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<br />�-` + �[0147�!tLCPY'86ARTLRTCO..PRINTING,LITHOORAPHIN6.8T11TION[IiY�OMAHA . ... . ... . .. .. . .. ..... ..... � .:_ . .� ,�:�_ �����- _' "_ ��... -- � � . __ _ _
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<br /> FR�M l I hereby certify that this instrun�ent was entered on Numerical Index and �'
<br /> �
<br />' . filed for record this _ ---14th----- -----day of_--- -�aY_------- -------
<br />, ------Sarah-F-•-.�11_�.��er_s__-(a--ur.ic�Q�t� ----------
<br />,� A. D., 19_Q9� at- -_�-30 -------o'�ock--- - -- - P_------M�
<br />� -- - --- --_ -- TO __ - --- - --- - }WADBEDTY � �� �
<br /> I - - _.__ _ -----
<br /> �- ----- ------- --------- ----------
<br /> �;i�-rian A. �A3�'d. County Ierk,
<br />' --- ------- ---- -- - __ ------- -- -
<br />� -------------- - - ----- ---------------- ------------------- ----
<br /> -- - ------ -- --- -- -- - I \- Deputy.
<br /> - `�------- — -
<br /> -- ------ --- -- —;
<br /> -- --- ---- ----- --- _
<br /> Know all li�Ien b Th�se Pr�sents: �
<br />�
<br /> y
<br />�I
<br />�i That.-- -�,---S�.�ah_E.--Cha�"�ers-- (a_,_�ai�l�w;�, - -- ---- -,__-- - ---- - -- --- - ----- ----- - --- _ _____ - - _ - _ - - - - ----
<br /> of the County of-----I3311- --------------------- -------__----------and State of-----��_e_.��_a__ska-------------------- --------Grantor-------------, in considerati•�rn
<br />' of the sum of_-----------?Ti.�e__:�uncl.x_�d--�--n.Q_-1��J---------------------------
<br /> -------------- ---- - - --- - -- ------- ------------------- ----- ----------------__DOLLARS,
<br />� in hand paid, do----------------------------Iiereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto--------------- --__ _------- ----------------------------------------------------------
<br /> 2,zarian A. Ward
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- - - - -------------------------------------------------
<br /> of the County of_--Hall-----------------------------------------and State of_-------�Tsb-r-ask�---------------- -------- -------------� Grantee--------, the fallawing �e-
<br /> s ribed premises, situa,ted in the County of_ �ia,l-1----------- ----------and State of Nebraska, to wit;
<br />� --------�Q�-�---�um�ex__t_r�Q1Y-�---��.?-)---�,__TY�ixt_e_�n----�1'z�,,---a.n--�lo�_k__num_-hs-r---Qn�.----�1�-_,----in---Har_xi�_Qn-�--��bI?iyi_eion__o�
<br /> � -----__th�---South-_v__est-_qua�_t_��--o�---tla�e__Sa��h.-e�.�-�_-qu�xt_�_x__uf_-����_i_an---nLUnbs-x-_ei;ht_,-_-�-$�_-�.x�-_t_ov�rnsh-i�_-nurr�'ber
<br /> --------e_le__�ren----�11� �----�ort�,----of---range__r��n�---���-�---�,��.st- o�'--��1-�---��x�h P_._P�.-�s--�hqt�t�t---b�--tYl-�---�eCQx��c�-----------
<br /> plat-- - of--saicl__su�?cliv_isi.on--in__th-�---Q�'��,c-�--Qf--th_a_C_o_unty__C1erk -Qf__ s�aixl__Hall__C_o_unt�l-,---I�e-bxaska-.- -- '
<br /> - - --- -- -- -� - _ - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, arid all the Estate, Right, Title, I�terest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim,.and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__________, and of either of them, of, in, or° io the same, or any part thereof. "°
<br />' TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee________.and to________her_______________________heirs
<br /> ana assigns forever. And_____________�_____.hereby covenant______with the said Grantee__.___that______.I________________hold______said premises by good and perfect
<br /> I�', title; that_____________I________________haYe_good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same;that they are free and clear of all liens and incurnbrances
<br />��, whatsoever----����}2t---�_3�ce�--af_�-sr___1�D�i-.- - ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `
<br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------�--- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />� ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - --------- --- --- ---------------------------
<br /> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And---------j---------------=---------- - -- -------------- - ---covenant-------to warrant and ,
<br /> defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever,_____@��_Q�?�___�_�7�°_�__�f�_�T__194�_,____________________________________________________
<br /> Dated t,he- -___ - - --------1-°�h------------day of_-- ---------Ee.�sllarX---------------- -- - A.D.,19__0_7_
<br /> WITNESS ------------------------------------�arah--Ea---Chambers-�----------_---------
<br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />' -- --------�-•---�----yL��c2n------------------- --------------------------- �'
<br /> --------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ss.
<br /> --------H�11----------County, On this----------- - 19th - - ----day of---February -- -- --- - - --A. D., 1907------, before me,
<br />��'�, the undersigned, a Notary Public__�9�'��_�_�_7�_9i��c�,_____....___within and for said County, personally came______________________________,__________________________________________ '
<br /> I 5arah E. Char�bers ( a wiQow )
<br /> - --------- ------ - --------- -- ---------------------------------..-------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />� �
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_______whose name________i�__.___________________._afl'ixed to the above instrument
<br /> I,' as grantor______, and_____�er____________severally acknowledged the same to be________h_��_________voluntary act and deed for the
<br />' purpose therein expressed.
<br />' IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my hand and af�'ixed my ofl'icial seal at___________._________.__________________._
<br /> rsan�.__Ls_larit9._ �tebx�ska._,_.. ___ __on the date Iast above w:°itten.
<br /> -- r--
<br /> (SEAL} -- - _ -- _ _.�.._�,��ta.�t_c�n.-•---- - ---- ----- ---- - -
<br /> Notary Publie.
<br /> 1YIy G'ornmission expires -------------Jul;�--25-i-------------------------------------------------------------�9--12 ;
<br /> ---_ -- --- ,�
<br />