. ... . _
<br /> . . , . <
<br /> . .. .
<br /> . , . . . ___ —
<br /> .
<br /> - — � - --�--- �= -- .. . � - — .�.: — - —
<br /> -. — - - , _ --�-�� _ �_--
<br /> � � �. � . '?•: �. ..: —
<br /> �� , �7°'����� � �`f.`. . __
<br /> Borrower +hati prunapti� gi�e•i.�.nder u;itten natice of any im•estigatinn. .laim. demanJ, aw.uit � ot u ac�o by an}• _ _ ___
<br /> governmental or regulatory agenry or pnvate partp incol��ing the Pmperty and�ny H:uard.w,Sub.tance ur Environmental Law „ "� ". _
<br /> of w�hich Borro�cer h:�.actual knuwleJge. !f Borruwer iwm�. ur i. noufed hy:uiy gu�arnment:sl or rcgulatory authority, that . -�=
<br />.� an} remwai ur��iher remeciiati<�n ut�:u�y H:uardous Subtitancr si'frrtin�the Pruperty �+n��ch+ary. &irru��e�.hall promptiy take _ � r., •` �'
<br /> all nctic�.+an nmexiial actioati in accorci:ucce���th�m•ironmental Laa•. •�`�..-.-• - _
<br /> A. u,ed in thiti paragraph_'0. "Huz:udou. Sub.tanr�ti" :ur th�ne tiub.[:inre�drtined :s+toxic��r h;u�rduw+uh.tanre.hy � .� "c �
<br /> Environmental l.au and the fuUuwing +ub+l:sncr�: gs,ol�ne. k�ru�ene, uthrr tlamn�able or tuxir petroleum pr�xiu�t+. tuxir . ,; . _
<br /> .. pe�ticide+:uid herbiride+.��ulatile tiolvent..material�runtaining;�,be.tu.or furmaldehyde.:uid r.niioacuve materi:►1.. A.uaed+n , �-`�
<br /> thi� p:iragraph '0. "Em•irunmental Iaw" mr:in. f��ltr.�l Is��. end !aw�+uf thc�urixlirtiun �chere the Pruperty i. luwtc�i that
<br /> � • relatc tu he�alth.wfety ur enti�runmcn!al pr�nc�-tion. -�
<br />� � • NQN-UNIFORM CO�'E�ANTS.BoRnwer:uid L.ender fur[her a��en:uu and agr�ti a� ti�lluw+: ,
<br /> 2l.Acceleratlon:Remedies. Lendar shall�i��e notice to Borrotiser prfor ta acceleratton folln�rin�Borrovser�breach � '�
<br /> -- o��m covenant or agreement in this Securitr• Instrument (but not prior t� acceleration under para�raph 17 unless �. • , ��
<br />�`-� applicable latir• proti�ides oihenvise).The notice si�ali specif}: ta? the def'an{t: ib)t{te actio�rc�yuired to cure thQ d�faW�: -- --. -.--.----- +�`=
<br /> tc)a date, not less than 30 days from the date the notice is�ir�en to Borro�rer. by�rhtch the default mui�t be cured;and . � _v
<br /> (d) that failure to cure the default on or before the date spedi�ed in the notice may r�ult in acceleratton ut'[he sums •
<br /> secured by this Security Intitrnment and sale of the Property. 'Phe notice shall further inform Borro��rr of the riRfit to � _ _
<br /> � reinstate after acceleration and the ri�ht to bring a court action to assert the nun-existence of a default ur any other � '� :;�., �_
<br /> defettse of Borro�ver to acceteratiun and sale. If the default is noi cured on or before the date+pecified in the ttolice, „ � - �,q.
<br /> Lender, at i�s opUon, may require immediate payment in t'ull of alt sums secured by this tircurit� Ia+Yruinent �r ithout `�:.:,��..,. _
<br /> �d ..,�z
<br /> _ further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any othe� remedies permitted b� applicable la«. Lender shall be �� ; ��,�, y�
<br />• entttled to collect all expens�;incurred in pursuing the remedies p�ovided in t6is paragraph 2!.including,but noi limifed . � _
<br />• to,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of tiUe evidence. , ��:��
<br /> } �• If the po�rr of sale is invoked, Trustee shall record a nolice of default in each rnue�ty ia w6ich any part of the � � °*-�
<br /> :��
<br /> Propertc is ta�C.�and shalt mail copies of sach notice in the manner prescribed by applfrable law to Borro�rer and to � ..
<br /> the other pe�sans prtxcrlbed by applirabie taw.After the time required by appltcable law�Tnistee sha11 give public aot[ce ,,:�:-;�:��y�__
<br /> ' of sale w the persons and in the manner prescribed by applIcable law.Traastee,w-ithout demand on Borrower.shall sell � �°=�=-���-'�
<br /> the Property at pubHc audion to the hi�6est bidder at the time and place and under the terms desfgnated in the Qottce of '��"�---_
<br /> , sale in one or mare parcels aad in any order Tnistee detern�ines. Trustee may pastpone sale of all or am parcel of the --- , _
<br /> .:�;�y Property by pu6lic announcement at the t[me and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may _�__4..�,`�,;�_.
<br /> :.�-r purchase the Property at any sale. - - ' -�- ; .
<br /> ,-, _ Cpon receipt of payment of tlie price bid, Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying the _ `� '�•� ,; �,L;,..:�.,z. �
<br /> Property. Tiie recitals in the Trustee's dced shall be prima facie evi�Pnce of the truth of the stxtements made therein. ..;�-�� `::r
<br /> Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the foltowir►g order:la) to all cost.c and expenses of exercising the power of '�� °. '�� :=-.
<br /> rM^�4''• . . '� �
<br /> sate,and the sate.includin�the payment of the Tru+lc�e s fees actually incurred,not to excePd tg e l of �50 or 1/�° ,;� ��"�' �-�� -_
<br /> of the principa.E amount of the nute at the time of the declaration of�Pfault,and reasonable atto r'�eys'fees as permitted ; ,� -�• �
<br /> � • by law;(b)to a9�s�ums secured by this Security It�strument;and(c)any excess to the person ae��ersons le�ally entitled to 'w, _�`. . "._
<br /> ,� it. �... , : �; .::
<br /> _ 22. Reeonveyance. Upon payment of all tiums secured by this Secunty In�irument, L.ender shall reguest Tnistee tu '��_� :.�,.• .� . -
<br /> - . rewnvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and all notey ev�dencing debt sr;cured by [his Security — —��:;•--
<br /> `� � Instrument to Trast�. Trustec shull r.::::ns:y the°:operty without w•aRanty and without charge ro t!-e person or persons legally e y, �?
<br /> • : entitled to it. Sach person or penons shall pay any recordatton ec»tti. '" '•'� � �
<br /> 23. Substi2asle Tn�stee. l.ender,at its option, may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee to '��;." �
<br />� any I'rustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Securiry Instrument is recarded.Without ` � � ��:,.
<br /> wnveyance of the Propeny, the�uccessor trustee shaU �ucceeci to all the tide,power and duties eonferred upon Trustee herein ! ..•��;..'�'
<br /> ' and by applipble law. " . !".;. �
<br /> 24. Req�2s!for Nottees. Borruwer request� that copieti i�f the nntices of default and sale be sent to Borrower's address ', '�c'��,#�w
<br /> which is the Property Address. " �'�� •
<br /> 25. Itid��s to this Security Instrnment. If one or more riders aze executed by Borrower and recorded togeiher with this .,,��=
<br /> Security Instrument,the covenants and agreements of each�uch rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and supplement . . .-
<br /> the covenants and agreements of thi�Security Instrument a�if the rider(s)were a pan of this Security Instrument. ___-_
<br /> _.- (Check�pplicahle hoxles)� _ - '=�°'��-^
<br /> .. .'�' �( ti^ []Condominium Rid.r 9 Rider �•��r��",.t���T�'
<br /> , []Adjusta�:e Rate Rider � �-3 F2"'.y _ _
<br />� - �Graduated Paymcnt Rider ❑Planned Unit Develo�ment Rider �Biweekly Payment Rider :' -'.�:�==--= _
<br /> w� _.
<br /> � �Balloon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider L_.�. Second Home Rider - �. „_•,: • �
<br /> ' 0 V.A.Rider ❑Otherls)(sPec�fYl ��l~�", .- �. --
<br /> _ �� 4�� ' "'�.�, ' , u_.
<br />_ . . � = �
<br />. . �� 'L : .. .
<br /> ' BY SIGNING BELOW. Borrower accepts and agree+to the ternis and covenant,contained in this Security Instrument and '�.�' _ � '
<br /> .. ,,'� _ '�
<br /> in any rider(s)crecuted by Borrower and recorded with it. � n � ���
<br /> u Witnesses: �
<br /> �/j� ._�._
<br /> . :-�::i !'. /"/ � (Seal) ---
<br /> � ul T. Meyer / -eorrow�cr ���� _
<br /> ,r�`i;'_
<br /> _ � t �• ..
<br /> - � -• �5�� .r..!T�':t
<br /> . ' Peg Meyer -eur«wcr ' : .. _- _. ��-
<br /> . . , , �
<br />'. 3 (Seal) fSeal) - � �_
<br /> .-�;.�.z-y
<br /> Rnrroacr Burtnwer ' �;,
<br /> _., . • - �r__
<br />� STATE OF NF,BRASKA. Hall t'ounty 4c: � �
<br /> " The foregoing instrumcnt wati ackncnvledged before me ihiti 27 th day��f February , . 1997 . :;
<br />'�. by �tl T a�d �Pe��� �. M+e�ye� Husband and �dife � • _
<br /> , i ne��my an a i�ana ea �i in tiaid County. the date aforecaiJ. �'
<br /> Grand Island, Nebraska ��� :
<br /> My Commiss�on Expirc�: �_�_�� - � .
<br /> �•�_
<br /> hhc
<br /> ,,�:� .., .
<br /> i GEHEtUtttaUiARf•Stateoftteoras�e ----- --- -
<br /> � JUOITH L RAUERT � �
<br /> yly f,omm_EtD�(ieD�Cul898 form 3028 9l90 �
<br /> r�,~
<br /> - -._.- _ _,�.__: ---- -�- . . . ._ . _._.._...-.-� . :�.•.
<br /> ,._.-.,-._-;r--:_-...__. ...; -- -- . _ ... •
<br /> , _• . . • � . . . ° ..� . '. .,. .,..� . . ��,, . ., .'. . � „ , . ....� _ '� � �. . .: • .• ...' ' . �' , •,,
<br />