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<br /> ,2VI�'T�-YLO�PA.BA�TLRTCO..PRINTING,LITHOORAPHING.STI�TIONtWY.OMAHA �. . ... ....- _::- ..- �.-- -��� � .T-- .'..`. :- ....° .. . ... _. ...._... .-"'.... ..'. . .. .... - .
<br /> ,.:.. .. .""_" ... .._ __ ... __ "..��_ _ - .. .. _.
<br /> _ � . .:.. "�. '_" ' '__'.:... . _.. .
<br /> 1 I hereby certify� that this instruinent was entered on Numerical Index and !;
<br /> PROM �
<br /> . flled for record this______��t�1. day of___._____Isia�_____ .._.___ __________
<br /> _ ------
<br /> --��ra�.ua �-. --�o�s--ar��i-_r�=i f e - --- ------- _ _ `
<br /> A. D., 19-4-9., at- - - 2 -�------o'clock-- - -- ---- -------P_- ---M. '
<br /> --- - - - - ---- -- - - -_.. -_ -- `WARRANTY �j �/���
<br /> ( DBBD ,,/.�E��-L--�l o-:[� ----------- ,
<br /> 10 - --
<br />� County Clerk,
<br />'� --The_��ioreau---Live__S_t�ck__ Com�an-y------------- '
<br /> i .� - ----- -- - - - ---------------- -----------------Deputy.--
<br /> Kno�v all 1VIen by These Presents:
<br /> That--- w�, _��?r��ua .I,_, __�oas ___ _.anc�__£�rtha E,_ �?oss,- hu���nc,3. .anel c��ife ----- ---__ _ -
<br /> j of the County of------Hall ------ .__.---------and State of_ Iv'e�raska --------- -------- ------- --- -----------Grantor--$---------, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of One__&__n__U_ __________________DOLLARS,
<br />� - ----- ------------- - ---- --- ------- ------- -- ------- - --- - ----- -
<br /> in hand paid, do---------- ___nereby GRAIVT, BARGAITI, SELL, AND CONVEY unto------- ------- _---------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ;
<br /> ------------------------------------------m_"r_iE__p;.4P rAT7---L I STE_,�T OCI�---�Gi:_iP�T:Y-=----a-c or�o ra�i on---o r��.r_i_�e d--in--�he---------- ;
<br /> o�r���t�-�o€--------- -------f�x�State of__�P�romin�-----------------------..__----------- ------ ----------.__, Grantee-------, the following de- ,
<br /> s ribed premises, situated in the County of_______FI�11_._________________ _and State of Nebraska, to wit: '
<br /> ___Cornm�ncir��__at__�___?�__o_int___or._. th�___�ast__lir�_o�'____�he__rc?�z�h_-_��st____c�u�rt�r__of___sect_i_o__n____f__our_,___in__to��!nshiZ?____ ;
<br /> __eleven_,___north_o�'__ran�e nir.a,_ �es�__of _thQ___�ixth__princil�al___rriericlian__ir__r�ebras�.a_,___one__hundred________
<br />�, ;:
<br />� __,fort_ _��rc___�142_)__rocl�___�outh___of__�h�___nortti_-east____c__o__rnar__of___�aic.___guartQr___�ect_ion___runni_r._g_ thence_________
<br /> � -
<br /> �rest anci ��arallel ti��ith the north lin� _oi'__saia quarter section eighty_rocis , morQ or__le��,_ to the +
<br /> - --- ------ -- ---- ----- ------- -
<br /> t���st lin� of the e�st hal� of saic south-e���t quarter_� _thence__s_nuth alon� said_�rest lir.e of ;
<br /> -------- - - - - - - ---- ----- -� -- - -- -- ------ -
<br /> I; _ east nal�' �outh-eust quarter, eighteen (18)_,___rods_, _more_ or__less, to tr�e south__lii�e_of_ saia____ ____ ;
<br /> - - - - ----- ------ - ----- ;
<br />�', ___c�uarter section, thence e��st alon� ,the section line__ ei�ht_� rods, _rr�oro __oi_ less_,__to__the �outh- i
<br />�
<br />' ---�;as-t--c_Qrnzr--fl-f----s�is�--s_�_c_t.ir�n. _fs�_u-r-,-__th�nc-e---r.ar_t-h--al-an�_--t-h�---�_ec�is�n___1_in-�--�igh�_e_�n----�1�-�---�Qd�-,--------------- ;
<br />''� niore or less to rlace of beginnin�, contair.ing nine t9) acres a little rnore ox le�s .
<br />, ------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditalnents, a,nd appurtenances thereunto belonging, and aIl the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim, and
<br /> Ii Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor____�_____, and of eitlier of them, of, in, or io the same, o�° any part thereof. '�'
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee___________and to__itS___s_L;C��3_�_�Qx�eirs ;
<br />, and assigns forever, And_________��'e________hereby coven�,nt______with the said Grantee______that___t'?e______.______._hold________said premises by good and perfect °
<br />�'� title; that______;��8_________________________ha___v�good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same;tlsa�t�e��-�€ree-a��elea�r-o€ad�-kexe��-�m��rbr�ees�
<br />' wk�t.qee�er--------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- '
<br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------------------
<br /> -----
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------ ------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - ----------- --------------------------------
<br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And---------------------�'-8---- ---covenant--------to warrant and
<br /> defend to said premises against t�ie lawful claims of all persons whomsoever,__Cl�imin�,__by_i__thr_o__u,h___or__uncler__us_�_but___________________________ "
<br />' --��a�.�a-�--nq�e---O�-�=--�-�-�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- �-------------------------------------------------------------------� `
<br />�' Dated the__- - ___ - - '7th---------- ----- -------------day of-----1,1a_y_---- ------------------ _A,D,,19.d9_
<br /> WITNESS ------------------ -------,�t�r�t�zls--D,---RQ�F---------------------------- '
<br /> F3ertha E. Ross
<br /> ------------------ ---------------- --------------------------------------
<br /> ------------------------
<br /> ---------L-'---�'---Brinin�er---------- - -----------------------
<br /> ss. �`
<br /> ----------��_�,�1,---------County, On this-------------------$th-------------- --day of--------{.�ay_------------ -- ----- ---- --- -----A. D., 19---09---, before me, '
<br /> the undersigned, a Notary Public_____________________________.______within and for said County, personally came____________________________________________________________________________ �:�:i
<br /> -S�:�a��-��---L�-.-i;as� �r��i �3�r�r�a�--�.---�osa------ --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i
<br /> ----------------------- ------ -- - -- --- - - ---- - -- - - - - - ------------ --- -- - - - ---- --------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person___�__whose narne_�__ar e______ ______________affixed to the above instrument
<br /> � as grantor__S_, and_____'�h�y________severally acknowledged the same to be_____4h_�_�.r__________voluntary act and deed for the ���
<br /> purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my hand and afl'ixed rny official seal at _______________________ '
<br /> _rrar�z Itilarc�z :Te'ar. _ ___ _ ____�n the date last above w:°itten. '
<br /> _ __ _ __ _ ___ ___ _______L�__R,---F3rinira$er__,_.- ---- �
<br /> (SEAL� Notary Public.
<br /> IVIy Commission expires-- ------2v1�rCY'�----1�-r-----------------------------------------------------------------------29--7-4
<br />