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� .- ,�a- - � :c: --- --� - ` -:8�.� w_:r,• `�r",,,i'�'ic;; •. ,��' A - -_r— _-•�a. <br />� . . . t�..�`s <br />, � 1� � �7� ���V�M ,r�'--: � '°. . =-z. <br /> .. ' principal amount of tha indaDtedness secured by thie Deed of Trust,not including sums advancecf to protecftlte security of this Deed of �r` • < r -.'=-`=—< < <br /> ; "� Trust,exc2ed the original principal amount state�herein,or� ���00 0a .�i�hever is greater. f,; . °--_ <br /> 16-Hliacellaneou�Provist�ns. , '� 4�: <br /> , (a)�orrotvot fdot tdotoasod.Extenstan of tha time for payment or modifrcation of amartizatio��f the sums secured by this . • ,_ ;� <br /> , Deed of Trust granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shail noi operate to release,in any manner,U181�21bIlh . � ' • ' <br /> ty of the criglnal Bonoeuer and 8onovuers successors ln interesK.Lender shatl not be required to cornmence psoceedings • . . . �� <br /> against su�Hi successar or rvfuse to extond time for payment or otherwise modify amortizafion of the sums secured by this } ,d� <br /> Deed of Trust by reason ot any demands made by the odginal 8orvawer and Borrower's successors in intsrest , � . ;_ <br /> (b)Lender's Powars.WitAOUt aHecNng lhe Ii�bility of any othar person liable tor ffie payment of any abiigation herein merr . . ` .�� <br /> tloned,and vathout aftec6ng the lien or charge of this Desd of Trust upon any portion of the Properiy nat then or theretofore . �` . <br /> ` � releasQd as security for the full amount of all urtpaid obligaUons. Lender may,from time to time and without notice (i)reiease , • � . "'� <br /> ' f` any Ferson so liable,(ii)extend tha matudty or aiter arry of the terms of any such obliga6ons, (w grant other indulgenc�s, ('rv) • . <br /> _ retease or rsconvay,or puss to be reteased or reconveyed at any time at Lenders optinn any parcel,portion or ail of the _� _ <br />- - Propsrty,tv)fake or releass any othst or additiona!sscurity far any obligation herein mentioned,ar{vi)rnake oompositions or __, _ __,__'__ , .: <br /> , other arrangemenis with debtors in relatIOn thereto. � � <br /> • (c)Forbearance by Lender Plot a Watvor.My forbearance by Lender in exerasing any right or remedy he�eunder,or oth- . ,. <br /> erwise afforded by appGpble taw,shall not be a waiver of or prectude the exercise of any such right or remedy.The procure- � �� ; - <br /> ment of insurance or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender shall not 6e a waivar Qr Lendets right ta acceler- ' , • j <br /> ate fhe matudty of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust • . -- • � <br /> (d)Sucer�rars and Elssigno Bound;Jolnt end govaral UabJtity;Captions.The covenams and agreements herein can- . �• � <br /> tained shall bind, and the righb hereunder shall inure to,tha respective successors and assigns of Lender and Trustor.All ,: _.-----��-- <br /> covenants and agreements of Trustor shall be joint and several. The captions and headings of the pa2graphs of tliis Deed of >"?•� '-�...�� <br /> - Trust are for wnvenienve only and are not to be used to interpret or define the provisians hereof. • � �'''"'s"'`'�" °g <br /> (e)tYequest for NoBces.The parties hereby request that a copy of any notice of defautt hereunderand a copyof any no�ce `� `°�- : <br /> of sate hereunder be mailed to each party to this Deed of Trust at the address set farth ahove in the manner prescribed by •.- ��.,_�, <br /> applicable law_Except for any other noUce required under appfiqble law to be given in another manmer,any noYice provided for <br /> in this Deed of Trus!shall be given by mailing such noUce by certified mail addressed to the other parties,af tfie address set �'� � _��� <br /> - ;� forth above.My notioe provided ior tn this besd of Trust shalt be effgctive upon maiting in Yhe manner designated herein.If ����-�° - _ <br /> �rustor is more lhan one person,notice sent to the address set forth above shall be notice to a!1 such persons. ,� -��. . ; <br /> (�Inspectlon.Lender may make or cause W be made reasonabte enMes upon and inspaGians of the Prmperty,provtded "�^',' - -" " <br /> . , that Lender shalt give Trustor notice prior to any such inspecdon spec[fying reasonable pusa therefar relaied to lenders inter- " ; `�:��-_ <br /> -- est in the ProPBrIY• -- - �` . <br /> (g)Reconveyunee.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Deed of Trust,Lender shaU request Trustee Yo reconvey the �� <br /> Property and shall suRender this Deed ot Trust and all notes evldencing fndebtedness seasred by this Daed of Trust to <br /> Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Property,w(thout warranry and without charge to the person or persons legally enSUed �-- �- 'z <br /> thereto_Trustor shal(pay aH costs oi recordaUon,ii any. -- -� ,�`'•"�;�•� <br /> - (h)Peraozrat Property; Securfty Anreement As addiUonal securfty for tha payment of the Nofe, Yrustor hereby granis � •= ` <br /> Lender under ri�e Nebraska Uniform Commercial Code a secudty interast in aQ fixtures,equipment,and otJ�er persortal property i�� �� �,,._ <br /> n � <br /> used in connection with the reai estate or lmprovaments located thereon,and not otherwise dedared or deemed to be a part of •.�r� �� ��� <br />� the real astate secured hereby.Th!s instrumsnt shall be oonsdued as a Securiry Agreement under said Code, and tha Lende� r". � � � �� <br /> shall have a11 the dghts and remedies of a secured parry undar sald Code I»addiUon to the dghts artd re�edies aeated under -� `` <br />- a�ni accorded the Lender pursuant to thls Deed of Trusx prov(ded thet Lender's rights and remedies;�r�;this�,��rph�hatl =� <br /> be cumutative with,and In no way a IimitaUOn on,LendePs rights and remedies under any other security agreement signed by 1 � ''� <br /> �°'•' Bortower or Trustnr. - .,-� . <br /> � .� (i)Liens and Encumbrances.Trustor hereby warrants and represents that thera is no default under tne pTOVisions of any h ::� ,; <br /> martgage,desd oi trusK,lease or purchase conVact describing all or any paR of the PropeAy,or other conhacII,instrument or "" .�3s;;F���. ��-- <br /> ��,�`. agreement constitut(ng a Iien or encumbrance agatnst atl or any part oi the Property(collecUvely,'Uens�,exist!ng as of tha �'� * <br />. date of thia Deed of Trust,and fhat any and all exlsUng Uans remaln unmodiftad excspt as disclosed to Lender in Trustor's writ- � � � <br /> ten disclosure of tiens and encumbra�ces pravidad for herein.Trustor shall dmety pertorm a!I of Trustoa's obltgatiflns, � fy� ,J� ... <br /> covenants,representatlons and warrantles under any and all exlsUng end future Uens,shall promptty fotward to Lender con;es .�-�.� � � :_t,�',�_. <br /> � of all notioes ai default sent in conneciion with any and atl existing or tuture Uens,and shall not without Lenders prior written -;;�-�___ ' _ <br /> wnsent in any manner modify the prov(slons of or altow any futura advances under any exlsting or future liens. -° �;,�•_ <br /> Appflcatlon oi Pa ents.Unless othe►wlse r ulred b law,sums fd to Lender hereunder,inGud:n without IimttaUOn �`�°�� s� -- <br /> U1 Y►n eci Y Pa 9 • • , ..�a�:Y+i�._. <br /> payments of principal and interest,Insurance proceeds. condemnatlon proceeds and renLs and profits,sha73 6e app:ied by %"""�"• -�_—_ —_ <br /> . Lertd�r to ths amaunfs dus and orring from TrasWr an4 BoRO�ver In such order as Lender tn im sflte dLtreti�n d�°s*►s d�3r- �-��-•-� .-r-�.r�;;=,r.r-= <br /> ab1e. �:�= . <br /> (k)8�v�rabllity.ff any provlslon of thls Deed of Trust confllcfs wlth appltcabte Iaw or Is dedared Imatld or otherwlse unen- <br /> � forceabte,such aonflict or invalldity shall not affect ths athet provlslons of thfs Oeed of Trust or the Note whir.h can be given ��""'�°'�=; <br /> ; effect without the conflicting provlsion,and to this end the provlsions of this Qeed oi Trust and the Note are deraarzd to be ssv- -__- <br /> �: � erable. ._:.-.z ... <br />� (!�Trsss�.Tha lrsmr'T:.s�lcd'ar�'O�^s�.�'�hal3 laduds bath sl�ul�r arsd ptu�l.and Y:tl9!!1ho Tnscf,p�?s�A Rnrmwo�g,rg �__.�_:__��-�-� <br /> , � the same person(s),those terms as used in thls Deed oi Trust shatl be interchangeabla. ' �•���• ""�'6' <br /> (m)Goveming Law.This Deed oi Trust shall be govemed by the laws of the State oi Nebraska. � `"�_.�. <br /> --�dilti�I���.r.n.�- <br /> j,,'=_"_--.=_°�,-.—�� r..-: <br /> . .' . .:..:' . a.�t,. <br />. , �... .�.,�.�_ -�:: <br /> _ ,�''•�.��:4.�.'�.:'.- � <br /> . ,.yq+,. _ � <br /> ��}. �-�•--- - -- ��'.'. <br /> - -- . -. .,,5. .. <br /> � - � . ��`� .:i• . _, <br /> Trusmr has executed thls Oeed of T►ust as of the date wrltten above. ���i=�, <br /> . { . . .. . __ <br /> Uiane J B ran . 5ingle Peraon Trustor Trustor � • . � <br /> . . � <br />. Trustor Trustor • <br />� ' q , C�4• � � � •. ' : ��. <br />, ( . � <br /> f.:-- <br /> � , . <br /> �a <br /> +'� � ' � '_ <br /> �' ._ <br /> . � . .. _ .�,. <br /> . <br /> --- ---- ---- -,---- - ... .-- . _ <br /> � . � f .. <br /> . --,. . ,---.--. . ..------,.—,._-.._--�-r� .. . � .. . _..-..�.__. .. . _. . - . _ - _ - -° . 4. . --� :." ._.._.,•-• .( <br /> . , . . , ,_,. , ;, <br />� _' .. , . . . 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