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���) <br /> 0 � � � � � C� O � D� <br />. _ _ _ _ _ -- - __-_ <br />— KL6PPd.�ARTLCTTCO•.Pp�NTING.LiTH06RAPHING,ST/1T10NERY,OMRHq � �` � <br />_ . 4D149- ' <br /> _ ,,_ __ -� _.- ___------= -- �_ -=-:: ,---- <br /> � I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index and � <br /> PROM � <br /> � flled for record this - - �4'�1�-_ ___ ------day of----- ---- -----�day- - --------- <br /> _Hnraard--H.---Gar_r_s_t_t_a _unt;��xr_is-d� -------- ----- � , <br /> A. D., i9- �-9 at-- _ _ -- - 3-3�-------o'clock---r• - - - p-- - -- --M• <br /> ___ ---- -- -- _- - --- __ -- WARRANTY <br /> TO � DEED ; <br /> .- -- - _ ---- -- -�`�-� <br /> �- -- <br /> _Benj_amin---R.---_P�cGr�tn-=------ ---------------------- -- - - - - County Clerk, <br /> i <br /> � , _ ---- ------------ -- ------------------------------- ----Deputy.--- � <br /> all 1VIen by These Presents: <br /> That-- - --- --I, Ho�va,rcl- H• - Garret t� unmarriea,- -- ---- _ - ------ _----- --------- -- -- - - -- - __ -- -. --__--- -- - - <br /> of the County of_____Hall ___ _ ______and State of___II�br.ask�t________ _______ _______Grantor_____________, in consideration � <br />' of the sum of_------- E1�ht HLtn�trs�i--f if-t3z--DII---100- ----------- -- --- - -- ----- ---- --------- - -- -----DOLLARS, , <br />' in hand paid, do----___----- ----------nereby GR�NT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto---._ _- ---_ __.. -------- ---- -------- -------- ------ ------- ------------- ; <br /> --------------------------------------------------- -----------------------Eien j a.r�lin--P�-t---T�;4eGrath---------------------- ------ - ' <br /> - - -- .- - - ---- -- ------------------------------------ --- <br /> of the County of_--�ia11-- --------- --- --------- ----------�,nd State of -----Iv ebr�ska-- -- - _. __ - - - - � Grantee------, the following de- <br /> s ribed premises, situated in the County of_______Hal_1____________ �,nd State of Nebraska, to wit: i <br />� _Lots-0�%�---�-]��--�n�_t�YO--{��--��---k�1�oc�---E-����---�-�-J--Q�---Rol�.in_� __�s��.i4_i.Q�---�-Q--�he--�i�_y_of Gr��nci__Islar�d-�---- <br /> _�1Q oras�:a-�----as--surve;��ci, nlatted and--recorcled�---------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------- - , <br /> ----- _ -- --- ------ ----------------- _ - - ---- ---- - _ - - ----------------------------------------- ---- --------- --- - ------- ---------- --------------------------- <br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditamerits, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the Estate, Rigflt, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Clairn, and <br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor_________,���xc��, of, in„or �,o the same, o� any part thereof. ' <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee_._______and to_________________�1is________.____heirs ' <br /> and assigns forever. And_______I_________ ___hereby covena,nt______with the said Grantee_______that__._I__________..______hold________said premises by good and perfect <br /> title; that______S________________________ha___v_e_good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same;t�at they are free and clear of all liens and ineumbrances <br /> whatsoever----------------------------- - ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------�-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -- -- --- - -- ------------------------------ <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And--------------I------------------- -- ---- ------------- - ---covenant--------to warrant and <br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever,__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ <br /> Dated the- - -22na_- ------------------------------------day of-----=- ---------- --s�larCh--------------- - ----A.D.,1909_ <br /> WITNESS ---------------------------------Ii�ttd�SSi---�,----�r�x�et-t-•---------------------- <br /> - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> -------------John_ Allan-�------------------------- ------- ------ -- ---- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ss. <br /> ----�i311-----------County, On this------- �2nd----- - - - ---day of---------�darCh - -- - - --- ----- - -- ---A. D„ 19_09----, before me, ,; <br /> the undersigned, a No�ary Public__________________________________..__ ______within and for said County, personally came__________________________________.______________________________________ <br /> --------- -Hov,�arc�_�i-----Gar_r_�li-� t---an- unma��isd,_-�--m�.n_,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------------- -------- -- --- -- -- - -- --------- -- ------------ -- ----- --------------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personally known to be theidentical person______whose name_________________._�S________________affixed to the above instrument <br /> as grantor_______, and_______h�_____________,���acknowledged the same to be________hi_ __voluntary act and deed for the <br /> purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribecl my hand and affixed my official seal at, _ ______________________ ! <br /> ____GranCl__Isl_a__n__ds__Nebr�3i.a._________ __on the date last above w_itten. <br /> (SEAL) _ ___ -- ------- __ -J ahn--Allan.---- - --- ---- � ' <br /> Notary Public. <br /> 1i2 y Commission expires-- -------�'�11�--�-•----1�1�----------------------------------------- -------------------�9------- <br /> . <br /> :�; <br />