<br /> D � � � � � C� O � D�
<br />` .�.: �014�•�KIOrPSBAflTLRTCO..PRINTING,IITHOORI�PHING.3Tl�T10NE1fY�OMAH� �. .. . � . .. � . . .. � .. �..-. .... :�- �.'..Y ..._ . . _ .... _� . ��."��� -�^_.�--
<br />� : : . �� . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . _.... ._:. ..... _: . ��..._ . _.- _. �_�.:.^ _.-_ .. ...�_-_____.. ._____
<br /> �', .
<br /> FROM � I hereby certify that this instrument tivas entered on ��lumerical Index and
<br /> flled for record this------8-th- _-._ _ -----day of_-------Se}��-emb8�_ .- ------ -
<br /> ----�6���i�� -I��--F�i��e�; t��r�rr�ec� -- ---- - ;.
<br /> A. D., l9-p;�., at-- ._--- -- -9 -- -----------o'clock--- - - --- -------A---- -M, ;
<br /> - - -- - - - - - - -- - -- ----- -- - _ _ WARRANTY
<br /> �,.-�
<br /> TO Ds�D --_ _ - --- —�-�y�fJo--_��i�_-----
<br /> ------E ya-K. -Ri�t e r,- - --- -__
<br /> -- - --- - ---- - County Clerk, _
<br /> --- - -- -- ----------------------------------------------p---y --
<br /> - - -- - -- - -_ --- I ,, De ut .
<br /> Know all 1V.Ien by These Presents:
<br /> That--- ---z� �9i11ians__I�.-_-Riu-t er J- �zr�r:�a�r�sc�, ---- -- --- -- - ----, - ------ ------- - -- __- -- - -- - - _-- -----
<br />' --------------------- --- ------ -- ---- --- - - --- - ---- ----- - - ---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------�-----------------------
<br /> of the County of---------��.lt--L��e --- -- --- - ---and State of-----Ut-ah---------------------------_-------------- -._--------------Grantor-----------, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of_--4�s �al�.a�-s -and--o_tn-ex---�oad--an�i--val-�ab-le--�ar�s�tle�a��a�-s: -- - -- - - -- --- ----- --- --- -- -- - - --DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand paid, do------_ _- ------__.___---hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto.---------�Y3--K-•----Ri�-t-ex-r-------------_-----_----------_--_------------------
<br /> of the County of_---��.7.1--- ---- --- ----- ------- ----and State of__----�I�b��s��-- --------- ---- -- - - ---- ---, Gran�ee--�►�, �e� de-
<br /> a11 of my in�Cerest , of t�rha�soaver natuxe, in and to the followin ,---
<br /> s.ribed premises, situated in the County of____Fi��.l__________________________________and State of Nebraska, to tivit; Fr�Ctional Lot 58ven (7) , in
<br /> Block Ei�;ht (8) , in Arnold Place in the City of rrana Islanci, rleUraska, Also, Fractional Lot ,
<br /> ------g-�ve---E-�)----in-Rlrr�h- ��ig�st--($}---�n---�•3rn--F�a-ca-�---�ci�-it�ic�n---t-a---t�e--�i-t-�-6f-�r�n�1--I�1an�� -2������';�� _�i7:so ''
<br /> the followin� descri'�eci pre�nises situatea in the City of �rana Islancl, County___of_Hall� _anti_______ ;�
<br /> ------------------------�------------ ------- - ----------- - ------ --- - -------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- - -------
<br /> State of Nel�rasfia, to-��it : �ieginrin� at the North-�ast corner of Lot xwel�se (12) of the ' �
<br /> ------�QUn�y �ub�iviaian--o�'---tY�.e---Sc�tl�-aas-t---��a��-�-�---(5�--µ) --of ��e--���t�-�es-�---��a��e�--{-�At�,� ---o�'- ------- �- ''
<br /> section �ixteen (16) , in Tot�msl�ip Eleven (I1) , North, Range Nine (�} , 1�est , �ixth Pr3ncipal
<br /> ------ ----- - ---- - ----- --- - ---------- --- ------ --------- ---------- - - -------- ------
<br /> -----�����-idi�ri-;-��tfience---w�zti:--�orie �iun�recx �hixty-cre and 5-10 (131 5-10,{ fez�t to a roint where the
<br /> ------east--line--of---���.d__LQt--�t���elve----(_l�-)--�---in�_erss���---the--�xt-e�d€c�---��o�t�---Lir�e �-f--��vi��.-c�-�- ���ee��;---------
<br /> thence in a �outh�-westerly dixection one hundred fifty ana 3-10 (150 3-10) feet to a point
<br /> -----�rh�re--�he --extencte-d-�F�rtl-i Lzne--r��` --IIivis�or�---��r�et---i��-er�e�t-s---the- �'les�--Zirie of---saicl-Lot---�`t�Telye-- �
<br />� (12) ; thence �7orth �c:=o huncir�d five and 4-10 �205 4-10) �'eet; thence east one hundrec�
<br /> --------------- -- -�- - ---__- -- - ---- - ------ ----- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
<br /> -
<br /> thlrty-��;o and 1-10 (132 1-10 ) fieet to place of be�inning, savin� and excePting therefrom,
<br /> ----- -- -
<br /> ------���- _�o��-�o�ss---3��reto��re--co�ve�,���,- t-v--the---��-tv ���---�r�i�,d--IsT�rd�---to--Cl�:arles--L�-I�aux-,---and- �-o----------
<br /> Charles �. Brininger,_ by three cieeds recorcled in Book 43�___�a�e 386�___Rook__43,_,_ _�a�e__387_,___and____.___
<br /> ------ --- -- - - -- -- - - -- - ---- ----- --
<br /> T�ook �3, ��e� 388 respectivel�*, of the records of s�id Hall rounty
<br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim, and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor___________,��1��,g¢�q�f'��of, in, or %o the same, or any part thereof,
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________and to______________t��i�-__-___--_heirs
<br /> and assigns forever. And___._____I_-__________hereby covenant___._with the said Grantee____�3�x..�txxx��x�;��tx�k�x�te,���xbg�c��rldx3���Df�lt '
<br /> �that__________Z___._ _______hav�__good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same;that they are free and elear of all liens and incumbrances '
<br /> whatsoever-----e:�cE�a�---as---sr���T�n-a�----��$--�Pc-o�x��---a�----sa�c�---t�a�.-�---�o��r�-3r-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ----------------------------- -----------------�------------------ ----------------------------------------�----------------------------------------�--------------------�--------------------------- --------- -- ---------------- -----------------
<br /> ------------------------------------------------�--------------------------------------------------------------------------------And------I------------------------ - ---------------- - ------covenant--------to warrant and
<br /> defent�t�o sai'1ex m�ses a ainst the lawful claims of all ersons whomsoever,__exc$�t--
<br /> P g P y �.s---��- ir�c-�-�b-r-a�ees----st�fl�---orr- sa�i�--rsco�rd.� . .
<br /> _..- -------- ----------------------------------�-------------- �------- -
<br /> Dated the_,.__221d-_ _ _ _ -----------------------------------day of-----------�}�te�i:b�-�----------------- ---A.D.,19_99_
<br /> WITNESS ------------------------�=i�li�am---L-=---F�-3t�e�------------------------------------- '
<br /> - -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -- ---------- -----------G-:---�-�---Fe��------ ---------------- ----- ---
<br /> L�t an �
<br /> STATE OF�1��1��, ''
<br /> ss. !
<br /> ------Salt--�,�.keCounty, On this--------- --�nd------ -- - ------ -day of-------------S��t_ex�b�r---------- ---- A. D., 19-D� ---, before me,
<br /> the undersigned, a Notary Public___rr------�--_—.�_--_--______within and for said County, personally came________________ _________________________________._________________
<br /> ---- --syill-i-a�--�� �?i-�t-e-�, -a�--t�x���ar-r-iec�-�a�-,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- �.
<br /> ------------ -------------------- -------- ----- - ----- ------------ ---------------------------- --- ---- ------------- ------------------------------ `
<br /> to me personally known to be theidenticalperson______whose name_______._____i$____________________af�xed to the above instrument ;;
<br /> as grantor______, and______h8______________�b� acknawledged the same to be_____�i��z_________.___voluntary act and deed for the `'
<br /> purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOI' I have hereunto subscribed my hand and af�xed my official seal at_ ________________________ ;
<br /> ca�t_-�,�}�e----��-_����-_�-p���y------ ------- ---on the date last above w itten.
<br /> - - -- --Stanley A� Harks�--- ------------------------ ''
<br /> (��EA�,) Notary Public. '
<br /> My Commission expires--��r_i_1--�'��---1°l�_..----------------------------------------------------------�9------
<br />