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<br /> COYH11ANl'S �y /� I � � -
<br /> /� q,� f
<br /> �. pg��- , gpRay�r agre3s:o m�akv ati paymente on the secured dobt when due. Untess Borcower �Q Lender�gro���e• a�Y t •
<br /> paymertts Le.�Qer receivas tro�[+�ou�r��r BOVnnver's bensfrt wili ba uyp��ed first ta any amaums Borrow�r awes an tha setuted dobt �' �,.
<br /> � exciusnre ot mt�erest Oi Dt D�.seco�►d[a interest and tDan to pnncipaL If pertiai prepaymertt of tha seeured debt oceura for any reason,it will i '�`�
<br /> not reduoa or excuso�any�6 h�juladyaymant urttil'the ceansd dabt ie peid in full. ,
<br /> t
<br /> y a�qa�n�$OROwrer•witl pay all tm�es,essessments,and other charges attributabte to ths proya�cy whsn due and wiil defend tit►e _
<br /> to ths property against any daims which woufd impair the lien of thia dead of ttust.Londsr may requfre Botrower to ass�gn any rights,claims or +`''_
<br /> defenses whlch Borrower may have against parties who supA�Y�ebor or mat6riais to improve or mamtain the property. _,
<br /> , � fi
<br /> 3.Insursnco. Borrower witl keep the property insured uMer tarms acceAtab�e to Lendar at Bortower's expense and for Lender's beneTit. All .,
<br /> msurance policies shalt inrlude a standard aeortga8e dause in favor of Lert6er.Le�der will be named as toss payee or as the insured on any such . . , .�
<br /> or to the�seeu d debt�If ndar reQue es mortgage Insuran�Bovo er epre�e�to maint�a3 such insuerance for as long as Lendere equies r�pe�
<br /> 4.Raparty.Bortowar will keep the property in goad condfion and make afI repairs reasonably nacessary• -- - -,��-
<br /> .,�-,
<br /> g,Exysnses.Borrower agrees to pay aIl Lendet's expenses,induding reasonable attorneys'fees,if Borrower breaks any covenarrts i�this daed •
<br /> of trust or in any obtiga2ion secured by this deed of Vust.BoROwer wdl pay these amounts to Lender as prov�ded in Covanant 9 of this deed of ,
<br /> � ttust. �`
<br /> � 6.Prtor Security tntstests.Unless Barrower firat obtains Lendar's written conserR,Borrower will�rot make or permit any changes to any prior : . ,
<br /> securitY�nterests. Bortower will pertorm aIl of Borrower s obligations under any prior mortgage, deed of trus! or other security agreement. :
<br /> inctuding Bortower's covenants to make paymer�when due. '. , , •
<br /> i � ;�
<br /> �,Asslanrt»nt of Rettb utd Prafits•Borrower assigrts to Lender the renis and profits of the property.Untess Borrower and Lender have agread � ` ,
<br /> otherwfe in writing, Borrower may cotlact and retain the rents as loeng as Borrowera��n�'i�dme enisBAny rems Lender olleects hall be •
<br /> agent,or a court appointed receivar may teks pocsetsion and mana e the propscty ,
<br /> applied first to the costa of managing the property.�n�luding court wsts and attomeys'fees,commissions to rertal agenta, and any othar
<br /> { necassarY related expenses.The remainmg amount ut rerds will then apply to payments on tha secured debt as provided in Covenant 1• —
<br /> 8.LeasehclQs;Condominiums;PlanneA(1+�It Develo�ne�'t4f.Borrower agreea to comply with the Drovisions of any Iease'rf this deed of Vust is on - � �
<br /> , under tlie�co e ants,by-laws�.uo�r�e9o�ations of�e�cro dom�n om or plan�ed unn deveelopmeMnt,Borrower will pertorm all of Borrower's duties ` . -
<br /> 9. Authority o!Lender to Pertorm tor Bormw�►. If Bortower fails to�perfotm any of Bartower's dutias under ths daed of trust Lender may � - � . . . ~
<br /> perform the dutiea or cause them to be performed.Lender may sign Borrower's name or pay any amount if neces_ary for performance. if any ; �_-_-
<br /> consuuction an the property is discontinuad or noi cer►ied on in a reasonable manner.Leader may do whatever is necessary to protect Lender's ,� :�.�:_,
<br /> seeurity interest in the proparty.Thls may include wmpletlng the constructton. f _ - ` '•
<br /> at,--'�
<br /> '.� j LendePs failure to patfortn wll not prec�sde Lertder itom exercising any of its other riphts under the[aw or this deed of trust. � . - �- • �
<br /> I Any amounts paid by Len�er to protect LendaYs securityr�nterest will be sacured by L#�is deed of trust.Such amounts will be due on demand .:�.�:� �'
<br /> ': I and will bear interest from the date of the payment until paid in full at the irRerest ra,e in effect an the secured debt. � ��r_�
<br /> : ,-..�;- .'€�
<br /> 90. D�faul2�nd Aeed�raUon. It Borrower S`ails to make any payment when due a breaks any covanante under this deeG of trust or any -,� •,
<br /> oLligation secured by this deed of uust or any prior mortgaBe or desd of trust, Lender may aceelerate the maturity of the secured debt aod i. . ',�y";!��
<br /> demand immediate payment and may cm+oke the power of sLle and any other remedies pertnitted by applicabta law. f ,� � � � `
<br /> f �.' �•., i.
<br /> 71.ReQuest fot P16Uca o!Qs 4 a u 3 f.�t is hera by reque s te d t h a t w p+e s o t t h e n o t i c e s o f d e f a u ft a n d s a l e b e s e n t t o e a c h p e r s on��,�o is a pa r t y � .:..,� t
<br /> hereto,at the address of each such person,as set torth herein. 1E ' • � �. `
<br /> ' 12.Pows►af Sale.If tha Gnnder ievokes ffie power o�aela,the Trustee shall first record in ths affice of the re�is*�z:af deeds of each coumy i ' .,� .F �� : � m
<br /> � wherem the trust prope:y r:sama par:ar pareel S:a:aat�s'�•at:,3 s natice3 of d°�.�!2 coMaiair�p the infosmetia-^•°°-Rnsred Ey law.7he Trustae 1....:-_:._#�.c�__-=• �,� .;
<br /> shall also mail copies of t'�e notice of dafautt ta ffis Bortower,to each person w`�a is a party hereto,and to other Dersons as prescribed by ' � � �`.� :
<br /> appticabla law. Noi less than one monGh after the Trustee records the notice of defauft, or two months if the trust property Is not in any �, ��';; ,
<br /> incorporaYed city or villaga and is used in farming oparationa cartied on by the Vustor,the Trustea shall give pubtio notice of sale to the persons " ," f �,i ,
<br /> ' and M the manner Oroscn'beA by apppti�ble Iaw.Trustee,wfthout demand on Bortowar,shall sell tha properry at pu6lic auction to ths highest :;a� �� ,.
<br /> biddar.If required by t4sa Farm Homestead Ptotection Act,Trustee ahall offer the property in two se�arate sales as required by applicable law. _
<br /> } •�'npi. �
<br /> ..;Y� - i::.
<br /> Trustee may�osqwne s�le of aft or any parcel of the property by puLlic aonouncement at the dme and place of any prevlously schsduled sale. ��,>�% •a(
<br /> � Londer or its designea may purchase the praperty et any sate. ---. -- t _
<br /> ,;. Upon receipt of paym ent of the price btd,Trustee shaU daliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the yropesrty.The recitials contained i� . . �, �-
<br /> .-�1 Tt u s toe's dee d e h a l l b e p H m a f a c i e e v i d i a n c e o f t h e t r u t h of the statemente contained thereln.Trustee shall app►y the procaeds of the sale in the � . y, S-_
<br /> to11o«:ag order: la) to all expensea of the sale, �nctuding, but not limited to, reasonable Trustee's fees, reasonabte attome�/s fees an d . ; ,_-.
<br /> ' rei�s�:e's:ani toes;(b)to 811 sums secured by th!a deed of uust,and(c)the batance,if any,co the persons Isgally enYrtled to receive it. ;� ;' .. �;�
<br /> .'i 13.Fenetosta�.At Lender's option,thls deed of uust may be toreclosed In the manner provide by applicable law tor foreclosure of mortgages ' �-•�'�:
<br /> CI ' �-�
<br /> on real D�aDertY•
<br /> . 14.Insv�cdon.Lender aay enter the property to r>>ect it i!Le�der gives Borrower notice beforehand. The notice must state the reasonabte -�_� - `---�^�•==-
<br /> cause for lenders inspection. '� �"��
<br /> :,na;(�_- —--
<br /> 7 g,Co�rt�nttlon.Borrower assigna to Lendar the�roceeds of any award ot claim for damages connected wlth e condemnatlan or other taking _;:';,;%., ��
<br /> of atl or any part of tfie property.Such proceeds will be appfled as provlded in CovonaM 1.Thia assignmeat is subject to the terms of any prior . `;�:,5' ����
<br /> sacurity agreemert. `�' ' -_ . �
<br /> , �� ,�_- ,_-,
<br /> 18.WSv�r.By exerc.�,ng auy re�e�y availabla 2o Lcr�cr,1-assdEr does not Sive uP any tiflhte to later use any other remedy.Bp not exetdsing : ,._.t_-�.��.j;._:_•,
<br /> any remedy upon Borawer's default,Lender does not waive any►igM to later consider tho event a detault if it happaos again. c . - ;,,;.�__
<br /> :,;. '�• �- -
<br /> 17.Jair.�and Sav�ral Ueh�ri• Go-alpners; Saceesaora end Asslgns Bound. All duties under thla deed of uust are joint and several. Any :"�r� ' =-^��
<br /> Bonower who co-signs th(s deed of trust but does not co-sign �e underlying debt instrument(s) dags so only to grent and convey that _.:. . •"Rw �
<br /> Banowar's iniarast in the property to the Truatee under the terms cf th?s deed oi trust.In addition,such a Bonower agrees th2��he Lender and . „
<br /> debt wlthout th t Bonower etconse�rt and witho�ut r�e�smg tha�Bonoweerfrom the tetms oef this deed of Vust.��s dsed of mst or the secured , —
<br /> Tho duties and ben�ts o!this deed of trust shall C:B a�d bonafit the euccessors and assign�of Lender and Bc:rc�z��sr. .; . '
<br /> " 18.Nottc�.Untess otharwlse requtreJ Ly Iaw,any noUce to Botrower shall ba glven Dy dolivoring r or by mailing it by certified r.:sil addressea to � • .
<br /> ,t Bortower at the property address cc�.r.y.other addre5s that Borrower has glven to Lender.Bonc•�s3r w�11 g[ve any noUce to Lender by cert'rfied .
<br /> E maif w Lender's addreso on paae 1 c�:.`us deed of trust,or to any othe�address which Lander F.�desigrtated.Any other notice to Lender shall . .1��'
<br /> ; be serrt to Lender's addrasa as stated on page 1 of this daed of Vust. �•
<br /> '.�
<br /> Any�rotice shall be C�-�ed to have been glven to Eorcower or Lender when given in the manner stated abovo. � �
<br /> 19.Tnnat�r o!th�PtopKtY c►�6�n�flcld fnt�wst in the Borrow�r.If all or any part ot tho propertV or a�y interest in it is sold or transterted � ' , �
<br /> �vithout lendor's pAor written cansent, Londer may demand immodiate payment of tho socured debt. Lender may also demand immedlate • r.�,,,
<br /> paymert it tfie Borrower Is not a natural person and a beneticial irtterest in the Bo►rower is sold or transfe►red. Hawever, Lender may not
<br /> � demand payment in the above situallons if it is prohibited by federz!taw as of the date of this doed of ttust.
<br /> �.
<br /> 20.Hseonvoyanco.When tfie obligation secured by thls deed of trust has boon paid,a�d Lender has no turther obligation to make edvancea '
<br /> under tho insuumente or egreements sacured by this deed o!trust,the Trustee shatl,upon written rnqueat by the Le�der,reconvey the Uust ,
<br /> proporty.Tho Londer shall detive►to the Borrowor,o►to Bor►ower's successor in interest,the uust deod and the note or other evidonco of the __
<br /> obhgeUon so saUsfiad.Borrower shatl pay any recordation costs. , �
<br /> � � 21. Succ�ssor Trust�s. Lendor, at Lender's option, ma remove Trustee and aDDoint a successor trustee by first, mailing a copV of the • �"'^
<br /> substitution of uustee as required by applicabte law,and tXen,by filing the substituHon ot trustee for record in the offlce of the register of daeds _
<br /> of oaeh county in whfch the trust proporty,or some part thereof,is situetod.The successo�trustoo.without convayance o}the property,shatt . —
<br /> suctCOd to oll tho�ower,dutios,euthority and titte of tho Trustee namod in the deed of trust and of any succosso►trustee. �
<br /> � .
<br /> �.
<br /> i I .
<br /> IOago 2 0l 21 � . ��
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