. _ . .. . .
<br /> .: - �. _
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<br /> .--_•- . - --n -=_---_-_-_��=�---�-�--- .'_ ,.--. -�_ -- _ .- - - - _- — - - .; . , '�
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<br /> _; 4 ' •. ' �
<br /> ��a � '.- _. ._'•�.�.;
<br /> i COVOVANTS � ■-
<br /> ,i r oes to make ali Oaymants on tho secured debt when duo. Unioss Bo no�w Bo��owes o»thets��ed debt
<br /> . 1. pnym�b. Borrowe a8► er or for Borrower's benef+i viil!t�spplisd first to any amou �_ . . -
<br /> � paYmenta Londer recerves from Borrow :�-,��
<br /> ezclusrva o!ir�terctst or prinapai,second to intorest,and then to princ�pal.If Dartial prepayment of the seeured de3�t occura far arty roa:.on•�t Y+d� � /
<br /> � r.ot►educe or exa+se any sche� du� I��aYm�ent untit the sacured debt is Oaid in full. , ,�
<br /> Z.�;Rq q�st q►yti,�-+-av��7fH pay all taxes,ass8ssmenta.and other charges attributable to the property when due and will defend trtlo
<br /> to the prop against�+ daims�t;�w�id Impair tAe lien o!this deed of trust.Lendat may requite Bcnower to essi8n ony righta,daims or `��`':
<br /> defensea whi 8ortawet����p9ef��Pa�ea w9�o suDD�Y�abor or materials to impvove or mamta�n the property • . __
<br /> ` 3,�nruresree.Borrower w1TRdep'R�A Property insured undm terms ecceptabte to Lender et Borrower's expense artd for LendeYs ber�efrt•AII
<br /> ins�rance po�icies shalt indude a standard mortgage ctause in favor ot Lender.Lender wiil be named as loss payee or as ths insured on any snch _
<br /> ' o rta U�e sea o debt�IT Lender e�u��ires oartYgage inPsuran�Bn o etf eg ees to mainta,nrtsuch insuranee tor as long as Lendera equves�operty `
<br /> in ood wndition a�d rt�ake e��repairt reasonabty necessarlr• � .
<br /> - - - 4.RrcaertY-8arroviar+rri!!keeA the property� 8 � - -. '�``
<br /> �. _
<br /> � 5,Fspensas.Bortower ag�ees to pay all Len�ers expenses,inatuding reasonable attornays'fees,if 8orcower breaks any covenants in this desd �
<br /> � of trust or in any obtigation secured by this deed of trust.Bortawer u�nSl pay these amounts to Lendor as pro+rided in Covenant 9 ot this deed of + ,
<br /> vust. � �• ,
<br /> � g,p�pr g��y��.UNess Bortower first obtains Lender's written conser�t.Borrower will rtot make or permR any changes to any prior .
<br /> secutitY inierests-Bonower will Perfo►m a11 of Borrowers obligations under any prior mortgage, deed of uust or other securitY agreement, , K,,.
<br /> including Bortowe�s covenarrts to make payme�ts when due. � —
<br /> oth�s�e n writin9. e�W��C0Ry�and retalntU�e re ts ase long as BoR we r s notp n d f�'aun ff Bonowe,r detaul,a, Lendar,vlenders , �. •
<br /> � ''"'f'"_.--
<br /> aPP�21 d��to thepcposts of ma�agirtg athe property, ndudin gd court costs and att mo eys'f Iees. comm ssions t�eenta a�ge�ts. and any olther . � .
<br /> necessary related e�enses-The remaming amount ot rents wdtt then appty to payments on the secured debt as provided in CovenaM 1. i+�Mr�._
<br /> ''�'^�-%=`- -
<br /> � S.Leasel�otds•Condamfntums:P�a�ned Unit Davetopmerrts.,Borrower agrees to comply with the prov�sions of any tease if this deed ot trust is on � �_;'_
<br /> : � a Ieasehold.If this dsad of trust is on a unit ia a condommium cr a plemed unit develoFmont�RO�y'^��aerf°rtn all af Bor►ower's dutiss , ' T,�
<br /> �..ei-. -m.�—
<br /> under the covenants.by-Iaws,or regulations of the ecc�ominium or planned u�h davetopment. ,�,� ,
<br /> .,v��a,-:-r-_-
<br /> � � 9.Autho�itY of L�nd+�m P�torm i°r Bortawn.If Bc'vwer fails ta perform any of Bortovrers dutias under this deed of trust, Lender may .` .: =:�.-.
<br /> i Perform the Auties ar cause them to be performed.Lender may si8n Borrowers name or pay any amourtt'rf necessary tor performance.If eny : .` . ,�
<br /> consvuction on the property is discantinued or oot carried on in a reasanaDle manner,Lender may do whatever is necessary to protecc Lea6er's ;��
<br />, � ` seeurity irtterest in the proparty.This may i�clu6s comQleting the oansttuoUon. ., . `�R �
<br /> :.±i+
<br /> Lende r's f zi ture to p e r f o rt n w i l l n o t p reclude Lender fra:�exercising any of its othar riefits under the law or this deed of trust. . '�y�,
<br /> . �` �` �
<br /> � Any amou�ts paid by Lender to protect Lande esrt u al aid inrfull t�fthe i tn et�ost rate neffect on thesetuted deUt u����be due on demand �
<br /> and wi�►bear interest trom the date of tha payro D • r.,�.�,���-
<br /> • �p_ Qr�•,K pnd q�xal�ntlnn. If Borrower fails to make any payment when due or breaks ar.1s covenants under this deed of uust or arry - (: �
<br /> ohF'.ga�n secwed by thia deed of uust or any priar mortgage or deed of truat, Le�der may acce:erate ffie maturity of the secured debt and � '�Ey� '
<br /> � demand�mmediate D85lment and may invake the poue�r of sate and any other remedies pertnitted by apA����e law. _��
<br /> �' '� 17.Requ�st for NaBcs of D�lauiL It is hereby requ.st�d that copies of the�otices of defauR arsd sale be sent w each person who is a party . ,, � `;�, ,
<br /> here:a,at the address of each sucfi person,as set fcrtr herein. � y � ' .�'
<br /> '� wer of sale, the Tru--tes shall first record in the otfEce ot the register of deeds af each cou r rt y
<br /> . _..�! he o �-�• Trustee .`���._ � �
<br />. ,_ � 72;'��a af Saf�.If the Lender invokes t p �� ____ -
<br /> wh2re:�tho 4rust ProPe►N or some part or parcel thereof is situated a nobce of defauit containin r�9nfarmatian raqvired bY--e�- e
<br /> shail a:sa mail copies of the notice of default to the Bottower,to eaeh parson who is a parcY t'n'•�o,and to other Dersons��rescribed by T -:`���
<br /> � � inpcpa'rp at d c�or village andis u ed in far�mmg o�raNt�ons camed onby the Uus'orethe Trwtae shalt grve P b il c n Uo�'ce of sa�a to the p rsons .� � . ,;; , fi�.
<br /> t; t and(n t he manner p�es e ri6ed b v a p p pficabte law.Trc�tee,without demanA on Bc.�wer,shall sell the property at public auction w the highest
<br /> ' ! bidQer.If requheA bY the Farm Homestead P►otecGOn AcG Trustee shatl offer tha pT•��erty in two separate sa tes a s r e quired b y a p D���ble laiv. �• �'�J; __
<br /> � � Trusteo may postpone sate of alt or any parcel of the property by pubtic announcea+ant at the tlme and place of any previously scfieduled safa. ` �� �L
<br /> LenQer or its daslgnee may putcha5a t?�a property at any sale. � � !
<br /> :: =�t
<br /> Upon receipt of paymerrt of the prlce Gid,Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed com�Ying the property.The recit�a's contained in �,_ ,
<br /> " Trustee's deed shall be prima facie evidience of the truth of the statemems containad therein.Trus'tee shalt apply tho proceeds of the se�e in the �. ,r.� :
<br /> follawing order: (aI to all experuea of the sale, including, but not limited to, reasonable Trustee's fees, reasonable attometi/s tees and ',;., ,,•i. .r -
<br /> reinstatement fees;(b)to all sums secured by this deed of trust,and(c)the balance,if any,to the persons Iagally e�tiTled to receivo it. � _
<br /> 13.Fandostu�.At Landor's opUon,thia deed of uust may bp faroclosed in the mannw provlde by applicabla law for fwectpsure ot mortgages i , '.��r�h
<br /> , � on real property. �' �_
<br /> f ""�+...�.:
<br /> �q,�nsy�cypn Lender may e�ter the D�oDsrt1►to mspec[it ii lender givas Borto•rror notice beforehPnd.The notice must sta23�e reasonable ,µ,--... ��___
<br /> , � cause for Lender's inspection.
<br /> �� �
<br /> 't �5,�ondsmnedon.Borrower assigns to Lender the proceeda of any award or claim for damages connected wlth a condemnation or other taking
<br /> of atl or any part of the propercY.5uch proceeds«:si be appfied os providad in Ccti�nam 1.Thts assignme�t ls subject to the terms of any prirr ••,(�_.
<br /> � ,_•;� security a8reement. e;�-^ - -
<br /> �•;�RSi,: �T�!!.. ��r.-='��_�.
<br /> tg,yyaiv�r.By exereising any remeQV available to Le�der,LenCer b�es not glve up any righta to later use eny other remedy.BY r.ot exercising 4
<br /> "- any temedy upon Bor�owe�s defauli,lsnder does oot vraivo ar+Y�.�t t��at°t r.�ns�der the evena a default if it haflpens again. ' '��:�.��� "�_
<br /> .,� �....--:'—
<br /> 17���(M�rW g�viral LlshAity; Co-aiyn�rs; Suecssson ar.d A a t tqna B o u n df.�1A l l d u t i e s u n d e r t h i s d e e d o f w s t a r e j o i n i�:d ssveral. An y ��:_,�
<br /> Bortower who co-signs this deed to t1 e Ttus ee�_r the tenns of thio deed oftrustt tn ad iUon�such�a Bor�rc���er agrees that tdheClender end •� �� _. ,, _ _
<br /> . 'I Bortower's ITterest in the praperty
<br /> � i arry other Bonower urtder this deed of trust may ez7sad,modi�or make any other changea in the terms o?cCaa deed of vuat or the secured . . �•� �ti'_'
<br /> debt without that Bortowefs eonsont and without raleusing that orrower from the terma of this deed of uust. ...
<br /> � . (�.
<br /> ;: iTha dutiea and benefiis of this deed of trust shall bind and benefa the successors and assigns of Lender and Bortower. —
<br /> � 18.NoUc�.Untess otherwlse required by law,anV notice to Borrower shatl be glvo�by delivering it or by mailing it by eertllied mail aAdressed to
<br /> ' _,, I Bortower at the p�operty addre�or any other aW�ess that Bonower has given to Lender.Bonower w�ll give any notice to Lender by certifled
<br /> mail to Lenders address on page 1 of thta deed cf�u8t,or to any other eddress which Lender has designated.Any other notice to Lende►s.�,�!1 ,:: �-
<br /> � ',: � Ae sent to Lendor's address as stated on page 1 c'thls doed of wst. . , �-_
<br /> r�.'i,r
<br /> � i Any noUce shell ba deamed to have been given to Bonower or Len der w hen p t ven i�t h e m a n n e r s t a t e d a b o v e. , .�-=
<br /> , � 19.TmN�r af tM Prop�rty or e B�mflelal frrtx�st In th�Be++ewa•�f aB or any pan of the propertV or any ir.•.�est in it is so?d or transfeaed
<br /> writhout Lander's pNor written conseM, Lender may demand immediate peyment o!the socwed debt. LertC�r may also Gamand lmmediate
<br /> paymorrt if tho Bonower is not a natural person and a benefictet interest in the Bonower L� sold or Vanste+�ed. However, Lender mey not , •
<br /> demand paYmerrt in the above situations if it is prohibited by federal law as of the date of this deed of trust. ���..
<br /> Zp,g�conv�yanes.Whon the oD�igation secured by tMs deed o}trust has been paid,and Lender has no further obligatton to make edvancas . _
<br /> � undor the instrumente or agreemonta secured bV thia deed of trust,tha Trustee shall,upon written requast by the Lender,reeanvny the Vust
<br /> pro➢erty.Tha Lender shafl detivor to tho Bonower,or to Bottower's suceeasor in intesest,the Vust daed and tho note or other evidence ot tho .
<br /> o6hgatton so sat�t�ed.Bonowo►shall pay any recadatlon costs. .
<br /> 21.Succesaor Truatao. Lender, at Lendcable lotw�and than by filin�the substitutlon o trusteo forreco d ln the offiee of the gegis�epot deeds � .
<br /> substitution of trustee es reQuired by appl' Q
<br /> succo d touall tho power tduties authort�Y and titte of the Trust e emeditn the deed of�nust and ot eny�succes�sor trustee.�f�e praperty,shall `
<br /> ' ' r-=—=
<br /> , f0age?o)2l � i:.�:=
<br /> _ . BANKERS SVSTEMS.�NC..ST CLOUD.MN 58301 It•800�397�73�fl fORld OCC�IiRI6NE 6//991 _ k' '
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