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�(�� <br /> D � � .J � I� � O � LJn <br /> _ .� -- - --=- -____.. ._ <br /> _ e � _ _ . _ __ __ <br /> �.. ..,�Q147�YlOPF'B.BAATL[TTGO..PflIPoTING,LITHOORAPHING,3TI1T10NENY�OMAHN � . . . . . . . . __... _ .�...:. . . .. . . �... .._.. ...,. <br /> ' � I hereby certify� that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and I' ' <br /> ` FROM � <br /> ------------E�fie---_r;_�L}:axt-- ------ � filed for record this _.___ G"__ ___. -------_day of------�duvcmb-er---, ------- . <br /> --- - - - <br /> . A. D., 19___0�at__ _ _- _2 1�-- ---------o'ciock- ---- --- -------------�?.M. ; <br /> ------- --- - <br /> - - -- -- - - -- - - - - I`WARRANTY <br /> �� <br /> ( DEED -�/ :��� - �-��:��" <br /> TO ` �---�'�- = I <br /> - -- - --------- <br /> County Clerk, <br /> -----------Th�;_�d�xe--A�;.il�s----- - - - - --- -- -- ------ -- � <br /> -- -- --- - <br /> ---- - <br /> ----- --- <br /> ---- ------- <br /> ----- - -- --- -- <br /> - - -- - <br /> - ----- - }� Deputy. <br /> -- -- -- -- --'�_�_-------- --- � -- <br /> -- — — - --- --- -� <br /> Know al� 1VIen by T�iese Pre�ents: <br />, That.- --- -�-��-��fie -ryb1���"�-- -- --- ----- -- - - - -- - -- ---- _ _-- ----- , ------ -- - . - -- _ _ ---- --- -- -- -- <br />� =--------------------- -- -- -- - -- ---- -- - - - -- ------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�--------------------------------- <br /> - ------------and State of------------T�te_b�'�ska-------------_ ------ ----Grantor------------, in consideration ? <br /> bf t1�e County of_-------- - - --�i�1-�-- ------- ---- --- <br /> of the sum of------ -- ---- ._�n�--huz��r��--���-t�t►�n��r- -- -- - �---- ---- ---- - --- � - - ---- -- - - -------� -- - ----------DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paid, do_ -- -- - ------ - - _hereby GRANT, BARGAI�I, SELL, AND CONVEX unto-- -- --- --- -------- -� --- ---- ------------------ ----------------- <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------�-------------------��;8-_Q_ClQ.�B_.A�_1._lt-S--------------------------- ------ _-- -_ ---- - - -- - -- -- ------------�------ --------------- --- ` <br /> ' of the County of---- -------------H�11----- ------ --------,_and State of- ------- ----------���_ra�k� ------- ---- -_. ----_..- ------, Graniee-----, the following de- ,' <br /> scribed premises, situated in the County of_____________________FI3_11_________________and State of Nebraska, to wit; ' <br /> ----------�,ot-�--�-n�-t�-�'�---�-n�--�nr_e-e- in_Slk___-o-::.�----�.n--Ha��r--i�o��-$--�-ka�;-.----��--�x����--�-s-=:a-�-1--,-�;eb�as-k�a------ ---- - ------ �- <br /> ----�----�s--��,���.�_�3.___ar�__rP�Qr_3ed.-- -- --------- --------�-------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------- --------------�--------- ;' <br /> ------------- - ----------------�----------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ---- ---- -- --- ----------------�-------------------- ----- ----------------�--- , <br /> --------- ---- ------------------------------- ----------------- ----------------------------------------- - __ - ---- --- - - --- _- --- ----�--- -- - - -- _ _------ --- -------------- <br /> ---------- --- - - ------- - - -- -- ----- -- -- ------ ------- - ---------------- -- -------- - ---- -- -- -------- - �- -------- ----- ----------------------------------------- = <br /> -----__- --- ---� - - -- -------------- - - - --- - - -- -------- -- - -- --- --------------------------------------------------- ---�--------- -------------------- ------------------------------- , <br /> � , <br /> 'Together with a11 the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim, and � <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__________, and of eitl�er of them, of, in, or �o the same, or any part thereof. ' ' <br /> I s TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto rhe said Grantee__________and to__________�i�.s_______A._.___.___heirs � <br /> I i <br /> �and assigns forever. And____ __I _____ __ __hereby covenant_.___with the said Grantee__.___t1�at_______ I_____________1�old_,_____said premises by good and perfect '. <br /> I �tle; that___________I____________________ha_u�_good right and lawful authority to sell and convey ihe same;that they are free and clear of all ltens and incumbrances , <br /> . <br />', -whatsoever----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />� <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> bi� -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And----------------------�---------------- -- - -�------------- - - ---covenant-------to warrant and ; <br /> defend to said premises against t1�e lawful claims of all persons wl�omsoever,______________________________________________________________________________.________________________________�_____ �' <br /> _-------- ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> Dated the__ - - - �v0"_ _----- ----------- -----------day of-------------0-�.i-@.���------- -------- -------A.D.,19__Q� ; <br /> -- _ �VITNESS -----------------------�-----------��*ie--!��.b-hav t----------------------------------------- <br /> ; <br /> _ ---------------------------------------------------------------------•------------------------------------------ <br /> ------------------.r na..----�s---�r�u.���_------------------------------------ ;' <br /> _ --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. ; <br /> ��cri .----���1�----County, On this---- -------- �D-���------ --- ----day of--------�------r�C����er-- - - ----- ---------A. D., i9Q-�------, before me, :? <br /> L--------- <br /> the undersigned, a Notary Public----------..----------------------------within and for said County, personaIly came,------------------------------------------------------------------------ .: <br /> . --- , <br /> --------------------._-----------''_�:�-��'--����#�-1''-�- ------ --------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ,' <br /> - - _ -------------------------------------------- --- ------- -- -- - -- --------------------------- ------- ------------------------------------------------------- <br /> �Ir9�I�u`� to me persorla,lly known to be theidentical person_____whose narrie_____.__�S__.______________________affixed to the above instrument i <br /> g�$ `��� as grantor____.__, and_________________________severally acknowledged the same to be_______i1��___________voluntary act and deed for the , '' <br /> , <br /> purpose therein expressed. � <br /> - ---- IN WITNESS WHEREOP I nave nereunto subscribed my hand and af�ixed my ofi'icial seal at___,_____________________________________._ �' <br /> _ _____ _____ Gr3n�.__ Is�an�_ _ ___._,____ ____ ______ .__on the date last above w:itten. ;� <br /> ----- ��� <br /> _ ( s��Ta ) --------- _ _ - - -�a-. _�. --��d-e_x�v���l ------ - <br /> � •���'=��u`� Notary Public. � <br /> My Commissionexpires---------'-----��!ri1 --14t1:- --------i9_14-- , <br /> ------ ---- ---�---------------------------------------------�- <br /> -- j � <br /> - — - � <br />