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- - <br /> 4•�t1 <br /> D � � � [�. � C� O � D� <br />_ _ _ _ _ =� _ _ s_ � <br /> K6CPPLBARTLLTTCQ.�PRINTING.LITHOGR�IPHING.5Y11TiONEAY�OMAHA _.:.. ...- T �...=�,' . -�� ' y .-�:: .' ..- � . <br /> 4014�-. _ . - E� _ _ -: <br /> FROM � I hereby certifs% that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and !I <br /> ! Pe�er �. I��llo ' "-vJ�f-t3------- ------------ � fiIed for record this_ ._------- u�'n� --------day of___ Janttary._----- ------- - !, <br /> - -- - - <br /> �__ � ; <br /> A. D., 19 �C� at-- ---- . 3-3�- -----o'clock - - -----P-----M• ,, <br /> _ ---- -- - l WARRANTY � <br /> -- --- -- -- - - -TO /� �-_ <br /> -- � ' <br /> f DF�D � ,�, <br /> `•-= - �� �. � - --- -- ----- - ---- - <br /> � ` - <br /> A. �. Fr'��.e r " County Clerk, <br /> ------------ --- -- ----- - ---- -- -- -- ---- <br /> � -- -- ---- - - -- --------------------------------- --------------- ---- '' <br /> - --- --- -- -- j Deputy. <br /> Know all 1dI�n by �'hese Presen�,s: <br /> That-- - '��re-� Pe�ar-C.__I�eiley_ ��_r.a. _�Tir�ic--��elle�;�- lii-s_-vrifea —_�-- - _ _ - - --_ - , <br /> of the County of--------���11 -------- ------ -------and State of _ii�l�r-�.�.�----- ------- ------------Grantor----�--------, in con�ider,�tion <br /> --Cne___T.�o__11a`�: .-------�---�x�a--o�_�"���_x___�c2��_i_desa�ions} ---- ----__-- � <br /> of the sum of_--- - - ' -- - ---- ------- ------- - - ---- -----DOLLARS, ; <br /> i <br /> in hand paid, do----- -_.__---- ----------hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto-------_.._----- -- -------- __----- ------- -------------- -------- ------------ <br /> ----------------------------------- ----------------------------�'--E.---I'r�i�er-�-------------------------------------------__ _ --- - -- � <br /> of the County of_---- -------- --Hal l_----- ---------- -----------and State of_-------i��l�r�:_L�---- --------------- __--- ------ ----, Grantee------, ��e followin,g de- <br /> scribed premises, situated in the County of__________�_ia11 ___ _ __ __ ____ _and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> Tize undivic:ied half ai___the___e�st_e_r1T,�__half___oy___tha___southerl;�__Y1�1.f___of'___lot__fi.�r�___�5�___and___th_e___un_d�._-_.__ " <br /> ---_v__ia��__nalf--o�---Lot---�ix---(�-)------al�---�.n--k�lo�_�k__n_inet_aan--(1�-I----nf----�hs---�"n�n---o�--Alda---in--�:a1�---Cr�-r��-�z----�-------- " <br /> --i`;���r�_s�.�.-�----�u----�ur�r3y_�-��---�1ai:�e�-anci.--xecoxra�rl-.--- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- - <br /> ---��_Ze--s�id---�auu:���:-�,-y-=r��f---�f---�,a�---�--�����g----�e-e�- eonve3r�tl--�o-��.�ci-P��er--�-,-��el�c-�-}r-i�--�:��- ----------- -- __ ': <br />', -----a_Tm_coir_G C� -�?-�i�:�--Qr P���x_�_.�:.-��e_l_l_o��---�n�__s_3ic1_ln�-- -�--havin�;- =��Bn--canu-��,�:d--t-a--hi�u---�`.� -�-��---- ------------------ ; <br />'' ----=�t�'-1�- °�----'-'1'� �-�---��c 1_7���'.' • )------- ----- ' <br /> -------------- ---- - - -- - -- ----------- -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- <br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thsreunto belonging, and all the Estate, Righ�, Tit1e, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim, and . <br />, Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor___r______, and of either of them, of, in, or �,o the same, or any part thereof. \ <br />� TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto ihe said Grantee_________and to_________r�S______________.___heirs ; <br />�'I and assigns forever. And :��_ ___________hereby covenant______with the said Grantee____ ___that______ __'�r�___________hold________said premises by good ��� ��rf'ect ° <br /> I�'' title; that___ _._____ `'G_______ ________ha___v__e_good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same;that they are free and elear of all liens and inct�anbra,n�s 's <br /> whatsoever-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; <br />' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�--------- <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- - ---------- ----------------------------- : <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------And--------���-�-------------------------------------------------- ----covenant-------to warrant and , <br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever___________________________________________________________________________________________________________.__.._____..____ ' <br /> ---- ---- -------=--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ' <br /> i <br /> Dated the---- �l�t;-- --------------------------- Y of--------------Jant�ai-y------------------ -- ---A.D.,.1910_ <br /> � ------da <br /> WITNESS -----------------------Pet_er---C-�---I�e l ley_.----------------------------------------------- <br /> ' ---------------------Vi rui e--Ke 11 e Y----------------------------------------------------- 'i: <br /> John Thom�;�en, <br /> ` ---------------------•---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; <br /> ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - <br /> STATE OF NEBRASgg, . <br /> ----------Hall--------County, ss. On this--------tilst------------------- -----day of_------Janttar_Y_ -- - -- - -- - -�. D,, 19--�--Q----, before me, <br /> the undersigned, a Notary Public__ ________________________.___within and for said County, personally came________________________________.____________________________________________ <br />' --------- - - --�?eter-G-�---tie_11�Y--and-ti-sr-ule--��e_11e,T-�---niU_ti�rife-�----------------------------------------------------------------- '. <br /> -------------------------------------------- - ------------- - --------- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be theidenticalperson_�___whose name___s__ar�_________________________af�xed to the above instrument <br /> as grantor__;,___, and______4�Z���r.________severally aeknowledged the same to be____�?�4.1_�_____________voluntary act and deed for the '. <br /> purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my hand and a�3xed my oflicial seal at_______________________________________ <br /> __________�1c��.___i_r_._._s�iC�___CpL�nu�_______________on the date last-above written. _ <br /> (���:la L) ----------__ -- ---John_.Tho2:�s:�en-�---- ---------- ------- --- ; <br /> Notary Publie. <br /> My Commission expires---- ---------------�'e�t ex=ii�ez'---��--,----1915 . - -------------------j�------- , . <br />- ___ _- ,� <br />