--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> I�' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------.�- ---- ----------------------------------
<br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And------------------------�a------ - ------------------ -----covenant--------to warrant and
<br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever,.__________________________________ _____.________________.._________________ _________________
<br /> 2t-�th
<br /> Dated the_ _ _ . _ _------------------------------.day of------------------- ---F�h���:-y-------- -------A.D.,191Q_
<br /> WITNESS -------------------�------------Edwa�d---E-_---Br-�t'�.�n.-�----------------------
<br /> _""'_'"'"___"_"_"_""______'_________'_____aMtil�M�i_L7_'_�k[de_�_V_V_�iki_'__'____'"'____'"_____-___""_" '.
<br /> ------------------�3.---��---Eaton-=----------------- --- -----------------
<br /> ------------- ---�-�--R�----R9_9�-•----------------------- ------- - ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ss.
<br /> _�iall-------------County, On this_---------1fit---- -- --- --_day of--- ------MarCh-- - -- ---- -- ----- ---A. D., 19----1�--, before me,
<br /> the undersigned, a Notary Public______________________________________within and for said County, personally came___________________________________________________________________________ `
<br /> Edward E. Brittin and Mamie Brittin, his wife,
<br /> --------------------------------------------- ---- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_�_____whose name__.s___��'9___-_____________________affixed to the above instrument
<br /> as grantor__Q__, and____________�7�,8�r__.severally acknowledged the same to be_______�h_�i�_______._voluntary act and deed for the
<br /> purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREO� I have hereunto subs�ribed my hand and afl'ixed my of�cial seal at_ _________________________
<br /> ___ �oo�.___RivQ_x_�_.__________________ __.____.____ __.on the date last above written.
<br /> (SEAL) _ _H. P. Burr�ood
<br /> ------------ -- _ _- - - - - ------- --------------- ------ --- ----
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> ' My Commission expires----- --------------------April_�_�:t1:--1�15.-.------------------------------------1�--------
<br /> �
<br />