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. . .. <br /> _ - ... , --. , - -. --� - - ---. . -• -r.. , x <br /> � _ ' . ' ' �� .:� <br /> � imo Wndcr a9�ta attomoy-m fact ro wrtmonoo.insarvano In,nnd �! <br />. 13. LE�IDfiA'S Ri[3H7 TO COlA��CE 08 0��e PropertyA ranl09.horDbY��pW 1 i ot Coniro cr4y VFa�n ng IROroto �LO ar hat/not bo�roto • . ,_� <br /> Uveatened actian.suit.or othet proceed� 9 ��and to catr�rortise or r,otllo any d�im y rQSUlung ihnrotrom hbthing , . _ <br /> � detena such aci+ons,ds�'s,a othe►tegal procce rta�nin io ite acttrrss n ih�s paragraPh or any +c�9� . _-__. <br /> • Grantor for any action:error,mislaKe.ortiss'on or daiay pe Q ��h N ns awn nartri ; . .` ''- <br /> . carrtained herein��it preverrt LePde�iromtaidng the actions descriced in iNa tians evith rospod to tho Propony undar F_ <br /> vide Lender w rt h w rt ri e n n o U c e of and N�amnHy and hold Lendor and its sharoholdcrs,dinxtc►s.ottieara.(� : <br /> i4. I N D E M N I F I C A l t O N. Lend�r shall not assume or be respcnsibls br the paAomiance of any ot(3rantor's obiga , _ _ <br /> �y preurr�stances. Grantor shall irtTnedate�Y Pro 5 ����es(indu�ng attomeys' tees and 1e9a1 expenses).causos o i a c li o n.a c t i�ts and� _ � <br /> employees and agerrts harmtess iT°m a�f daims.d�ae • mduQ�ng.bu1 not lirteted tn.thosg irnoMng Hazardous Matanals) C3rantar.upon � i n:.� <br /> other Iegai Droceed��9s(WrT°'la�ety"C��7 P�rt��ng to the Property( <br /> the B411en there ith. In the�attam�aUVeu Lenderdsh I be emit�ed o emptoy i�s own le�l�counttsem oydefend'su�Cl�rtu at(3tant e a co�st�Graneors_� .— <br /> . connec�o shall su�vive the termir�ion.release or tore�osure of this Deed ol Trust. � � <br />� obligstion to indertviiiy Lendsr under th�s para�aP� rn v�hen due and irrnnedialely provids Lender evidence� � <br /> i Grarrtor shali Pay a!!taxes and assesssnents rel�ng to Prope ! f,.. . <br /> 15. TAXES:IND ASSESSM�NTB• est ot Lender.Grantor shall deposit with Lender each month one-nteltih(�It2) of iheed to ti�t�payrr�m of ta��e , <.� <br /> ot paymer»of same. UP°n the re4a�ning to tha Propetry. Sc long as there is no dafautG thsse arroLms shail be app� �e�n��held ta� <br /> premlum.taxes and asssssmeMS Pe ���e eV�of default L--°nde�sh��h�e�e rigM,at its sole optian,to appty � <br /> . ' �ssessments and insuranee as req�r�d on the Properry•, ied'sn reverse order of the due date thereof. <br /> i ons. My tunds aPPiied Leadefs aPpl� . . <br /> � PaY�Y�es or against V:e Q41:g� pe , .; <br />� � fram tirtsa t�tima.Grantor sha0 provi d e any assistenv� . ;+ <br /> 16. Ii�iS?EC�fON OF PROF�NIY,B�001C��r bcoks and recards pe�G`9 c tlia PropertY �r or its a�ms to exarrine and ins ct the rope <br /> Oi <br /> � and exartine.inspect and ma1�eapi f and'mfortr�alion oer�'.ned In(3ranta�s boai�and reeo�ds shaU be Senuine,true.�on ly, • ' • <br /> � regulted Mj Lertder tnr i hese p�u P a s e s A i l 0 4 t h e s i g n�u re s to ihe Pro rry• . _ <br /> cortplete(n al1 respects. Gratitor shall nate itte existencs of Lendefs ber.eftdal intere s t in i t s b o n K s a n d��r d�����n�'ition orphe Property. The .,�.t. <br /> �o�s.Shyl�reBecl Grantors records at such tirre.�d shall be►endered with sueh heq�B��Y as L.�nder may designate a� i � <br /> ,',�i Grarrtor shaN repon.m a fortn satisfactory to Lender.sueh infomefion as L.ender may request►eg�9 G�rnor it Lender requests. . <br /> infomiation sha11 be for such pe� lete in all respects.a�d signed hy <br /> ; i intom�ation tumished hy CC►arnar to Lender shall be true.aaurade and comp _- <br /> t ' 17.ESTOPPEL CERTIACATES.Within ten(�0)days aftar arry rec�est by Lender,��ar the outstandn�fanca on�tyhe Obl�transie�d(ti�whether •_ . ' �_ , <br /> � staterromspecilyi 9() �'=?:?; : , <br /> righ;s with respect to the Obli�tians,a si�ed and aclmow�ed3ed. •rh11�. <br /> , � , Grarttor possesses any daims.defenses.setoffs or cour»erdai errsnta�tion�at Lender may r�r�ahe t the rrtended Van esf reeuvrith re P�toethese SmaVers�n : <br /> i courrterclaims. Grantor will be condusivelY bour.d by anY reF ' ::,,'�q;�'; ,� �;�.i�; <br /> � the everA ihat Grantor faits to pravide the tequeslsd staterrerrt in a timeSy manner. in tha evem that Cirardor.Bon°w'er or . ' . •- ';��� <br /> � er shaii beoome operative • 1. -";_— <br /> � 18. DEFAtlLT. Grarrtor sha11 be in detauR under this Daed of Tnist and the Tn�stee's P� , .�t�'.' ;__ <br /> 7 �M. . <br /> � any guararrtor of the Oblip�ions: e�t or luture `�` <br /> • 1 (a) fails to pay any ObligaUon to Le�der when dua: , ``.. �- .� <br /> (b) fails to perfortn any Obligation or breaches arry warta"�Y or coverc�'40 lander eorritined in this Deed of Trust or arry other pres . .�. _. <br /> ,�. � agreemem: in rretetial respsc�ar sub�cis ihe PropsrtY to seizure.confiscation.or condarrm�ion: . .;'•,�;�_: <br /> � (c) desuoys,loses or darrages 1he Properry, anY to Lender. '"+�"{ � <br /> (d� seeks to revo k o.te r m i n a t e o r o t h e rv u i s e h r r i t i t s 1 l a b i l i t Y im�r an y g�'y, filed in which GraMot.Borrower — <br /> (e) �ies.becomes tegally inoortpetem,is�issolved or temti�ated.b��'has an imrol u�arY Petition�n bar:IwP«Y b a n a fi t of aedtors,fai{s to paY ' S . � <br /> . .� debts as ihey beeorre due.files a petidon under the tedaral beniwPt�Y s � <br /> ' or any guarantor is nsmad,or has praperry talcen under any writ or���f�ron.Vansportation.or use o� iilegal: �. ., . — <br /> , (f� allows goods to be used.lransPcrted or stored on the Properry. `� � . : <br /> (g) aliows any panY otherthan Grantor or Bartower tu a�surr�o�un��a any 04�iigation wittiout the written wnserA of Lender,or �� k f ` " <br /> � (h) c a u s e s L e n d o r t o d e e m i t s e�f i n s e c ure due to a signieeant dedine in the value of ihe PmpertY;e►if Lender•�n 8°°d faitli,for any rea:an,believes :T L.�:�-.I�� <br /> � t fi a t t h e p r o s p e e t o f P a Y r re m or p ertomiance Is frt�alred <br /> . . �,'� <br /> ( '� � t1/ <br /> _ � 19. RIGNTS OF nl�I�E����eX����fred by lav+): ��r this Deed of Trus1,Lender shall 6e eMitted to exerdse one or more of ihe tollowing ,,,. ; � <br /> re m e d e s w i tl�o u t e(a t u U: ..__,.�!t <br /> � (a) to declare ihe OWIgaUons imredatety due an d pa y r a b l � ��` . <br /> ' (b) tocolteettheeutstand�90b�'8ations w i t horw i t ho u t r e s o N n g t o N�d��pn�o��or Chanets constituUng the Propeny a t a p l a c e r e a s o n a b ty <br /> : (c) to wquire drantor to deliver end malce avaitade to Lendar any pe ;�,. ��- <br /> oornenierrt lo Orantor and Lender, w�out apprying tor or abtafning the appotmrtiem ot a receNur and at l.enders optlon,to ;;� <br /> (d) to er�ter upon and tafc��possession of ihe Praperiy <br /> • appoirtt a reoelver without bond wflhout flrst brinping suH on the Ohligatloim a recetverout mherwise meeting any stanAory condtlon�tegu�ng . �.'i"',, .,•';. _ :' <br /> recehrera.i1 being Urtended that Lender shail hava thls contracwal rl9m to 8PP° .. � -•-. <br /> (e) to ertpfoy a mana91n9 agem oi�tie ProyartY and tot the sams.9�ih9t 111 TNS[BB S OWfI R2fI10.of ali necessarY d�r8f'�3XR9!!&B9.0�aorao unt ot `'.��.�._,!!"+�-�:: <br /> and 1hs sarre.ef�er payme --- �y - <br /> ceoelve the tems.incomes.issues and profits ot the Property eppY �_.�_� <br /> • the Obiig�ions: �- <br /> � R <br /> � (� to pay enY surm in any�urtn or manner deemed expe�em by Lender ta poted the securfry of this Deed ot Trust or to cure atry detaull other than - I�^ <br /> ' . p a y t n erA of irtsrest or pindpal on the Obligations: �d�o����e sae ot the property�hrou�exerdse of the powar ot sale aa retarenced In :_ <br /> � (9) to taredose this Oeed ot Trust ju�a a l N o r n o n j u d i d a t l Y <br />— p,�graph 20 hereof in aoocordanae with epp:icabte law: •:.,��+�r',� <br /> � (h)t o s e t-oH ararrto{s ObIiBallons agalnst any errourtts ov+au"�tttir tri lender indud�ng,bu�not lirr�ed to.rronies.instrumetrts.end daPcs(t . ��=.:P--- <br /> ' aocourrts malrttalned wi0i Lendar or arry airtenlh�e�d s Ung or(u t u r e a t fi l�t o o t L e n d e r:and : �, , <br /> • (q to exerdse e0 other d�ts avaflahie to Lender under eny other written agreerrent ot applicahle Iaw. ,,�' `. _ <br /> lnnders d�ts are wnuladve end rrey ba exerdsed iog'a���N•�lo��O�or,Gtanto waives iheePostin9 f anY 6ond whlch mt�e! . ,. ,v <br /> � recovery of ury of the PropertY bY waY of a prejudgrmn �� �e. Procee�s of any truetees sale hereundat ahs11 ba applloa , . _:�,+ <br /> � mherwise be required. Lendar or Lend9fs designee may purchaso 1he P�°PanN r»ot the Trustoe's faes actualty incurted and not to <br /> � first,to the costs and e�enses ot exerdsing the pawer of calo and of the sale.Inctu�ng the payma rn ot unlor • <br /> ded tot in this Deed of Trus� payrnertl ot the Obligatlons sec+�red hereby.lhird.t�o�h y�Ihereol may <br /> ex0eed the emoum whieA m3y be Pmv� . ' � <br /> trust deeds,mortgages,or other lienholders,and the balance.(t the parsan or persons legalty emNed thereto. ThopropartY <br /> be sold in on�e �par�oT 8�����e���jha erNre propertY is satd or the odl tSaUcns are Pald n fuli.�or more exordses o11he power herein granted . <br /> , sha!I nol exli gu • �-• <br /> 20. TRUSTEE'9 EXERCISE OF POWEN OF SALE ON OEFAULT: 11 lsnder eiects to sell arentors imerest In ths Properry by exerdse ot the power of <br /> � salo hereln toritai�ed.Lender shall notity Trustee In the rrenner then requ�red bY 4�w• �Ish��d���such notlaes ot defaalt ' . . • <br /> " Upon reoelpt ot such noUce of Lender and at the direcllon o1 Lender,Trustee shall cause to ho rocorded�D� .. . _ <br /> and notices of sale as may then be recNtred by law and by this Desd of Trus1_ Trustee shall,only at the dreeUon ot Lender and withoul demand on t�rar►tor, _ <br /> atter such Lme as�g ,t rf o a�r�d plaae o1 ale fixad bY it�n sud�niollce ot ssle�eflher as whole o�r inflse pna�rsto Io orparcels or fter m as LeRd�er�s�h21 dYem � <br /> sell the Prope�ai <br /> expemerA,and n sueh ordar as it maY detemine,at publie auetlon to the hl�est ddder for cash In IawhA money ot the United States pa�a1 ihe tSme ot .� <br /> . sate,or as othenx(ss ma�isold,but w�houtb ny ccvenant or w I3rrerttY.oxpress orurtplledr aThoure'tals inhsuchfdeed�otdany matters ar faets ahall�g . �- <br /> oonveying the properry pe � � — <br /> oondusive proof o 1 the tM h f u lness l hne sate ot Y a l l o r any iPurtion of hehP operty.on,Granter,Trustee or Lender,may pu►ehaso at such sale. Trustee maY <br /> in ihe rt�nner ptovlded bY�aw P°sh� , a <br /> � � <br /> �, ���+�EST FOA NOi10ES: dramor requests Shat a copy o1 any nc;xa ot defaull and a oopy ot any notice ot sals hereunder be mailed to each person � <br /> � tivho�s a partY hareto a11ho address uf s�ch Person set lorth herein at'he same tirre and ln the same manner requlred as thou�a s°;.atate►eyuest � <br /> thereof had beon filed C�eaeh such person. � � <br /> '� i <br /> r ! <br /> � ! � . __ <br /> i � <br /> i _ <br /> i �� <br /> i . <br /> i 7 : _ <br /> - ' Paqe3d6 /',:.1�.__�!-- �1 _ _-. <br /> . j �.. <br /> ' NEDOTC Rw.3A6 � <br /> ; . � �,. <br /> + •. . � . .H.� ''' . . ' -�. . , ' �� �..,� . .' • .. � i. . � � ., � . . . . . . . ,, ., ., . � - .. _ ;., . <br />