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<br />. . ... .... .......- . ._:.- �::.-::, _._=:. .. .___.
<br /> 9 FROM � I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and �
<br /> �
<br /> �led fo� record this_____.__1Q�_h _____________day of________NBV�mbe-T-. ------ --
<br /> ---- ---�g_Q r�;e- �1•--C n�ra;:�--a��.--^ri��- - -- ---- - ' i;
<br />, A. D., 19__Q�, at-- 9 - ---- ----o'cIock---- - --- -- --------�-•------�� '
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<br /> ns�n - �
<br />�I T0 � ' „
<br /> - -- _���_ . -- _- -�-E�--� --
<br />' County Clerk, ;
<br /> I ------- -- --�-i�rr_Y -D- �rQUt -- - -- -- - ----- - '
<br /> � � - -- ---� -- ------- ------- ---------- ------- ----- �
<br /> ---- -
<br /> -- ---- ---_-- - - ---
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<br /> � , -- Deputy. E;
<br /> ------- ----- _- ------------ — -- - . - -�
<br />�
<br /> _ I�.now all 1VIen by These �resents: �
<br />'� That-- �!e_ reorge -"l._ Go��a�._ar�d S.--E1�:a Conrat�,Husb�nd_an�_ ;ari-��-___. --- _. _ __. _ _ _. _ --._ _. _ ;"
<br /> --------------------- - ---- ---- - - -- - ------ - -- -- --- ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------------------------------------------- �
<br />' ---and State of __-----------NQ�xa.s-kF�----- ------- - -----------.t�rantor-8---------, in consider�tion
<br /> 'of the County of----- - -- H3�1 --- -- -_ ---- --
<br /> ,
<br /> of the sum of_�---- - - --- --F-�tas--Th�zz��.nd--- - ---- ------ - ---- --- -- --- --�--- - -- -� - --- -- - -- ----- ---- -- -------�--------------------DOLLARS,
<br /> ;
<br /> in hand paid, do---- ---- --- ----------hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, �1ND CONVEY untio---------- ------ -- _ _---- --------- ------ ------- ---------- --
<br /> ----- ----- -
<br />'� ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------har_x-�--��---.Tro_ut------------------------------------------------------ ---------- - -- ------- ------------- ----------------------------- �
<br />, of the County of_-------------------Ha_ll--------------------------and State of_ ------- ----N6�T��_1��.---- ,------- --- _-,- -------------.---, �rantee------, the �o�lowing de-
<br /> scribed prenlises, situated in the County of_____ __________H�11___________________and State of Nebraska, to u�it:
<br /> ---------------A�l_--�f---I�-o-ts--�-�-�--s c ven-�-and-----E-�)----s_ight-,-H1QC-k---(,�D-)----�'e n---B?�8 t t__�.z�d.__Js�hns-o-n!-�---addit_i_�n--ta---------------
<br /> -----------_V_il1a��--{�f--�too�i_F�iuer_,_t�eb�asl�a� ---- -- - -----------------------------� ----------------------------------------- -------------------- --- ------------- -------------
<br /> -------- ----- - ---- - -- - - -- - -- -- - ---- - - -- -- - - ----- - -------------- ----� ------- - ---- - - -- ------ -- - --- ------------------------------------------------- ;,
<br /> --- -_ _- ------- - -- ------------ -- - � -- ----- - - - --- -- - -- - ---------------------------�--------------- -- -- - -- - -------------------- ----- ---- ------------------- ;
<br /> ----------------- ---- - --- --- - --- ---- -- - - _ -- - _ ----- - ---------- ----�------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditalnents, an� appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the Estate, Right, TitIe, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Cl�im, and ;,
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor-S-______, and of either of theln, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________and to___.__________�i�_______.___heirs !
<br /> ' and assigns forever. And_______�ee.__________hereby covenant______with the said Grar�tee._____t1�at__________�t�_____.___kold________said premises by good and per�ect !`
<br /> i
<br /> '`�itle; that____._ _____]�Q_____ _______ha__yegood right and lawful autlzority to sell and convey rhe same;that they are free and clear of all liens and ineumbrar�aes '
<br /> _whatsoever_------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
<br />' -----------------------------------------------------�-----------------------------------------------------------------�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .
<br /> ----------------------------------------------=------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- - ------ ---- ----------------------------------- ;
<br /> ,`------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------And---------------------------�g------- ------------- -----covenant--------to warrant.and '
<br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever_______________________________________________________________________________.__._____,_.________.____________________
<br /> ----- �----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�----------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Dated the- _ - 14�h- ----------------------------------day of_---------�s��emb�3r------------�----------- -A.D,,19---Q9 ''
<br /> _ WITNESS -----------------------------��ar-�e---�.----�-anr�d-�-�---------------�---------------- ''
<br /> --------------------------�----E11a---�nn�t--------------------------------------------
<br /> - -------------F�e�--��-•----Hallis�t�r, ----------------- ---------------- :
<br /> ---------�-----------------------------�-------------------------------------------�---------------- -
<br /> -----------------------Ha�xy_--��.t�Q-�---------------�--------------------- -------------------------------�-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,
<br /> i
<br /> ss. ,
<br /> -----------k�&11---------County, On this-------------�7------------ -----�---day of_-------$e�t�r�1�6r---- ------ - -----,-A. D., 19_09,--_, before rne, ;
<br /> ;,,
<br /> t1�e undersigned, a Notary Public__D'ul_y__CO��._�_�_�4_�7.e�ithin and for said County, personally came___________________________________,______________________________________.__ ;
<br /> _ -----------�aa.- -�l.---�-o-�x� -anc�---S-.---�l�a-G�n�a� - ------------------------------------�------------------------------------------- �'
<br /> ----------------------------------------------- ------- ---- --------- ----- ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ~ '``' ` to me personally known to be the identical person_s____whose name___a_____arf;_-_--___---______affixed to the above instrument !
<br /> . , ( �EAL ) as grantor___s____, and____'���y __________severally acknowledged the same to be____th�_�,.r__ ______voluntary act and deed for the '
<br /> purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my hand and afiixed my official seal at_____________________________________.___ ;
<br /> _ �1'00�_ RiYe�'__N���_________ _ ______ .__ ________on the date Iast above written. ,
<br /> ;,
<br /> -----�- -- __ -- _ _ F_r.e d--�I. __I�al_lis t�r------- ------ ---
<br /> " Notary Public.
<br /> 1�IT� Commission ex ires---------�OVI!--�--}--�-�--�-�-- ------------------------------------------------�------- ':.
<br /> ✓ A }--------------
<br />