<br /> ,, ,
<br /> ��� . " -
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<br /> DL� � '.J L111L, � O � Dn
<br /> F _ . _.. __� -. ,. — _. � - __ _
<br />'- . ,j01,�7,�•!CLCPPABAp7LGTTCO..PNINTING.LITHOGRAPHING,3TAT10NCNY�OM/�HA . ... .. . .. . . _.. . . � . ...'....
<br /> � . ..-._ ..:-.-_ . "- _... �_._ �.
<br /> FROM � I hereby certify that this instrun�ent was entered on Numerical Index and
<br /> . filed for record this_ __ 1��-h---- -----,------day of ----I��y---- -------- ------------ ;
<br />�'I S_�?_r_a;ue- P-•--Ross-, �: -tTifQ-- --- - - - - - -
<br /> A. D., i9__�9, at-- _ __ - - -3 ---- ------o'clock------ ------- - ---------P--- --M�
<br />' --- ----- --- -- - -- - -- - - - - _ _ - _ __ WARRANTY
<br /> I TO DEED �i���/�°�� `,
<br /> - _ _ _ -- - -- - - - -- - - -��-------------- --------
<br /> County Clerk, ;i
<br /> _Is3:�_o11�--�a.a.dinUton---- -- - -- -- -_ - -__
<br /> �
<br /> - -- - - ._ __ ---- --�----------- ------------------------------
<br /> --- ---- --- - -- - - _-- - - -- - -- - �.;�, Deputy.
<br /> Know all IVI�n by These Pres�nt�:
<br /> That_- -_�roe_,___Spra,��,u� _P_,_._ T�o�s__.an� Bertha-E_.---Ro_s_ �,--hus�3nd_anci--�vifa-- -------
<br /> of the County of---- Fi__a11 -------- ----- -------- -----------and State of r18'aTa_s__ka------- --------,------- .- --- - - . _-----------Grantor-$---------, in consideratfon
<br /> of the sum of_------- -�_��n"�_;�-f�u,r--Hunclreci-�'�- -no-- ------- - ------- -- -- - - -- - ------ ------------------- -- -----------DOLLARS, .
<br /> in hand paid, do-------- hereby GRANT, BARGAI�T, SELL, AND CONVEY unto-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -----------------------------Ls_a��1��----Luc�ix.�t vx�----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - -- - ---�----
<br />, of the County of______rI3�.�. _ _______ ______ ______and State of_ i�ebrasl�a________ ________ _ , Graniee______, the following de- �
<br /> t s:ribed premises, situated in the County of_________l�all.._______________________and State of Nebraska, to wi�:
<br /> I _Cornmencin�__3t__a__�oin� _on_ the_ east __line_of_ tne_ south-east___c�uart_er oi __seetion_ four in___taw�ashi�?_ _
<br /> ,
<br /> _aleven__north___o�'___ran�;e____n_ine,___West___of__ tlze_____Si:�th___Princi;�al_,__?,�eridi�n._in_r�ebras�a:__one___hunclrecl_______ ;'
<br /> _ten___xods,___aoutn___of__�ne__T�torth-�a�t__corner___of__said__ quArter__sa_c__t_iorL_,___runni_r._�_thence__��rest _anc�___________ !'
<br /> _�?ar�11e1 �rith___the__north___line__ of__saicl__r�uar�ter___s_ect ion,____�.ight�T___r___o_��s_,___mare_ or__le_s_ s, _to_ _the__�yest__ line
<br /> _nf___tha___ea_s__t___hwlf___of___��ia__sauth_-oas�__qua__rter_,___thence___soutn_ alon�_said__west__line_of_ea�t half,�_ _ '
<br /> �ou�h-�a�_�t__�uarter__���irty--4��0__(32)_ __roc�s;____thence___east___�arallel_v�ith_ the_ nort� line_of said _
<br /> __c�uaxter s_e_ction___e__i_�h_ty__rods,__ ;iore__or___1Q�s___to__the__east___line_ _oi__said__ c�uarter__sect_i_on_,__thence_.______.__ '
<br /> north alon� said ea�� line '�_` 1T�V—t��TO ��2� 'lOCYS to placo___of__be�innin�,___cont�ining__sixteen__(16)__
<br /> a c r e s-�------a---1 i t t 1 e--m:o r e---or---1 a s-s-.---------------------
<br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, Curtesy, Claim, and
<br /> Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor___s_______, and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto *he said Grantee___._____and to_________rli$___________________.heirs ;
<br />' and assigns forever. And_______we_________hereby covenant______with the said Grantee______that_______YQ6___________ ___hold_______�said premises by good and perfect
<br />�
<br /> tttle; tlzat_________�8_________._________ha__��_good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same;that they are free and clear of all liens and ineumbranoes '
<br /> whatsoever------------ -- ------------------------------- -------- ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And------�'��e--------------- - --covenant--------to warrant and
<br />� defend to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever,____________________________________________________._________________________________-__________________________________________ ;
<br /> ' Dated the-- - $th - - -------------------�--------------day of------------:�_�ay----------------------------- -----A.D.,1909_
<br /> WITNESS -----------------------------------S�ra�ue D. Ro s s .
<br /> �'3ertha E. Ross. �
<br />' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> 13rinin�er.
<br /> ----------T'---R' -----------�-------------------- -----
<br /> --------- -
<br /> �
<br /> -------------------- --- -------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
<br /> ST9.TE OF NEBRgSKA,
<br /> -- ss. i,
<br /> --------�ial1---------County, On this-- --------8th------------- - -day of- ----����y_--------- ----- -- -- -------A. D., 19-----09_, before me, '!
<br /> the undersigned, a Notary Public________________________________..__..___within and for said County, personally came_________________________________________________________________.__:__..__ ;
<br /> __________Spra.gue D_.__Foss and T�ertha E. F.os� . i
<br /> ------- - - -- ----------- --- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be theidentical person__s___whose name___s___�re___________________affixed to the above instrument '
<br /> as grantor�-_�_-',`and__.tn8y______________severally acknowledged the same to be________��leir_______voluntary act and deed for the '
<br /> purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my hand and ai�Ixed my ofTicial seal at______ _____________________.___ ,
<br /> _ G�ana__7slar!a�__i�Te'rar. __ ____on the date last above w.itten,
<br /> (SEAL� ___- _ __ _ -- -- -- - - L.�_,_�rinin,�er �------ -----------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> 1�2� Commission expires---------------I�x�l�---��-�---------------------------------- -----------�9----�4
<br />