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<br />_ ..�'J�1�1,�YLQPP&6AHTLLTTGO.�PflINTING.LITM06qAPHING.STI1T10NCRY�OMAHA � � .... ..:�.. � �...�� .... �.. � . '-' ".�:4 . ..� ..�_- � �-' �- __ � . � _ __ _ � ___
<br />- f . . .. . . . . . .. --.: ' � ::.... . . .. ....�._'..-_. -__ .___' ___ ._._=� - .�- - _..��_"_�
<br /> � I hereby certify that this instrument tivas entered on NumericaI Index and ��
<br /> FROM �
<br /> -- 81ed for• record this_.__12�h--------- -------day of_ ---.--J�z7,y_- ------- --------
<br />', _�I_Qhn---�.--redcie� -�:-�rife -- - - - �;
<br />�' A. D., 19__Q9, at-- -- - 3-40 --------o'clock------- ----- ---------- P -M. '
<br /> -- -- - -- -- --- - -- - - - -- --- - �WARRANTY � /�Q �
<br /> TO n��� /
<br /> _- ,
<br /> -- - `-"'`------�-��`-_�?���t/ �
<br /> County Clerk, `
<br /> __��.i��---��---H�11 - - - ----- -- ------ --- -- _ - ,
<br /> ----- -- ---- ------- --------- ---------- ----- ------ -
<br /> _. -- - - _- -- - - - I .,-: Deputy.
<br />� Know all 1VIen by T�iese Presents: '
<br /> That--- --- �s_,_ �?ohn _F.,_ r�dde s ar_�_Emr.� E•-- G�c�de_s_i _hi�---�'3 f� - - -------- -----
<br /> -------------------- - _-- -- -- --- --- - -- ---- - - ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ --- ----------------------- -------------------------
<br />' of the County of__H�,1�____________ _ '� ______ _______.Grantor___S________, in consideration
<br /> - - and State of-- -lTe���ska -- - ---- - , -
<br /> of the sum of_-------Tl�ree-���.r�c-��a�:--e���1-�� -- ------- -- ---- - -- ------- - -- ---- --------- - - --- ------------------
<br /> __DOLLARS,
<br />, in hand paid, do - ..-- - - ._ hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto- - -- - --- -- -- ----- - -------------- -------------
<br />; ----------------------- ----------------��i-a��---J�---xa11-------------- -- - ----
<br /> jlof the County of---�ial-1------------------------------------ ------and State of_------N�b-x.---------------- - ------ - --------------------, Grantee-----, the following de-
<br /> s ribed premises, situated in the County of_________________cZall______ and State of Nebraska, to wit.
<br /> I -----�o�� -Q�-Q---�� ---anc�_���ro--(-E-)--�'�.ock-----��vc�n�y_-4n-�---�'���----Q�--�'Y���_1_er_---��as�__��nx�Q�ts--�e�ond Ac���tio�? ----- - :
<br /> �
<br /> _ t°---_�rana.-Island,___��eUr���.a_s-_as.__Nurve�_ecl,-_�?la�teci-�_-racorcleci,
<br />' --------------- ----------------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------------�-- - ------- -- --- - - ---------- ----- -- ---------------------------- ------- --- --------------------- �
<br /> �
<br />�'� --------�-- -------- -------- - --- ------- - - --- - ----- ---------- --
<br /> i - ---- -------------------- -- -- - --------------------------------- -------------------------
<br /> ------_ -- ----- - ---------------- - _ - - -- --- - - ----- ------- ------------------------------------------- ---- --- ------------------------------ ----------------------------- �
<br />, -------------- - ------- --- ------------ - ---- ,
<br />,
<br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----� ------------- --- --�------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------�-------------------------
<br /> I� Together tvith all the tenements, heredit,aments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim, and
<br /> ' Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor___s_.____, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. ;
<br /> TO HAVE 9ND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_________and to_______________his______________heirs
<br />' and assigns forever. And�g_____.______ ___hereby covenant___._with the said Grantee____.___that______y.�a_____________hold_______said premises by good and perfect
<br /> I�' title; that____z�re_______-__-------______ha__v__e-good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same;that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances
<br />�
<br /> whatsoever------------ -------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- --------------------------------------
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------
<br /> --------------
<br /> I'I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------__And----------`'•r�----------------------------------- ---- ---covenant-------to warrant and
<br /> I'� defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever,__________________________________________ __________________________________.____________________
<br />' Dated the- - __ t�.�elfth-------------------------------day of---------�7u1-�-------------------------------- --- .__A.D.,19�g_
<br />', WITNESS -------------------------------- ------John__R. Gedde s.
<br /> ----------------------- --------------------------�mm�---�,---r�ds�es-•--------------------- '
<br />' -------------------�-�---E�Je 1-�--------------------- - -------- ---------------
<br /> ------------------------ --------- ------ -------------------------------------------
<br />' -------------- ---C:�aN-•---�-�---Tx���_�k-- ------- ----- --------�---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ss.
<br /> --------��all---------County, On this-- twelf th - - - ------day of--------E7uly_--- -- -.- ------- ---- -- A. D., 19--�g.--, before me,
<br /> the undersigned, a Notary Public__C_or:;r..i��i�r_e_CL__.________within and for said County, personally came_ _________________________________________,_______._________.
<br /> ---------JaY�.r�-�.�---�oddes--a�c�-�mma--�� Pe���s-.---------- ---- -------------------------------------------------�---------------------------
<br />', to me personally known to be theidenticalperson_.6____whose name_S__a�e._.__._________________af�xed to the above instrument ;
<br /> as grantor___s_, and________�hgy________severally acknowledged the same to be__________.�I1eix___voluntary act and deed for the
<br /> purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my hand and afl'ixed my o8'icial seal at_________________.___________________
<br /> __ _.__r_:��z�c�__�S1�T'kcl.}---�:Iebx�_._ .__________ ___on the date Iast above w_itten,
<br /> - -- -- ---- __ _ _�h�s----E-•----Er_�lick-•---------------------
<br /> (�,E,��,� Notary Public.
<br /> 111y Commission expires------J�??��--9-�----------------------------------------------- -----------------------------�9-14_ 'i
<br /> - -- - _ __ _ ��
<br />