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<br /> FROM � I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and ii
<br /> � 16th
<br /> - -- filed fo�° recorcl this ----- __--------day of_---OCtobBr ._---- --------
<br /> �alt er C._ Zr�n_Pelt_,_ _�lic�o�,rex----_ __ -- -- `
<br /> -- --- - --- -
<br />' A, D,, 19.09_, at_- _ _.- - _ 2 ---------o'c?ock- -- - ---- --------P-----M. ,
<br />;I ----- - -- -- - -__ - - - _ __ - -- ---__ _ - l WADBEDTY ��
<br /> � �
<br /> TO _-:_ __ - - � -- -_ - ---- - - --- �
<br /> _- - -- - County Clerk, '
<br />' -�-- Louis --�egner�--- -----
<br /> - --- - --- _-- - ----- ------- ---------- --------- --- -----
<br /> -- --- -- - _ (� Deputy.
<br /> --— _ -- ------- ---
<br /> --- -- __ - -- ----- --- - �
<br /> Know all 1VIen by Tl�ese Presents:
<br />' That_- - --I� ''tal�er_ C._ _V�nPelt 2_ :a__widoe�;er,___ - - - - - - - ----- - - ----- - ---- -- -- _ _- - - - -- _- - _ .. -- _ . ---- -- - ,
<br /> - _ _ . ;
<br /> of the County of--Hal1------_--- -----,----------------and State of---Nek�raska--------..----- ----Grantor-------------, in consideration ;
<br /> of the sum of_---- --Twent_y--f]._V_�_I�1171_dr_ea--�11�1._x�4-10Q---------------- ----- -------- ---- ----- -- - -- - ------- ------ - ------------------ --------DOLLARS, !
<br /> in hand paid, do--- ---_ --------____hereby GR�1NT, BARG�lIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto _---- -- - --_ _--------- --------- - ----- - ------- -------- --
<br /> Louis �e -ner �!
<br /> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�----------z--------------------------------------------------------------- -------- - ---�--------� ------ -- ------------- - ---------
<br /> of the County of___��erriCk---------------,-----------------and State of_-----Ne�ra�k3----,------------------------_------ .-----------, Grantee-_-----, the following de-
<br /> scribed premises, situated in the County of_____���11_____ ___________-and State of Nebraska, to u�it:
<br /> ----Fractional--Lot----�o�--�-i.x-�--�I�v_tes1-Y----an�-=h�.7.f---1Qt---�eu$n----�-7-�----in--Slack__T�n----�-lp�---Arn�ld---&------------------------- >
<br />� ----A�bott_a__Ad�itian__anc�---F�act_�Q�a-1--�Q-�---��$--���---and---'��g�t_e_r1-Y---half----of--I,s��_�e_uen---�"7-)--in_��.�c�----------------
<br /> ----NineteQn--(��-)--�---�o�lin�--�d�Ii�_ic�n--YzQ�h--in---rr_and_-,��lanc�,---Nsb-r-ar}k�.,---as--s��ue3re�,----�rlattsr-l---------------------- ,�'
<br /> unclrocorc�.ecl-�----------------------------------------- -- - --- -- - ---- ----- - ------- ------ - - --------- ---- --------------- -
<br /> i
<br /> ----------�-- ---- - -- ------ --- --
<br /> - - --- - - -- - - ------ --- --- ---- --
<br /> ----- -- ----- ---- - -�-- ----� ------ ----- --------------�------ --� --------�--------------- ,
<br /> ---- --- - ----- --- -------------- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- ---- ------------------------------------------ ---- -------- -------- -------------------- -----�--------------------- ;
<br />� - ------- - - - -
<br /> ----- --- - - -----
<br /> ----------- ----- ----- ---- --------- --------- - -----� ---- ------- ----- -------------- ------
<br />� --------- �-- -- - - -- - --- --
<br /> I -------------- -- -- - --- - -- - - - - - - - -
<br /> - -- -- --
<br /> ----- -- --- - --------------- ------- - ------- _ - .
<br /> Together with al1 the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenanc�s thereunto belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim, and �'
<br />, Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor___ ______, and of either of the�n, of, in, or ;o the same, or any part thereof. -; ; �'
<br /> .
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto �he said Grantee____,___._and to_______.____h�!�_________,______heirs �
<br /> ,
<br /> and assigns forever. And_______T__.________hereby covenant______with the said Grantee____.__that___I___________ _____hold__._____said premises by good and �erfect
<br /> title; that_________I______________________ha__Vegood right and lawful authority to sell and convey�he same;that they are free and clear of all liens and inaumbrances ''
<br /> whatsoever------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------�------------�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - -- --_- - -- --- - ------ ---�------------- ;
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And-------------I------------------- ----- -------------- ------covenant----�---to warrant and ;:
<br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons wl�omsoever,_____________________________________________________________________________._____________._____________________.___,___ :'
<br /> ---------- --------------- ----------�----------�------------------------------------�------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------� �
<br /> Dated the___ ._ f if'�h __ day of__,_.dCt_ober---,--- -----_-- , _ -_---q.D.,19��__ �
<br /> WITNESS ---------------------------------------�!a 1 t e r---�'---VanPe lt
<br /> ---------------------------------------------�------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> - -------�---------"-�---c-�---i�ust on---------------------------- --------
<br /> �ss. , , ,
<br /> ----------,F�a�.�--------County, On this--------16th----_-----------------day of-------(.Cto�er---- A. D., 19_09----, before me,
<br /> the undersigned, a Notary Public__a�;?�?o_inted______________.___within and for said County, personally came____________________________________________________,____________________________ '
<br /> -------- ---------�Ia1��x--C.--�,lar--P_e-1t-�--a--�ui-do��mx-�---------------�--------------------------------------�------------�----------------------------
<br /> ---- ----------------------------- -- ------- ---- - - - -- ---------- -------�-------- -------- ---------�-----------------------�-----------�----------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person___.___whose name_____.___i s.__.____________________af�xed to the above instrument
<br /> as grantor_______, and______hQ________________severally acknowledged the same to be___________h i_s__________voluntary act and deed for the <
<br /> purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hsreunto subsr,ribed my hand and affixed my official seal at______ _______________________
<br /> ___!�rand__I_S_l�.n�l,..__I�I�br_.__ _ __ _____________ ___on the date last above w.=itten,
<br /> (Sf��L) S. _C. Huston
<br /> -- ---- - ----- --- --------------------------- ---------
<br /> Notary Public. `,
<br /> ll�y Commission expires------ Jul_y_---25th-�---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------�9_1�_ ;
<br />