. . .
<br /> . . . ..
<br /> _, __
<br /> ---- , --- - -- - -_------ -- =--;—=_-_=– =-- .. � . . __._,.._� __ �'
<br /> . . -------- �.. ..._.. .. � • E� .. � .. . ' . , ",
<br /> , • ,�
<br /> ' � ?2 S£CURLTY INTEBEST UNDER THE UN�FORL1 COt�ERC1AL CQDE. This Deed of Trust sha8 be cons�red s^•d�ettaGi��e as a finandng . . , . --- :,:.. -�_.- _-
<br /> statemerA and e'fix[ure filing pursuanl to iha provisions ot ihe Unilorm Cortansraal Code(as adap?ed in the slate where the rea1 pmPartY is located) .
<br /> # ooverinq flxlures,dtattels,and artides of personal properry now owned or hereaher attachad to or to be used in conne�ion with the Property together with _-
<br /> j any and au rep(acer�ms th�reot ana a�tar�th��ta(ih.a'Gh�tiels?.�nd Gramor hereby�artts Lender a sacuritY irnerast in such Chattela The debtor is � . , _ - - '-x°-=
<br /> ihe Granfor desaibed above. This Deed ot Trust wili be etfedive as a finandng stiderr��t ye� of said�fitin�gs mducLn said xture�s is situateduTh s � .
<br /> � said premises and is to be filed for record in the real estate recards ot each eaun where an part P� (� 9 t , • � "_
<br /> Oeed of lYust shall also be ic or other reproducdan otathis Oeed ot Tru t or of arry fin�aneg statemeryrt be ati g to this Deed of��s�t�shall Ibe suffiaent asa� i � r t-
<br /> ` offlee. A e a r b on.p h o t o g r a p h �s the i.en d sr d asai 6 e d a b o ve. U n demand.Gramor shall ' f. �
<br /> finanang st�emertt tor any of the purposes referted to in mis Parayaph. The sewred PartY_ P°
<br /> ' rreke,exewte end deGver such SewMy a�eert�nis(as such tarm is dafined in said Umfortn Corrvreraal Code1 as Lander at any time rt�ay deem I.� . _ , , _
<br /> nscessary or proper or required to grarrt tc L.endsr a pe►tected securitY imerest in the Ch�tets,and upon Gramofs falure to do so.Lender is authorizei to `�
<br /> sign any such a�eement as thet She Chattels.�ai an umeh�thout�e�s�a�re�Grarttor. Grantorstv ill.e ho ever,at any time upon request of Le der. � ` ;��
<br /> ' Corrrrerdal Cade)wrth respect Y '
<br /> sign such financmg ste►errsams. Grantor wll pay all fiiing fees far the filing of such finandng siatemarrts and for the refiling thereaf at the umes re�ired in
<br />� :� ihe opinion of Lgnder,by said UnHortn Corm�e�aai CAda- �f ihe lien of this Qaed ot Trust be sub;ea tc anY sewmY 8B�ee��ve�ng the Chattals,ihen
<br /> in the everrt ot any defautt under this Deed of Trus4 ali ihe ri�t.�e��������m°���Gt�or or ihe ptedeoessorseor suaessors'm�u'lle of -
<br /> ! LBnder,together wrth ffie benefit ot any deposits cr PaYma � '
<br /> " Grantar in the Properry. � ' . ..
<br /> . �I .. -
<br /> � �3. EiEIMBURSFMBrT OF Al41�UNTS EXPE[dDED BY L�/DER. Lendsr,at Lende��of n�is un�derihf is Dee�d of T s1. Upon demand GraMor �, ={
<br /> e�enses)to perform anY ac�requlred to 6e taken by Grarrtor ar to exerdse anY right -
<br /> .j shaU imrs�atety reirtturse Lendar for all such amourrts expended bYrrt urttilrU�e d�.�e o�imbutsen rrt. These s�ums shell 6ehi n�duded n ffie de�fin'rtio of �, , ,
<br /> � ObUgatlon or the highest r�e altawed by law from the dade of payrre � .
<br /> .1 p�gations herain and sha11 be seaued b71 ihe 6enefidal irrterest�artted herein. ff ihe ObGgations are��er•ons�er the�t� '�n�n'mg of Puh'�rat1°of . :_-
<br /> • � sale.as herein raovisfed.ar In ihe eveM Lender shalt,at its sole optian.pertrit Cirarttor to pay enY P� gaw .
<br /> a�
<br /> noUce of sale,as heraln pravided•ihen.Grantor s h a l l paY o n d e�a n d all e�enses�n�rted by ihe Trustee and Lenrl�r in oonrte�ai with satd publiqtian. `
<br /> indud�ng reasunabte attameys tees to the a:tomeys for the Tn:s'�and for the Lender,and a reasonable fee to the Trustee.ar�d lhis D e e d o f T r u s l s h a l l b e ,t
<br /> sepuity tor all such expenses and fees. g �
<br /> ��_;.'.
<br /> ?A. APPUCAiION OF PA1fb1ENTS. The Trustee shali apdY the proceeds c`t7:z t-ustea s sala.first.to ihe eosts and expa� ded tor �e Deed of Trustf • � .�.`"'' _ -
<br /> sale and ot ihe sale,induding ihe payrr�ent of the Trustee s�ees acWaiN incur.e�l nat to�xceed iho d�o��N��rt��s aT elcer Ilenholders,and the . • . .� ""—°
<br /> seeond to PaY�rt of the odigaUOn secured by the Deed of Tnist.th(rd to tha PaY►rie -.. �.:=:'.. _ ,.- ��
<br /> balance,if any,to the person or persons IegaUy ertUtled thereto. : �
<br /> ��..:._ '..,._
<br /> 26� p0111Ep OF AITORNEY. Gramor hereby�pol►rts Lendsr as its attomey-in-fact to endorse Grantots name on all instrumerrts and other dxuments :^�_
<br />'" peAaining to ihe Obilgations ar Deed of Tnist. n addrtion.Lender shail he erRitled,but not required tope�o��y�on or exeane any dauimem - ,s`. -_�.
<br /> u
<br /> requ i r e d to b e t a k a n o r e x e w t e d b Y G r a n t o r u n d e r t h i s D e e d of Trust. LendaPspe rfomianee ef such setien ar execution of sudt domrt�tris shall not �,: �
<br /> � r�t(ive Grantot fram any Ob68atton or cure anY defautt under this Deed of Trust A l l'owers a f a tt o m e y d e s a i b e d�n t M s D e e d o f T r u s t ar e c o u p l e d with an ,: � .�:�
<br /> ' frrterest and are Urevorable. �'.;t:i�,..: -
<br /> 28. SUBR04ATiON OF LFSIDER. Lender shail be su6ro8a1ed to the rt�ts of the holder of any previous lien.sewril3+ irrterost or enambtance ��� �,..
<br /> ;i:.--
<br /> ,. -�-_
<br />' ��d�h{�ds a�lranc�d by Lender regardless of whether these hens.seeurlly irrterests or ather enwrt�ranoes have be°n reieased of record. , , .�.f=i�, -
<br /> . ��.-#�. - -_
<br /> 27. �pLLECTIQDI COSYS.To the extem pemitted by taw.Gr�ntor a�ees to ps.derks and�uttamsj evhe"ier arsn s u�aitomey o�r a�nt is an ; � .
<br /> • ' and costs of attomeys and other agerrts(indud�ng wrthaui IirtetaQion parale8al �ri �� .
<br /> ertployee of Lender.which are incurted by Lendsr lna I��9�R�����in�nl�vu�pt y,and ior Post-N�um CDll�ettion a�c�h'ns N�•���er or not '
<br /> suit is brougtrt.indudng.6ut not Iimited to,ali fees an
<br /> pe exeeuUn and recardng one or more Partlal Daeds of " � !.�
<br /> �, Pppnp6 RE�Epg�, irander may rataasa it�.interest in a ponion of ihe Pro ��he�rem shaii be deen�ed to obftgate Lendet to release arry of its _-_._3!��..:... .',.�
<br /> � R e c a rn e y a nce witho�►a�n���eresl in the remaining portion of the Properry. Nc1h -..'�-'�"',�. . �
<br /> irrterest in the Properry(e�ept as requ ire d un d e►P�3 8 0►a s m a y b a°t h e rv u(s e r e�i r e d b y law).nor shail Lender be o6ligated to release any Part �; .} ' i
<br /> of�he Pmperty if C3rantor is in default under this Deed of Nst. Th ot itehe sub'�c1 ot this or any Parn'at Deed of R�rneyance�n in e ff e c t w i t h r e s p e a t o �. �� -
<br /> � ihat portion ot the ProPeRY.as dsfined in tha Oeed ot Trus4 that is ie - �f: :�'�� :
<br /> : �._
<br /> 29. MODIFlCA�i�tJ�A�iD�L�enderfilen��y Der(arm any of Borrower or Grr ntos�0�6tig��lon s�tlaf or 1 t ex�eruse arry�s�TS�o�� �,`.' :'
<br /> : � contained in a 9 9+� pt�t -� --r,�-�:: ,
<br /> PaY��r on�an�er oa�on�(irarrto�s Obli��tans u der ih st SDeed af Trust shall n�be�afteded itlender Wam�ends�ne o�s�e diangt��s fa��'is�to . �:�, ._ _ __
<br /> a wahre y �C to Qrarrtor,Borrower or thirdparty or eny of its ri�rts a�any Grarttor,6orrower or t
<br /> e���.���ot�p�p���y. Lendeas falure to�ins stn po9n stri�et pertortrianee of any of the Obligations shall notbe deemed a waiver and Lender shall `.-�' La�
<br /> • ihird parly �Y � ;�T'.,..
<br /> � hava tne d�t al ar►Y tirre ihereafterto insist upon shid peAormance• "' �.'� ,-,
<br /> � 90. SUBSTiME TRUBT�;TRUSTEE LIABILIT1l:CCIIDENSATION. In ease of the death.inabil'rty.retusal to aet or a6sence ot the Trustee from the �-�`.-
<br /> s l a�whero tho real proPsrtY ia loeated w In ease ihe hotder of ihe Obligatians shaU desire for atry reason to remove th�����os�im wtiU�A a :•,•.�`... -.:
<br /> � Vustee heceunder and to appo i r rt a ne w t r u s t e e i n h i s p i a c e a n d s t��d•��h o l d e r oi�he Ohli g a tions is hereby�ant •
<br /> � SbeCOrr�ie vestad in him�to�r t o purposos ened bjecris of�thls Deed ot TNSi wt�ih ell t�it�9 powe�dWe�s ettdrodl�gati o t s he�eln oonfetred o nttte Tnlstee�Trus[he9 _ ' •,-�-��__
<br /> �. . shall not be I'a b l3 tor any e r r o r o t i u d�r�t o r a e t d o n e n o a�e a�g bY virwe o�he SPov�'ers her�e��e d�u D c n t h e De�ed of T r u s t f r o�debts �
<br /> TNStee�nat bo personally ti a b le fn case of erm'y by
<br /> � eorrtracted or fladliry or datnages ineurred in ihe rtanagemerA or aperation of sa:d prertisa�. Tn�stee sh a��"ave the rlpht�o �h ot Y����O• -•�'��, _
<br /> ..,� documern or sl�awre authoNzing or suppoNng any actlon taksn or�sed to be taken by it hereunder or believed bylt ge , ;:�...
<br /> •.�i Trustee shali be emnled to relmbursemem tar e�enses ina�Rfrd eY ma to tirre�oa�ce o n(ts�duUe�s,e Tnute�erh�ereunder�and re rt�ur�sa T�stee�f i r d _ .''�:.;�:�`-• a_ _
<br />�- of its services hereunder as snail be«���. .•��••..�t��=...o...t[... Y � _ .�,----.�- _
<br /> ' save and hold'A hartrieas from and against any and ail loss.oost,liabiliry.damagn and e�ense whatsoever incurre d b y i i i n 1 h e��rm�r•..�....-•^°.. , - � _
<br /> . p����rs racshrod by Trustee shall,umil used or appiled as here(nprovlded,be heid In trust for thepurposes tor whlch they were received,but need not •-����`'"L—�
<br /> ba se�egated in any manner from any other moneys(axcepl to the exteM required by Ia�Hy and Trustee shall 6e under no Iia611iry for irtte:�st on any ' . �
<br /> � rroneys recetved by n horeunder. . -'� `'.' . "��
<br />. suooesusor�s,�assl�AStru�stees.��Ne s.a�rins�vato s,personal�e��rnealves�legaeesnend devisees�fri of Grarrtor and Lender and theU respective . ; . .�
<br /> �2 NpT',�Eg, 6xoept as othervulse re4d:r d bY law.any notice or ather cormunicatlon to be provided under this Dsed of Trust shall be in w:',:r�and serA � .
<br /> . to the pzrUes at the addressea dosuihed m this Deed ot Td�I s�u����e earlle�ot thrae(3�y�after su�ch noti�mgis�emto�firth. M�� —
<br /> noUoe so gNan and serrt�yr first dass mail.Po�9a P�Pa • • _
<br /> . by the peraon to whom such natice Is be��8 8wa�• ' • !
<br /> �aw.g�arEryp�lsl�oo of th s Oood of Trust vio atesPhe law o i s�une�forteable,ihe rest�of ho Oe dt ot Trust shall oorrtinue o be valid and enfor�iablee state , . !
<br /> �
<br /> �e P�pr��to�wn�sents to the jurisdialon�d ven e�of any court sel ctedt(oy Lehderwn rts sole dis�a�on.�ocale�d�in�at�states�icable law provides , . `
<br /> 3g, pggCELLANEOUS.Grarttw and Lender agree that time is of the essenoe. (3rarrtor walves presemmerri.demand}or PaY►nent,notlee o1 dishonor and .
<br /> � protost exoept as raairad by Iaw. All rotoronoes to Gtantor in this Deed of Trust shail iadude all persons si�ing below. If there is more than one Oramor. _
<br /> iheir Obilgatfons shall be pirA and several. This Oeed ot Trust represents the eompluta IMe�ated understan�ng beN�een Grantor end Lender pertalning to I �,
<br /> ihe temis and condlions hereof. . �
<br /> i38. NO 7NiRD PAHTV RlGHTS. No person is or shall bo a third paAy benefldary of any provision of this Desd of Trust. Ail ptovisions of this Deed oi i _
<br /> i ��s�oinj jp jhe�rr��qtion of any provislonyof ih s Deeedeof Tnut InBl.endeYs sole d'i uetlon�r�entnled to assurto or expeet that Lender will not wFilve or , - _
<br /> ,.:�:._
<br /> � � 37. PRE8ERVA710N OF UABIUTIP AA1D PR[OAITY.wthout aNecting the tlabfliry ot Borrawar,Grantor,or any guatentor ot the Obflyailons,or any oth9r �C . `:_
<br /> porson(exoept a porsan e�ressly relsased in writing)for the payrnont endpeAormanoe o1 the Obligations,and withoul attecting ihe rlphhts of Londer with
<br /> respoet to any Property nat exprossly re�aasod in writinp.and wfthout impaldn8'n any v�ay the prioriry ot this Daod of Trust over the imerest of any��person t -
<br /> aoquirad or first evideneed by r000rding suhsequerrt to t6o racording ot this Deod of Trust.Lendor may.either betcre or afler the maturiry of the Obti —
<br /> � snd viflhaut notica or consertC r:aaso any porson IoifabthB'Obli ty io s,oxop G�somor�r�ehaln hom o iGps ng or waivWe�ie�ny ds�t omr reBmedy that Lsndernmay havo � .
<br /> terms o1 pa rd or�orfomtiance ot all or any part 9a .
<br /> ; ��r�F,��flf.��t:a�m add;tlonal 6eax11Y o}�Y Wnd tor eny of iho Obligations:or release o►otherwise deal with any real or personal�r !,-,
<br /> � � sewring ihe Ohligations- Any parson aequlring or rowrdi�g ov�dunw ofarry i�tiarost ut any rsasura»z Sr�Pso�_r!y s!±al!!��i�errod-�4�l►rna u � —
<br /> 1 imorest or r000rding any ovidanca thoroot.to hava consorrted to all or any cuch actlons by Londer � �_
<br /> . (. . - .. _
<br /> � wdpBad6 _ � `-
<br /> tieooro aN�,sa , • -
<br /> --.t-_ - . - �,.;=-.
<br /> - —��---�_-.-w,;... .___:;• . , • . . ..
<br /> . ,. � . �. . . . '� • � • , . a. . . •�, . . . , . . • . ..�... , . . . . . ..(` ,� . . .
<br />