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<br /> ' . ;��
<br /> "the adjoining land now owned by Plaintiffs was pur'ahased in � � •
<br /> 1987 fram the estate of Charles Me�tenbrink• • •'"% � , • ,J
<br /> and botPi counsel and �he Court agreed that sucYs f inding s3�ould Ioe � - - - -,-'-:��
<br /> correated to state, in lieu of the quoted phrase, the following: f � '
<br /> �the adjoining land now owned by Plaintifgs was puraliased on � . � , ,�
<br /> August l, 1989, by Plaintiffs �rom Elmer j+T. YKettembsi� �d � . �:.
<br /> Norma J. Mettenbrink, His Wife, who had purchased such . ,
<br /> property from the estate of Charles Mettenbrink on June 2, .: . .. . ,, �" ;!
<br /> 1989.° . . =. . _.�
<br /> goth counsel present agreed that the Plaintiffs• Motion and . _: yK_�,�__
<br /> � the further suqgestion of error to be corrected made by said � `,, ,�'�-
<br /> �x.,-�: : ::
<br /> Charles R. Maser were approipriate and that the Cou�t should so ` �:. �.,_.�;_-��
<br /> order. . : •.}�::��e�^
<br /> ., a.:• -:
<br /> WHEREUPON, upon consideration �hereof and the CeuYt bQin�! ` -- -..` -• �,
<br /> . , Y_���'`..:_�,.
<br /> fu11�,r advised in the premises, finds that the Co�art should, and it . �i
<br /> ctions to be made to the �-�r�!;-�-
<br /> �' � does, hereby order the following acrre .'., �.�.�,;NS._; �
<br /> ;:�� °JO�Aal EIl'tI'y 811d Jib�`¢�m'�-At° filed herein on OctabeX 23, 1995, as ;.: � ��� "�.
<br /> :. `_
<br /> _a _ ,
<br /> �ollows: : ' i ��' , � ;
<br /> . . � • ��L i • � •�'•
<br /> 1. That on Page 5, at bine 5, the following words should be :. :. 1,�+ , �
<br /> ..:� ��..--
<br /> `� deleted: �.-�`T �;''s " --
<br /> � - : :--
<br /> :� ��the adjoining land no�i owne¢i by Plai.ntiffs was purchased :. � ,,.�: _
<br />.:';r"- in 1987 from the �state of Charles Mettenbrink° ' '.`.� .
<br />_,� . �ti' . ;��� .
<br /> . . . � ,IC �
<br />• ,� and in lieu thereof the following words shall be inserted: � : �'� �
<br /> urchased ''�,'�,��. ` :.�� ; :
<br /> �' •�the adjoining land now owned by Plainti�fs was p � ' ,�.�,.% � ,�,'__
<br /> �'i on August 1, 1989, by Plaintiffs fro� Elmer W. „„��...-:
<br /> ��'t` Mettenbrira� and Norma J. 1�3�ttenbrink. H1s Wife, who had � t�: . �
<br /> �;,'� purchased such property from .the estate of Charles =:.r,:�,_�'. �- . ,
<br /> � -�.,.
<br /> � Mettenbri.nk on June 2, 1989. . ••r:;A_,,;�--�••�_•-
<br /> =' O ii r,L:;:��..=.i�ae�--. � ----:
<br /> `n.
<br />..,,.� 2. That on Paqe 6, Paragraph 7, Liiae 2, the word east ;, .�N•;��,
<br /> ''� should be deleted a=na� that in lieu thereof the word "west" shall be ___���
<br /> .;.;.,� ; __ ����
<br /> insarted. �,�.-_ _
<br /> �-��-�-
<br />`- � 3. That on Page 7 on the seventh line from the bottom of said ..:,1-����:��,.-�.
<br /> :�:-,�,.:,: ,
<br /> paqe the word "with° should be deleted and that in lieu thereof the �-���V'_
<br /> � ,�r.. _�.,
<br /> word "width" should be inserted. � �����",�,, "-
<br /> DATED this � day of �� ro(r+�- , 1995. `: :,.�,-:.,.,.�,��
<br /> f�:...c��..<.:. --
<br /> : Y THE COURT: � � . � . .
<br /> �� s.�..��.
<br /> .�r�.,�•.�_.
<br /> CLERK Oi D13TRICT OOU11T Of HALL . .� �_ • ,'
<br /> ' TME WREGOINO CGP�►A�^)TO dE A FiJL1. . . ! -
<br /> �u�w coAREC�r ooa )OF THE J S D. NGS ON, DISTRICT JWGE _
<br />. °��a�ncN sNU�'oo�� ' , � . � .
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