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<br />� .. 4OS4�^KIGPF'6'HAAYLCTTCO.�PHINTING.LITH06RAPHING.STIITIONERY.OMAHq . .. . . . _. . .. ... _... .... .. ..._ .._ ..:'"
<br /> _ . FROM
<br /> , I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and ��
<br /> filed fo� record this -- _ 30._ _-- --------day of_------- -�-ep-t--- ----- -----------
<br /> ----- -- -- -J�c_a?� I:I��iller &_ .�ri;�°_ _. _ -- ---
<br />, ----- ---- -- ---RQ_8_�.._T,?r�Yi11e_r__ - - l g. D., 19_��__, at--- _ 1 - -- - -------o'clock--- - -- --- ----- -----P_.M. �.
<br /> _ ._- WARRANTY _ - ;,
<br /> r DE�ED
<br />� TO �-_ _ _- -_.. _- --------_ -------------- ----- '
<br />�I -------------------Exe��xi�k__��._C_U1�R�ll__--------------------- County Clerk, ;
<br />� -- --- - - --------- --------- ------- ------ - ,
<br /> ---- -- - -- - __- -_ __ _ -- ---
<br /> _ - - --- ---- -- - - 1� Deputy.
<br /> Kno� all 1'V.�en by 7�hese Prese�ts:
<br /> -
<br />� That-- - -- _ ---:��---�Taco_'a__I�r�i11_es_ -&---y�if_e_,�as�_ T?r_wills� _---------- '
<br /> --------------------- - -- ---- --- ------------- - -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. '
<br /> of the County of_____ _______ Fia11._______ _______ _____._and State of_ _ _____.
<br /> ?Je a °a_�ka------- ------- ---- - - ---------�rantor-�--------_, in constder��tion `
<br />', of the sum of------ ---- T:�e_1_V_�--Huz1�x'�-t� & �14114Q --- --- - -- -- - _ ___ _ -- --- - --- ------- ---- -- --- ---DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do___ _-_------ __ __----hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto __-_ _ _--- --------- -_-_-_ _ ---_---- --_----- -- '
<br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------Fx�_�isx_i�k.__��_�_Q_lt�rell--------------------------------------------------- -- -- �
<br /> of the County of_---- - -H�.11 - - ------------ ----------and State of_---------------- --------1:��'�_r��k�-r-- - ----- - -- --- ------, Grantee-------, the fo�lozving d�- '
<br /> scribed premises, situated in the County of._________.______iiall._______._______and State of Nebraska, to witr ;
<br /> , � �
<br /> ---------------------Ls�t=---nu;��r-E-i�ht-}-(-��---i-n--r�ln�k---nu��r---T��n�y--Thr_e-e-r-���a----in--.�usae_1__9lheslsr!s--a�di�inn---t-o--
<br /> -------------------�x:^and---I�land---1�_e=c�r�akai-as--�,zr_veya�..--�1•�.t_�:e�i--�---re_c_or�la�i.--------------------------- ------------- ------------------------------- ';
<br /> ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- - - _----- ---------- - --- -- - ----------- ----------- .------------ - - --------- '
<br /> ----------------- - ----- --- -- -- - - -__ -- - ---- -- ---- --- --- ------. ----------------------------------•-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ----------------------- ---- ---- - --- --. _ - - ------ - ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
<br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenancQs thereunto belongilig, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Cl�im, �nd
<br /> Demand wgatsoever of the said Grantor___�'_____, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. —� �
<br /> I TO H�1VE AND TO HOLD the above-deseribed premises, with the appurtenances, unto rhe said Grantee.________and to_____________���.s__________________heirs
<br /> and assigns forever. And_____"s�e____________hereby covenant___�_with the said (�.antee_______that___.____v�S__________hold________said premises by good and perf�,t ,
<br /> title; that______________9��______:___.______ha__Y_�good right and lawful authority to sell and convey ihe same;that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br /> whatsoever----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> --•------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ---- --- --------------------------------
<br /> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�nd_---------------------------��----- ---- ------------ ----covenant--------to warrant and
<br /> defen� to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever_________________________________________________.________________________________________________.____________________________. '
<br />' Dated the__ _ _ _-- 1�t�1_ ------ --- -----------.day of_-------- ----A',ig_uS-�-- --------------- _ -.--A.D.,i9__�19
<br />' WITNESS ---------------------------�S���h---I?rwillar----------------------------------------------
<br /> �
<br /> --------------------------�"�nsa------�Tr_�rillar-----------------------------------------------
<br />'' -------------- ---��_�..x3�5�Ilri----------- -----------------------------
<br />� -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> I
<br /> ---- ---------------------------- ------------------ -- -------------------------------------�---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ss.
<br /> ----------���.�1-------County, On this_ .__13��--- ----------day of_---------------Az�,��.s L- -- --- ---- -----------9: D., i9--Q�---, before mey
<br /> the undersigned, a Notary Public____���oint���________________�.yithin and for said County, personally came__________________________________________.________________`___________________
<br /> --- -- ---- -- J:�._�_QY�--�-'r_v�i11��--t�--.�o_s�__�C,��zillsx------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;
<br /> ------ ------------------------------------- � -husba�� t�--�i--��--�---------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />' to me personally known to be the identical person__�___whose narne_�_______are-..---____-______affixed to the above instrument
<br /> I�'� as grantor__�__, and_______t�hs�t_________severally acknowledged the same to be_______�_h�_ir_______voluntary act and deed for the
<br /> purpose therein expressed.
<br />', IN WITNESS tiVHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my hand and af�ixed my otl3cial seal at________________________________________
<br />', ( SrATa ) __��an;3.__I_3.i._�.n�_ I_y@'���3�ka_�__ ___..__ __________on the date last above written.
<br />''� � �iu��^
<br /> -------- -- - ---_- - _$,- --
<br /> _ -- - --- -�-- Jn--------- ----------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br />'' Ivl,� Commission expires-------- ------��-Y-------�-�-��-----------------------------------------------------------------19_1u_ ,
<br />'l � �. �
<br />