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���:1 <br /> D [� � � � � C� O � D� <br /> � . _ .�.__ -- �_ ___�--__� <br /> R 40147- <br /> KLOPY&6AFlTL6TTCO..PfiiNTING.LITHOGRIIPHING,STNTIONEXY,OMAHA �� i - � � � � � <br /> _ _ . _ __ _- _, --, <br /> PROM � I hereby certify that this instrutnent was entered on Numerical Index and ' <br /> � flled fo?� record this __ 5'�h_---- _ __---__ <br /> --- -- --Care�- J.- Po�e �_ ti�ri�e -- _ - ---day of_.Eebruar-�' --- - ---- - <br /> _ . �; <br />; --- - - ,, <br /> A. D., i9__�.0, at____ �. - - --- -----o'ciock--- - - --------P-----------M. ; <br />'' ------ rO --- -- __ -- -- �WADEEDTY �� � <br /> - _ _ _ --- � - - --°`�"�'�-�-�-- --- -- <br /> County Clerk, ;, <br /> ------ --- -------T-�---��---�'arc�.ner - - -- ----- <br /> _ <br />� �; <br />' -- - -- -- --------- ------- ---------- -------- --------- - <br />'; --- - --- --- - - -� -- - -- - ---- -- -- - - J De ut <br /> P y <br /> -- -- --- --_— ---- --- ---- -� <br /> ---- -- ------ -, <br /> I�now all l��n by These Pre�ents: <br /> That.--- -�'r�_� Carey__J. _.Poge and_�v�r�r�.s_a�___L.___Pop-e-,__hu�b�.nd. �nd vr.if'_e-,---- -----_ ----__-- __ _ - --- ----- _____- - -----_.___ �: <br /> of the County of_ I-[311-------------------------------------and State of---I�t�3k�_r�s�3_------.---------------_- -.-------------�rantor�----------, in consideration ;� <br /> of the sum of-------- - --Tt�A--��tz�c��'eC�.-��L�--��f�3t----- -- - - ---- - - - ----- -- - -- ---- ------- - --- - ------------ -------------------- ---------DOLLARS, ` <br /> in hand paid, do_____ ____ _ ___ _hereby G�ANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto __ _ _ _ _ ____ _ __ _._ ____ <br /> T. $, �ardner <br /> of the County of-- -H�11. - - - --- --- ---and Sta�e of_-----�1�_��'��1�a----- - - _ - - - --- , Grantee-----, the following de- ' <br /> scribed premises, situated in the County of__________�ia��__________________________and Sta,te of Nebraska, to wi�: ` <br /> _ ;' <br /> ------------L4 t---Nca-_---I,I sn�---���----a.-n-n�o c k__�I�,�--Far��._f_�u.:c----(��4�---in--R�.�s_�_e1---�}a.aalers--Arlai�io�-to--��a�--------------- <br /> ----------I�lanu,---I�e�rasic�a- a�--the--s�ri�-i� �ur�,T��r��,--�'-7.�����i---and---ra�_s��c�e_cL.------ --- ------------ ---------- ------------- , <br /> �:s <br /> •----------------- - ----- - -- -- -- - - -_ _ _- - --- ---- - -- -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- --- ---------------------------------------- <br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Clairrn, and ' <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__�._____, and of either of tham, of, in, or ro the same, or any part thereof. <br /> TO HAVE�AND T0 HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and�to_____________hig______________heirs s <br /> and assigns forever. And________�Q_._.__._._hereby covenant_____.with the said l�rantee_______that___s��__.____.___.__hold______said premises by good and perFect <br /> title; that_________________r��____._______hay�3___good right and lawfu� authority to sell and convey ihe same;that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbranaes <br /> whatsoever----------------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - ------------- -- ------------------------------- <br />� ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And--------'-��---------------- ------ -.---covenant-------to warrant and <br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever,___________________________________________________________________________.________.____._____. <br /> Dated the- - _ �hirti - - of_---------Febx-uF�J------------------:- ----A.D.,19_09_ <br /> i <br /> WITIVESS ---------------------Car e;�---J�---Pa�?�------------------------------------------------------ '. <br /> , <br /> ---------------------1,:ar�a-r__��---L�---PQ��---------------------------------------------- ' <br />, Ja�:}ee E. L�ill ' <br /> --- -------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ <br />'� ------- - -- ------------- --------------------------------------------- <br /> ----------------- --------- - -------- ---------- -------- ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; <br /> _ <br />'� --------•------ <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br />' Hall Y� ss. <br />' -------------- ----------Count On this--- -- -------3Td-- - --------day of--- --Februar�l' - --;----A. D., i9--�k9---, before me, <br /> the undersigned, a Notary Public ____________within and for said County, personally came <br /> -------- ---------------------------------------------------- <br /> ; <br /> ----------C-a��-e-�--a�---�?o�e--,�nc� ���r�;ai�-t- �.- Po-�3e,--�is ��fe-�---------------------------------------------------------------------- _,; <br /> --------------------------------- --- -- -------- -- - - --- ------------ ------- -------- ---- ------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be theidentical person__5___whose name.__�___;3:C�_____________________af�xed to the above instrument ''� <br />� as grantors___._, �,nd______the_�?__________severally acknowledged the same to be____'�h_e�.x__________voluntary act and deed for the <br /> purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my hand and affixed my otI'icial seal at____.__________________________________ '� <br /> �'i antz I�lancz�_Nebr . __ __.____on the date last above w.�itten, <br />' ��EAL) ----------- - - - - . __- J� -E __Dill_----- -� --- ` <br /> Notary Public. <br /> . July__16th' -------------------------------19_13_ ; <br /> IVIy Comrnission expires-------------------- ----------------------------------- <br /> �; <br />` � <br />