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.. , ' � ,t., . � . ' . ' ` ' .�. � � � . , . - . . .. �_ . - � ! � . .... �t,� . . .'��;. <br /> • . ` , ' . . . . . • . . � .� �� t•Pc <br /> '_ . . . . . � � . . � . � ` � 4 . . ' � . . _ <br /> ' . � ' � .... ' " <br /> �... .� ... _ <br /> .. ` i . , , ' . ` . 'f__ '__"_'_ _—_ -:� <br /> . ; �?������ . , t � . ' ,�. <br /> • l7.Trar�fer of the Propert�os-a Beneficial Interest in Borro�r•er. If slf ur am part�tC the Propert} ur:ui�� intere�t in it . � , , . _ <br /> • i,,��Id.�r ir:s►z.,frrrcd t�x if s beneficial interetit in Sorruwer i��old ur tran,ferred and Bum�wrr�t s natura!prnun�without , _ <br /> �'� LcnJrr'. pri��r aritten �un,ent_ L.cnder may, at it, optiun, require immeciiete pa�ment i❑ full of all ,um. ,�tiured b} chi. ' '. <br /> Srcunt} In.trument. Howr��r, thi.updun tihall not be exerci,eci b} L_nder if exrrci,e i+prohibite.�i b� federal la« �.�oF the ci:ste . � ' ':�-~ <br /> z uf thi,Sc�iurit} In.truruent. , <br /> • �- If LcnJrr rxcrci,rti thi,upuun. Lendrr,hall gi�e Borrower notire uf acreleration. Z'he notice�hall praride a peri�xi �rf not _ , - <br /> •�'�� Ie.,than �0 J:i}. frum the datr the notice i� delivereJ ur maileJ within which Born�utr mutit pa}� all .um�+ecured b}� thiti . .- -. -. <br /> } Srrurit� In.trument. If Burrow�er fail,ro pa} the�e�um.prinr to the expiration of thi,prrind, Lender may in�oke am remcJic.� � • <br /> permitted b�•thi,Securin� Inntrumertt without i'urther notice or demand�m Borrower. ` . ., � <br /> 18. Borro�ser s Ri�ht to Reittstate. If Bc�rrower meet. certain conditiom. Borrower tihall hnve the right to hdve . � � <br /> i; enti�nement of thi, Securit}� Instrument dixontinued at any time prior tu the r�rlier uf: �a) 5 day� �e�r �.urh other period a+ <br /> : applicable law mxy +perity Cur rein�tatement) beFore sale of the Property pur,uanc tu any pouer uf,ale c�mtained in thia . . . • �� — <br /> � Security In,trument:i�r Ib)entry of s juJgment enfnrcing this Sctiurit�• In�trument. Thotie condition�,are that Burrow•er.(a)pays ^ , . <br /> i Ixnder :sll+ums which then would be due under this Security In,trument and the Note a�if no acceleratiun hnJ occurred: (b1 . � • Y" "�. <br /> ; cum any default of any other covenants or a�reement+: (c) pay�all expenses incuned in enforcing thi� Se�.-urity Iatitrument. . --�.____ <br /> � including,but not limited to. reationable attomey�' feeti: and (di cake�such action a, Lender may rea�onably require to as�ure • `' .:.' <br /> '� that Ihe lien of[his Security Instrument. Lender'ti rights in the Property and Borrower's c�bligation to pay the,ums seru�ed hy ' ':- "":":_. <br /> � this Sec�rity Instrument .hall conunue unchanged. Upon rein,tatement by Burrower, thi� Securit� Intitrumen[ and the �,�- <br /> obligations�ecured hereby �hall remain fully effecave a+if no prceleration had occurred. Haa�ever, thi,right t��reinstate�hall -��'.' <br /> not apply in the��a.�e uf ucceteration under paragraph 17. , �"''.'' . ', <br /> 19. Sale of liote: Change of Loan Sen�icer. The Ivote or a p:utial interest in the Note ttc�gethrr with thi. Security , , . . .- ��"�'- <br /> In�trumrnU may he�old one or morc time,ti�ithuut prior nntire to Borrowcr. A sale may re�ult in a rh;u�ge in the entity i known "'-,-� ?�'�°'� ' a <br /> a�the "I.uan Servirer"1 that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument.There also may be one � - T� - "�� <br /> �u more change.ul'the L.oan Servicer unrelateci to a�ale uf the No[e. If there is a ch•ange of the Luan Sen•icer. Burrower will be , � <br /> gicen w�ritten notice of thr change in aca�rdnnre with paragraph I-4 sbi��e and applirable law. The notice w�ill �t;ite the name and --��T <br /> ' �� a�ress of thr new Luan Sen•icer and [he addre>� tu u:-c.-:�payment, �hould be madc. The notice ��ill altiu amtsm any other . • F. <br /> infurm�tion reyuired by applirable law. � � , <br /> ��' 20. Ha7,�rdous Substances. Burruwer �hall not rau,e or permi[ the pre+ence. u,e. ntorage. or relea,e nf am� � t' -- <br /> Haz:udous Sub�tance+ nn or in the Property. Be�rrnwer ,hell not do, nor alluw anyunr eltie w J<i, any[hing afftcting th; "` �3' '- <br /> Propeny that is in �•ialatiun ut'any Encircmmental Law. The prece�ing two aentenceti tihall nut apply to the pre�ence. use, or ' �#`� . <br /> -- ��. <br /> .torage un the Property oi'timall yuantitie�o(H:+u:►rduu� Subrtance� that are generall. mrognized to be appropriatt tu normal .' a "�.:� <br /> re�iJential u�r.and tu maintenence uf the Pruperty. ._. <br /> . ��,'. : ��. .i: i' , �; _. <br /> Burrourr.hall promptl�• s�ive C.ender uritten nutice of any� inve�tigation,claim. demand, law,uit ur other action by am .�,.�:;.P�;� � <br /> •' governmental or regulatory agency or pmacz p�rty involving the Property and any Haz:irdous Sub�tnnre or Envirunmcntal La�ti °=`�'' , <br /> .'<.t� of which Burruwer hati sctual knowle�lge. If Borrower leam,. ur i, notified hy any govemmental ,�r regulatory authonty,that ' .'�•' �'� <br /> � an� remu�•al ur other remuliation uf any Ha�ardou+ Sub,tance affecting the Propeny i. ne�e.sar}•.Borrower,hall promptly take �' ;.��,: i; <br /> ; aii nc:ees,ary remedial actions in accordanee with En�ironmental Law. •�,�,,;;�::.: T�,; --- <br /> AS UytlJ in thiti paragraph _'0. "Har.:irduu,Sub,tan.��+" are tho�e tiubtitances detined ati toxu ur h:unrdou� sub�tances b}• �.•��,� �� - '-;;; <br /> -�� Em•ironmertai law and the follow�ing +uh.tance�. gstioline. kerosene. uther tlammable or tosic petmlcum products, toxi: ' `i • <br />• pe+ticide�and h�r;�icides, volatile+olvent�. matcrials rontaining atib�wtrn or formaldehy de,and radio:�ctrve materialy. As useci i: �'�'`` •- � <br /> ,�T. �� `. ��. <br /> • thia p�ragranh 'J. "Environmental Lxw" mean, federal law. and Isw, of the jun.d��cion where the Property i� located that ��,�� .,, <br /> relxte to hralth,szfety or em ir�mmental prote�Kion. � _*n"�'"��'� '� ?� <br /> NON-UNIFORM CO�"�EtiANTS. Borrower and Lender further wvenent and aer�c:a.followti: � •':-�;�_.. �:�� <br /> 21.Acceleration;Reme�i�.Lender shall�;ive noiice to Borrower prlor to s:celeration[ollowinR Borrower s breach •�-,-,:,;, <br /> of any covenani or agreement in thts SPCUrity Instrument (but nat prior to acceleration under parn�raph 17 unless ' '��'`,''`� � >- <br /> .A=:�';:•'� <br /> applicable law provtdes otherwise). The nntice shall specify: {a) the dei'ault; (b)the action required to cure the default: .r_--. <br /> (c)a date. not less than 30 days from t6e date the notice is given to Borro�ver,by �vhich the default mu�t be cvred;and ` '"��=��'� <br /> . (d)that failure to cure the dePault on or before the�ate speci�ed in the notice may result in acceleratian oP the sams ���� -- <br /> secured by this Security Iastrument and sale of the l�coperty. The notice shall Pvrther inform Borrower of the ri�ht to �.=l:,*,,.. � -'� •�r,,; <br /> s__. <br /> �`.� <br /> reinstAte after acceteratfon and the rlght to bring a court action to asxert the nnn-exi.stence of a default or any other ,,�_- <br /> defense of �orrower to acceleration and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the date speciiied in the notice. ; q <br />`s'.'.`. Lender. at its o r uire immediate ayment in full of all sums secured bv this Sacurit Instrnment wlthoui . �v� <br /> P Y eq P y �-�'� . . ..,'•. <br /> fu�ther demand and may invoke the po�ti•er of sale and aoy other remedles permltted by ap f��ble law. I,eader shall lt� � ��' <br /> � entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuin�/he remedies provided in t�i6s�paragraph Zl,includin�,but not limited -"=n' "°� <br /> to.reasanable attorneys'fe�and costs of titte evidence. ': '�r"� �"`" <br /> If the po�ser of sale is invoked. Trustee shaU recard a notice af defau".s E:� each county in which any part ot the ''i:x`` __.�''=���=�°� �t` <br />� Property is located and shall mail copi�of such notice in the maezr�r prescri�ed by applicable Iaw to Borrower and to , T.,,:.''�'T -- <br /> the other persons prescribed by appldca�f�law.After the time req4c�ed by applicable law,Trustee shall�ive publlc notice _ � <br /> of sale to the persons and in the manner pr�cribed by applicable laa.Trustee,without demand on Borrower.shall sell , . -. ` � <br /> the Property at public auction to the hi�hest bidder a?the time and place anm urder the tern�s desi�nated in the notice of , �. . <br /> sale in ane or more parcels und in any order Trustee determines. Trustee ma� postpone sale of all or any parcel of the _ <br /> Property by publle announcement at the time and Fzce of any previously scheduled sale. lxnder or its desi�nee may � . � : ,,- -_. <br /> purchase the Froperty at any sale. <br /> ,�-..�...,1.f:�..-.- <br /> S. <br /> .�:. <br /> . Porm 3028 9/S0 '� �: � . ' <br /> vny�'5 0�e � . . - —_- <br /> , ' � <br /> � . . . ', ' . . ' . . . . , • . . � <br /> � _ . . . ' , �,. <br /> . . . � � . � � . - .��. <br /> " . . � � ' ' ' . . � ' � �� <br /> - . - . • " . � '. - _ t.__- <br /> � , ' . - � _ . � . - _ � � � . - �+�,ae <br />.._ _. c --T---+ - . .. � . . . ... _ r . . .. � ` ' � . ' . - . : . �_ , - <br /> ,, .� . <br /> • <br /> .� . .�, .. . . . , . . • � .I. 1 '' . , . . � , • . . . - . . ' . . ! . '_ . . <br /> . .. .. . . • . . . . � . . . •• . . . . _ . , . . . .. . .. �. , a....:! . . . .. <br />