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<br />:;- -� �� �- -- --- . r-
<br /> � 6, The 1aw in I�7eD�raska coacesaiag �e baund�ries3��a�1 . . _
<br /> . ,.,�F
<br /> estate fs well se�tled: ' � - '
<br /> "Origiaal corners, as established by the government surveyors, �,� �:�',�-��
<br /> if they caa be found, or t�e p�,ac�s where thQy wese or3gina].ly ,:� ,� _. -���=
<br /> established, if they can be definitely de��iaed, are � —.
<br /> conr.lnsive oa all persons owning or hold3ng �ith regereace � . '��'�=�_�
<br /> �hereto, wi'thout regard to whether thep v�rere lflcated coaectly " ; ,..�._... .-� �-
<br /> or not, and must remais the true corners of selaich to determiae °� � ''����5`r'�
<br /> the boundaries." Foltz v. Brakhaae, 151 Neb. 276, 221 (1949). ' • ��''�` �
<br /> �,'�'.�+,c.�i:—
<br /> ' "Ori inal surveys of public 3ands by the O�nited States � �'�
<br /> , governmeat, oa the fafth of which propertp rig�ts have been � :~ .;.�� �'-
<br /> , .�,� ��•...,�.
<br /> acquired, contTCOl oner surveys subsecluen�ly made by the '-- �
<br />.� governmeat which affect such rigbts." Hic3aman v. Jones, 106 . �''�-�'�•-,
<br /> �.: Neb. 466 (1921) ..
<br /> -. ���� �.
<br /> - 7. Based upon existing case lac�, the original governmeat �� �-�� '' '. _
<br /> � .��`�I�`' ---
<br /> � marker, two hundred ¢ive (205) feet eas�t of the erroneous marke�, ,:�� . • '��;:. :�r�
<br /> - ���.� :. +�-
<br /> . •- �,.
<br /> �� aust control and minus ani► claiaa of adverse �ssessfon, which t� '�"' �
<br /> �3 � �
<br /> �':.�`�_
<br /> Cour� �eels has not be� establlshed bp �he evideace, title mus� , ,. . :,�..•�; ,`� .�
<br /> � r " ,�%:�� -=-
<br /> vest fn the Plaintiffs. '`�.�.r`" . '� �; �.�
<br /> � 's"�a� Court hereby quiets title to the following described real '' ��a��� �;��_W:=-
<br /> estate in the P�aintiffs as joiat tenants witia right of _ ' � '"""r�
<br /> . . ��»�
<br /> survivorship and not as tenaats in common: :�.�'���.,.:��� _
<br /> ., ...,_.__-._. .._._.
<br />�..-s -�Y=,,,�%,Q,�'°-�-�:
<br /> '°L� tract o� land camprising a part of the Northwest Quarter : _�: __���-.�-:
<br /> (NW�) of Section Zlweaty (20) , Tawnship �cvelve (12) North, Raage � '����_:v�-=-.--
<br /> �� " `=- .
<br /> Nine (9) West ot Sixth P.rf., ia �iaii t:ounty, ivebrasisa, more � ; ,-�- �
<br /> ...�_�r���-�-_ .
<br /> parti�ularly desraribed as follows: `_,�„ :� •��""'� �-�
<br /> Heginning at the soutta��st corner of the said Northwest - . ,.,��
<br /> �arter (NW�) thence running north along the west line of saicl _: ,;�;��,.�
<br /> L�.�rthwest Quarter (NW�) oa an assume8 bearing of N 00°00'00" u:;,��t��_____
<br />° E, a distaace of Z�o Thousana Sax Hundred Nine and Eighty-six - �y-•�:a��^^Y;.:'� "'
<br /> Huadredths (2609.86) feet, to the northwest corner of safd � �r�""�#`" �
<br /> �.,�,��,,,.�,TV �,•
<br /> Northwes� Quarter (NW�): thenae running S 87°3 2'11" E, along . , :-.-,�,,,�•::'�,A�,',;�.�•�.�'=-
<br /> the north line of said Northwest Quaster (NAT�f, a distaace of � -�;, �
<br /> 6 � �
<br /> � � ' � . �
<br /> .__.�-�--------�--�--�..--------_-.__,___� -..,.......... .----...__ ._.....__.__- --._�..�-..� . . �
<br /> . . . - . . . . . - _ .. . ,.�..._..._.��
<br /> � ' . . . ' �� . . .. . ' .. �
<br /> � � � . . . . �. ..
<br /> , �. . � ' : • . .. !.;_�
<br /> � • . �. � . � � �� �. ' � � . � _�.�
<br /> . �
<br /> - � ..�...._._Y. - - ' _ . . -�. .
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<br />