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<br /> ' l I hereby certify that this instrument tvas entered on Numerical Index and II
<br /> I'ROM € ,
<br /> � filed fo�� record this----�nCl---- ____-----day of_----�C_t.4i�er .---__.-- -------- - ;i
<br /> �'�ec1 i�,:ai€�y�--�. �vi�'e --- - --- - -- ;
<br /> A. D., 19_��, �t-- - _ _ 4.-I5 ------ -----o'ciock------ - -- -- -�'---M �i
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<br /> _ - WAIZRANTY --- ,;
<br /> ------ --- - ,
<br /> TO � n��n
<br />' _ ___ _.__ _ - --- ---- --- ----=-------- --- ------ '
<br /> ,� � County Clerk, '
<br /> --J;z�,���--pQnl_qn ------- - --
<br /> � - -- --- - - -- ---- -------- --------- -------- ---- �:
<br /> -- __ _ - - -- - - -- - �\� Deputy. "
<br /> --- - — ------- _ _ _ -�
<br /> Know all 1VIen by �'hese prese�t�s �
<br /> That--- --Fre_c1. ;:Ie ier ancl-��*h.�rin� -:.iei�r -Y�i� -s�-�f8 --- - - - -- - --- --- -- -- - --- - ------ --- - _ :'
<br /> , -
<br /> ;
<br /> ----------------------------------------- --------- ------- - -- ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ,;
<br /> of the County of_-----Fi�.11 -------- ---- -------- -----__-----and State of_---I��'�bx�.s7�a------- --------- ------ --- ------ --. -----Grantor--8----------, in eonsirl�r�tian
<br /> of the sum of_------- For-t-;�-Q�;h�-•Y�i��:�l�°ti---00-�1Q4---- ---- ---- ------- --- ----- ------------------ --- ----- ------- ------------ -----------DOLL�RS,
<br /> in hand paid, do-------------------------hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto------ -._----- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------J�:�a:�---DQx�.I_��-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- -- ---- "
<br /> of the County of_- Ha11- -- -- - ----- -- ---- - -- -and State of_---�:'�'�r3�k�.--------------- ----- ---------- - --, Grantee-------, t�e fo�lo�ving de- ':
<br /> �.
<br /> scribed premises, situated in the County of____�a�1______________________..____________and State of Nebraska, to wit: '
<br /> II'�, _The-- ` - "4--k�a1�f--o�--*s�e- �"-o�zt�-�����--�y�z���-��----�---��--��-��----Q�--���t_i_Qn--�i��_e_sn--�lfi)---in--T�e�tnship--Tc��lva- -
<br /> I�I ~ __' _ r'__�� _ n �_ "_ �.,.
<br /> --t-��� ��Q�th�----o�. �:.�r.�,�--Ten--���-)-,'�e-��t af--tha---Ft�---Pr---�S-.----cor���-��i��--84--a�-r-��,---ae-�a-r-c�i�;--�-�---���e------------
<br /> .� �h ;
<br /> I' --ro_v__ernm_�n�----surva�----�--ereof-�------------- ----- ----------------------------- - - - - ---------- - ---------- -
<br /> -------------------- - -----------------------------------
<br /> :
<br />'' -----�----P-o-ssess�-an----ta---�a---g-�u-e�--�1���c�----�-,----1�-��>---�d---rr�n�o�$--�a--r���i�r� -e�-0�s- t a�---ysar-�.1��-�-- �nd--------- ----_
<br /> ----------p�-�--t�.��s-�or-��:i-�--���r- �-- -- -------- ------ - -------- ----------- -- -- -- --- ------- ------------- ------- --- - ---------------------------- ---------------------
<br /> -- - --- ----- --- --------------- - ---- _-- -- - --- - -- ---- - - ---------------------------------------------- - -- -- -------- ----------------------------- -------------
<br /> --------------- ---- ------ ------ --- - _ _ ---- - - ---- --- --------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ;
<br /> ------------------ - --- - ------ --------- -- - - ---_ ------ - -- - -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Together with all the tenement,s, hereditaments, and appurtenances t,hereunto belonging, and �,11 the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Cl�m, �nd
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_.�_______, and of either of them, of, in, or �o the same, or any part thereof. =� � ''
<br />' TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto �he said Grantee___________and to_________his__.______________heirs '
<br />' and assigns forever. And____.?;;g_ _____________hereby covena,nt_____.with the,said (��antee______that______t�'e____________hold_______�said premises by good and �er�t '
<br />', title; that____t���________________._____ha__u�good right and lawful authority to sell and convey ihe same;that they are free and clear of all liens and inct�mbra,nc$s �
<br />�
<br />' whatsoever----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
<br /> --------------------------�---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_------------------
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----- --- ---------- ----------------------
<br /> -----------------------------And-----*:tie----------------------------- -----------------_ covenant--------to warrant and
<br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever,_____________________________________________________________ _________._____ ________________
<br /> - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------�
<br /> Dated the_-- �nci _ _- ---------------------- ------day of_-----------�C.��7��r----------------- ---- ---A.D.,19--Q9
<br /> I�ITNESS Fr e cl :JTe i�r
<br /> - --------------��._�ia�xin�__��iei�r------------------------------------------
<br /> ------------J_��?�---Al�.a.n_----------------------------- ----------------
<br /> - - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
<br />� �ss. ,� � ,
<br /> --------�I�.-�-1--------County, On this--------Nnd-------- -- ---_day of-------��_�s��er ----------------- ------9.. D., j9_49---, before me,
<br /> the undersigned, a Notary Public__________________________________________within and for said County, personally came______________________ _________________________________________._._
<br /> ------Era1__�1e_i�_r_--and---�-ath�ina__�:�e-i�r-r--hi-�---^:i�e-�----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be theidentical person___�__whose name__�__�.x'�_.___________..__________af�xed to the above instrument 'i
<br /> as granto��___, and_______the?�__----_-severally acknowledged the same to be______yh$ir--_--__-___voluntary act and deed for the
<br /> , purpose therein expressed.
<br />' IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my hand and affixed my official seal at_________________________________________ "
<br />, __-_G��;nd--Is_lant�r__T'�_Iar-3s�.�.-___________ __on the date Iast above w�~itten.
<br /> (S�1�L) - ----- -- -- John__Al lan ---- --
<br /> ------ ------ --
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> MyCommission expires-----Jan..--�-.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1912__ ;
<br /> _
<br />