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- - - --.—, <br /> � <br /> �e��:� <br /> D [� � �J � � C� O � D� <br />- �.�:� .. ,�014�•�RLQPP6BAfl7L[TTCO..PRINTING,LITHOGRAPHING.STIITIONBHY.OMAHq . .. . --.. .. . . ..... .... .-.. . . .. ,-- ....^ .-..:�.'- -"_' _.�.. . ,_ -_� _��� <br />_ � : _ _ _. _ - = -- -- - -- <br /> , _ ___ -- ----- - ----"-a`,-= ----- � <br /> PROM � I hereby certify that this instrulnent was entered on Numerical Index and '' <br /> . . filed for record this--------._13th-------------day of_-------------�u�'�* ------------------ <br /> -L�ti���.�-?_'�-- reex -E�- ��r�.fe ----�-- ------ ---- <br /> - - <br /> A. D., 19--0� at-- - -- 5-- - - - - -----o'clock - - �- --- � ---- --P---M• <br /> Joel__Z.____H�xris_Qri_�---���if�-- ---------__-----__ -- lwaRRaNTv <br /> ( DBBD <br /> T0 --- -�- --�-- - ------- ------ ------- <br /> - - - -- <br /> County Clerk, <br /> --------�u�'ta.�- %:•---r�-�r - --- - ,.- - - - <br /> - _ -- - --- ------- - ------ � ------ -� ---- -- <br /> - - __ - - - --- -- -_ _-- � - Deputy. <br /> - -- - ---- - <br /> - ---� �----- --- -- --- --- -- <br /> Know all 1VIen by These Presents: <br />� �. <br /> That___ ____.__L���i� T.____C�er_ancz_.�r�na_ :�.__��e?°, __his dri�'e ancl__Joe1 �._�iarris_on_ and A�y��Iarrisan, ' <br /> - _ _ -- - _ -- - -- <br />, ---- ----------hi� �vi�e-� -- _ ----- ------------ ----- <br /> - - - _ _ - - ---- ----- -------- - --- ----- ---- - ------ ------- - ----- ---- ------ -- -- <br /> I of the County of-------kT.��.l_]._-------------------------- -and State of---- ------1'ek�raska _--------------- - . -- -----------�rantor---s-------.., in consideration <br /> of the sum of_--- - - �ix �iun�.,ar�d------------- --- ----- -- -- - - -- - -- - -------- --- --DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paid, do--------,--------------hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto------�lzfttfi--�.--���Br-------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> of the County of_---�-i�.��.-------------------------- -and State of_--------i�ek�r3�ka-----------------. ----------------- -------------, Grancee------, the following de- <br /> s:ribed premises, situated in the County of______FT311___________ ______._______a,nd State of Nebraska, to wit: <br /> _________Lot___nur�bex.__e_i_�;��t___��,�___in_blo�k_,nurriu�r___one__hunareci__�ncl___f ort�_--tRO____�142_�____in__Union__Paci_fi c_____,________ <br /> ----------�a�_�.�^���--Car}i��_a�is.�--'� - ��_�_an_�.__Aas��t�Q�- �-Q---�ra�u---�-�-�ar�?-�----�:I�=�.�x�;�;a,-- -as--sL?rv��ecl,--�?lat t__ec�-and--- --------- <br /> ----------��?cor���-�-----------------�------------ ------�- ---- -�---------�---------------- - --- ----- -- - --------- ----- - ---- --- ------- - ------ - -------- --------------- ' <br /> ---�--------------- ----- -- -- ----- - --- - - ----- -- -- -- -- --- --- --- ----- --------- ----- ------ ---------- -- ---- ------- ------ - --------- ------- ---- --- ------------------ <br /> --- -- ---- -- --- --- ------------- --- --- -- - --- -- -- - - -�-- --------------------------------------------- -- ------ -�--- --- ---------- ------- - ------------------------------ <br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim, and <br />'' Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor____�_,___, and of either of them, of, in, or t,o the same, or any part thereof. � <br />' TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee___________and to___________h-is--_----_------_---_heirs <br />, and asslgns forever. And____��___.________hereby covenant,_____with the said Grantee_____._that_______����___________hold_______said premises by good and perfect <br /> I <br /> title; that___W_e______________._______.______ha_V_�-good right and lawful authority to sell and convey ihe same;that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances <br /> whatsoever------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-------------------------- <br /> I ------------------------------------�--------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- ------------------------------ <br /> i --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And---------`�'Q--------------------- - - ----- ----- ---covenant------to warrant and <br /> I <br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever,----------------------------------_--_-___-_-___----__--_---------------_-------_-_----_---------_--__---------------�- <br /> -------- ----------------------�---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------- ----------------------------------------------------. <br />, Dated the___ ___�rrlen�_y-�kli�s�.----------------�-----------day of_-----F'41��t�i�z-Y----------------�-----� - , <br /> ' - � --- ---A.D. 19__0� <br />; WTTNESS --------------------------------LQti_�i-s---�-�----- eer <br /> �---------------------------------�-------------- <br /> -----------------------------------Ara.n�__aY�..---r e ex-•----------------------------------- <br />�I ---------------- --------�7�t�i,��----�---D�.1.�.------ ------- ------- --- ---- <br /> -------------- -------- ------�agl---D.--�-��rxis�n=--------------------------- <br /> I, ----------�------------------------------------ -------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Amy--D.--Har ri s on------------------------------------ <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ------Hall ---------County, �ss. On this---- ----����#-- ---------- ---- day of----------------�:TarCh---- - -- -- - -- - ---A. D., 19---�g--, before me, <br />' the undersigned, a Notary Public___________,___________________.__..____within and for said County, personally came___,______________________________________________________�__________,_ ; <br /> ------Zey�is--T__._--��-e-r---�:---Anna__i�_--r��r_---an ca___�To�-1-�-=---Fi��x i�s_Qn--�n�i---�y_--5�-�--_'_r_�a x��s o�_,___,_ <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person__S__whose name_�__�,��._.__________,________af�'ixed to the above instrument <br /> as grantor____�_, and________����Z______severally acknowledged the same to be________�_h__�_ir_____.__voluntary act and deed for the <br /> purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN WITNESS WHE.REOF I have hereunto subscribed my hand and afCixed my ot�cial seal at__.______.______________._______________ <br /> rruna I s land� Neb r._ _ ___ ___on the date last above w itten, <br /> (SFAL) J. E. Dill <br /> ---- ---- �-- --- -- ----- --------------- ------- ----- ---- ----- ----- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> My Conlmission expires___________Julv'_ 16th. ____.____________._i91:�_ <br /> ---------�--------------------------- -------------- <br /> - - -- —'i <br />