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<br /> J -. ..CLOPPABAWTLHTfCO.�.PR11VT1NG.lITH06RAPHfNG,STATIONCRY.OMANA . . � . . .- .. . .. .. .��:� . .� �_.� � . ..... �. ..._ .-�_
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<br /> 40147-. __ _ - _,�--�-=-_�-=
<br />- � . -- -�_
<br /> _�� ::-_.
<br /> � FROM l I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on NumericaI Index and
<br /> filed for record this 1_�'�_h - ---____- -_---day of__-----5_����_�����x_- - _--_--
<br /> -- -�Jilliam J.- rflr�a�� _bac�al4�t -- -- '.
<br /> A. D., 19_09_, at- - - F_-45. ---------o'clock--- - - -�--- -P ------M.
<br /> --- - - - -- - ---- - - - - ---- - -- - l WADBBDTY � ' �� I
<br /> TO � �� � �
<br /> - - -- --- -
<br /> --- - �� -_•- ---
<br /> County Clerk, '
<br /> -----'�-�-��---�i 11 -&- S�-- �•-Hu;�t Q - --- -- I
<br /> --- - --- -- -- - ---- ------ -- --------- ------ --- -- --
<br /> - ---
<br /> ---- -- - - --- -
<br /> --- -- _ __ - - _ - ----- ► �'1 Depnty,
<br /> i
<br /> <
<br /> Know aIl 1VIen by Tl�ese Presents:
<br /> • 5t�u �. .Adar�s-�-�-r��t ;----Chi-t�go-,-- ---- -- - -- --- ----
<br /> That--- ,� ��m-J.- C�r�a�, --
<br /> - - - .
<br /> _ - __
<br /> --•------------------ --------- -- -- -- --- -- - ----- -- - -- --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------- -------------------------------------
<br /> and State of___Ill�.no_i ----------- - ------Grantor_______ _______, in cons�deration
<br /> a€the County of - oor�, . -- - - ---- --
<br /> -- �-�---- - -
<br /> of the sum of_'I:�tQ_;iundr�r� -- -- -- - - -- - - - ------- -- --- - - - - --- -__-- -- - - --- -- -- -- --- -DOLLARS,
<br /> I' in hand paid, do------- -----------_.- ---hereby GRANT, BARG�IN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto------------------------.--------- ---------------_---------------------------------------
<br />�' -------------------------------------------------�-----E-•---�ill---�---5.---�-.---�iust�on,--------------------- ------------ ------ -- - --- - - ----- ------------------------- ---------- -------
<br /> I
<br /> of the �ounty of--�I�11---------- ------------------------and State of___i�_e�_��_��C�---------------------------------------------------- -----, Gran�ee------, the following de- -
<br />, s.ribed premises, situated in the County of____H_�11.________ _________and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> -�---�1'he_No_�_�h--�;-�� -Two--Thir_d�--Qf--Lut------�.1-I--s-Qne,-in---�$at_i_on---�lg�-�---�1ine�_ee-n-r--TA�n�hiA--��1�-�-- -- - -- --
<br /> ------Ele_v__en,,---i1ox th-,---Ran�e----��1--,_-1'1__i,nQ_,__�`y'_�_�t---o�--�h-e---Ft�h---P_r_inci?�al_s�eris�ian---in_,H�11,--�o_unt,,-r---�?ebr�sya-•-_
<br /> ----------------- ----------------------------- -------------�------------------------------------------------ - ---------- -- - --- - --- -- ---- ---- -- - -- - --------- --- ---------- ---- -
<br /> ------------------- -- ---- ---- --- --- -- - --- - --- - ---- --- -- -- - -- ---- -- --------------- -- - ----- ---- ------ - ------------------- --- - -- ----------------
<br /> ----- -- --- ----- - -------------- -- - - --- - --- - - -- ------------------------------------------------ ---- ---- --- - ------ ----- -- ----- - ---------------------------
<br /> --------------- - --- - - - - -- - -- - --- - - - -- -- -- -- - --- - --- - ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- ----- ------------------------------------
<br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim, and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor______._, and of either of them, of, in, or t;o the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee__.______and to_____________�hsix_________heirs -
<br />, and asszgns forever. And___I__________.____ _hereby covenant__.___with the said Grantee�_.___that_________�_____________hold_______said premises by good �na per%ct ;
<br /> ,
<br /> title; that____I___________________________hav�3__good right and lawful authority to sell and convey�he same;that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbr�nces
<br />'� whatsoever----------- -------- ------------------------------- ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />�
<br /> I
<br /> -----�------�----------------------------------------------------------------------�-------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------�--------------------------------------------------------------
<br />' -------------------------�-------------------------------------------- -----------------------------�--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- -- _ -- ---- ----- - ----------------
<br /> ------------�-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And---T------------------------------ - ---- --------- ---covenant----',__to warrant and
<br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons wl�omsoever,___________________________________________________._________________,______.__.__________________________________
<br /> Dated the- - - _ 1,v'�h __ _ - ---------------------------------day of_---- --SQ�_temk�sr-----------------� -----A.D.,19--4g
<br /> WITNESS �Villiam J. rorclon,
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> --- --------- ---�_----_T.enna..nt----------------- ------- -------- -----
<br /> STATE OF—�����5
<br /> � ss.
<br /> ------CIIQk------.----County, On this-------16t±2-- ----day of---�-e�-�8r.�b�T�------�----------_--------A. D., 19--0-�-,_, before me,
<br /> the undersigned, a Notary Public_______________.____________________________within and for said County, personally came____.________________________________ ___________________________
<br /> ---- -�1-3��i�m-�T.-r��-rc�o�;---a -'pac�rel o�,- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------�----------------------------
<br /> ----------------- -- -------- -------- --------- --- - - ------ --- ---- -------------- -- - - --------------- -- - ------ ------------------------------------�--
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person________whose name______is___._____________________affixed to the above instrument
<br /> as grantor______, and_________________�_��rexa�l�y-acknowledged the same to be_______his__ ___voluntary act and deed for the
<br /> purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my hand and afCixed my ot�'icial seal at_____________ _______________________ `
<br /> _-__��-�-g�-7��-�_--�aa�---�a;--_�-�-�-=------------------on the date last above w itten, '
<br /> _ -_-_---------------Ed�*rarci--Y.---Horcle r.---- .
<br /> ------ ------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> �SLAL) My Commission expires_____________April___15th_2___________
<br /> ------------------ ----------------------------------19-11_
<br />