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201108868 <br />FXHIDIT "A" <br />A tcact of land comprlsing a pact of the Northeast Qnarter (NE1/� of Section Ei�ht (8), Towns6ip <br />T�nelve (12) Nort�y Range Nine (9) Weat.ot the 6th P.M., in. IIsll County, Nebrasl�; more gartfcalarly <br />d,escrlbed as toIIaw� Beg�ua�ng at a�ioiat on the westerly rl�t-oi way •l�ne oi U.S. Hig6way Na ZSi, aaid <br />point bei�g Seve�i Hunci�ed Forty Seven end �vo TmtLs (747.�) feet so�6 and 1Ltity Nine and Seventy <br />Five H�dredths (�9.7� feet west of ffie norWeast corner o[ aaid Sectioa Eig6t (�; thence westerly <br />paratlel to the north 1�e oP said Sccaon Eight (�, a d�s�nce oP One Thousaa�►d One H�d,re�l. Si�dy St�c <br />and T�vo Hun� (i,166.OZ) teeN theaoe defleeHug Ieft 91�5' and ronning southarbg a d��tance of <br />Five H�mdred Seventy Two and F.ig6t Tentl�s� (3'l2.8) [cet; theace eaeterly paralld to the nort6 line' of <br />said Sectlon F�gbt (�, a dlstance ' ot One Thousand One Hondred Sb�y Faur and TLirty Nine <br />HimdredtLs (1,16a39) feet, ta fJ�e � right of�vay liae of said II.S. Highway Na Z81; tl�ence <br />nortl�rly aloag sa�td lui�way rlg6t-of�a�y line, a d�stance of Fiv� Handred Seventy TP►o and Eight Twths <br />(572.8j feet to the place of be�aaiag, E%CEPl'IIVG a ce�rta�ln tract D�ed to the State af Nebrasloa wore <br />P���3' d�d in �Varrsnty Deed recor�Ied as Docum�t No. 93-10485�. <br />