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. . . . . . . ` . � i'. - <br /> . � ' - � c. ' • . - <br /> _.. . .. ._ ..--.T._.__. ._ --c. _ , �.. a _ __ '_ __ '_ _ _ _ _ _ - _ ' _'—_. - _'_' __ _ -'- ' _-"_ ' <br /> , <br /> • , <br /> '�_-• '_'_�,�-.�"' � __._� _'�'__._- .... "'_"'_—�-- ' _ --;—_ - .. — <br /> - . _ <br /> . -�_—.,_�..."_ '_-_ <br /> . . - t' '_ `�-:-:`..�_��'� ' -_ _._ <br /> , ` � .. _..z �' "_. . c • - _...'"'...._.. . . _ ._..�""'__ ' � '� LL ' ,. . - <br /> � �� ������ `' • ,� <br /> '� . �. . ..... ` <br /> �. ' TFe Tan.i. �hall bk° hcld �r an :�>Gtui�a^ _:!:c-� �r�:*4it• !r• m�ure�t h� :� le,ieral ageni�. �mtrum�ntalit�. ur entitv - `_ _- _-_— <br />. . � tinrluJing Lendrr, i[Lunder�,,urh;tn in+tituuon�.0 in an} F��irral Hnmc[.uan BanM. Ixndrr+h:�ll appl} the pa� the �`' _ <br /> E,cru�� Item.�. Lender ttus� n��t rhanr Buttuwrr t��r haldmc�nJ�pph inL [he Fund+.annu:ill} analcr�nL the��rta�� ac.uunt.��r : <br /> ,` ' S centymg the Ex:rux Item.. unln. Lrnder pa��&�nu��rr �rstrsc.t�m thr hund..�nS appl�rabir faw prrmn, Lxndrr tu m.�t..>u�h - _ . . . . �" <br /> j a rhargr. He�«c�rr. Lendtr ma} rcywrc Burr,nsrr to p�} e�mr�ume:hargr tur an indrprndrnt R:�!:•.tatr tar repurtinL ,en ire w <br /> � u.,eJ b� Lrnder in amnertiun �t�[h thi. luan, unlr.. applicablr Iaw pn+�tJe. ��thrn��,r. l nlch. an agrt�cmrnt i. nulde ur �- <br /> apPli�sble Is�� reywr��. intcte.t w hr paiJ. L�nder,i�all n��t hr rcyuur.l tu p:�� B��rcuu�r am int�r�».t ur rarnmg.un the F'und�. � - <br /> ' bnm�wer and Lendrr ma� agree m��nUng. ho«<<�r. th;�t intrn+t .hall hr p�id un the FunJ.- L.endrr+h:tll �;itie tu Burnnvrr. - <br /> . , without chargr. an annual accounting of th� Fund.. ,h�����ng �rrJ�t. :;nJ drh��. tu thr Fund. anJ the purpu,e tbr wh�ch c:irh <� : _ <br /> � dehit u�the Fund•.�+a+made. The Fund�.ur pl��i�r.l a+aJduiunal.r.unt� ►i�r all+um��c�ur�tl i�� [hi�Sc�unt�In,trumrnt. ' , - <br /> � �� If the Fond.held b}� Ixnder esre�Yl the:unuunt.permuted tu hr hrld h} .�ppl�cahl�la«, l.rnd�r ,hall acruunt tu&�rri�u�rr � � <br /> � fi�r the exccw�Fundti in arrordanie w�ith the reyuirrmenh ��f appli�ahlr laa. It thc :unuun[ul th� FunJ.held h}• Lrnder st any ' ; ; <br /> y ume i,not�utticicnt w pay the Exruw Items when due. Lcnder may .0 noufy Burn�K�r in«ritin=. :�,unc�a�r Burruµrr � <br />" � � ,hall pa}• to Lender the amount nrcr.�ary tu m;sk� up thc drficirnc}. Aurru�«r+h:�ll nuatie up thc dct�r�rnr� in n�� mure:than ° '- , '- . <br /> tuehr munthl}•payment,,at Lrnder'.,a�le diurcnun. <br /> l�pun payment in fuU uf all ,um, ,tcured by thi, S�runn In,trumrnt. Lrndrr .hall prun�ptly retunJ tu Buttuu�r any `a� <br /> FunJ,helJ hy Lender. If.und�r paragraph_'1. Lender,hall acyuirc nr xll the Prup�rt}. L�ndcr.pnur to thr aryu�+uiun ur wl� <br /> ot the Propert}_ .hall appl} an} FunJ,hrlJ hy l.ender at the tim�ul aryu�.itiun ur +alc a.a�-rrdit�gaimt�rrureJ b} <br /> thi.5rruriq In,trument. , . _ <br /> 3..�lpplication of Pa��mentti. llnlc„applicablc law pru�iJc,uth�n�n�.aIl p3�mcnt.r�rr��rJ h� L�ndrr under par:�=raph. . • . <br /> 1 :uid 3 ,h:ill he applictt: fint, to 3ny prcpaym�nt �harg�+dur undrr thc tintr: ,rr�mJ. tu amuunn pa�aMc unJer paragraph 2: • `••�+�:�` <br /> �• third,to inierest duz:':�urth.tu prin�ipal Ju�; anJ last.tu nny� late�harKc+dur undrr the Nntc. ,,''� �� �"�� <br /> � �t. Charges: L:ens. Burroa•er shall pay all taxe..a»e.�menG+. r�xrg��,. finti•,and impo.inun.attrihutable ta the Prupert� • , - - <br /> ' «hich �sy at4un riorit over thi� Scxurit Instrument, anJ lea+ehotd d mentt ur round rent,, if an Borruwer�hall a '�'`�==c_ <br /> P 3 Y P'Y F Y• P Y �,.�_ <br /> the+e rh:i_ations in the manner prr�:deJ in paragraph 2.or if nut paid in that manner.Borruwer.hall pay then�un time Jirccdy �_ <br /> - to the per���n��wed pa}ment. Borr.�wer shall prompdy furni,h tu I.rnder all nciticc.of amountti to be paid under thi�paraQraph. • �A��u �-•=-�- <br /> if Bnrrrnrer make,t�U�e payment�dirertly.Borrower+hall prompdy iumi,h to L.endeer rereipt�eviJencing the payments. .. "''t-< -:�;,'': - <br /> - Borroa•er�ha3s prompdy Ji,charge am�lien which ha.priurity��vrr th„SeYUrity ln.trument unle�,Bi�rruwer. tal agrcti�in =;�., - <br /> writin_t��the pa}ner.:��f the ubligation�tcureJ by the lien in a mannrr:u:r�ptahlr tu l.rndrr: (h)c��ntc,n in�uuJ taith the lien -- <br /> , by. er 1�fenJn aeain�t �ntimemen[ uf the lien in, legal pruceeding, uhich in th� ixnder'. upiniim ��Perate tu pre�•ent the � '�-��.`��� <br /> ent�trcc:rer.t�if thc lien: or tc�,ecure�from thc h��lder��f thr lien an agreemene+ati.iarture to Lrndrr tiuhnrdinating the li�n to _,_ .__. _�__ <br /> thi, Se.:ura} ln.trun�enL [(L.enJzr determines that any part ��f th�Pruperty i..uhjert to a lien which nu» snain pnimry uver � �. <br /> thir Secunty In�trument. Lundrr m3� gi�•c Bc�rruwrr a nuurc �.ientify ing the lien. Burru�cr,h:ill,atitif} th�lien ur talcr unr or `''� '°� <br /> � more uf the:�ction,et ti,rth:�bu�e��ithin 10�fay.uf the� of nutice. � • " � <br /> � 5. Hazard �r �perty Ia�urance. &,rrnurr �hnll 6erp the imprc�vrment, nuw exi,ting ��r her�attcr er�cted on �he • ' �j.�._ <br /> � PropertJ in,ureJ again,t lu,ti hy ti=�. h�ard� inrluJ�d Hithin thr term rxt�nded �urrrage" and.nip other h:u.ard,. inctuding ��.�-'� ':. <br /> • tlouds ur fluodin g, fiir w�hich Lrn�i�r r�quircti in,urancr. Thi, in,ur:�nce,hall be mamtainul in thc amuunt,and for the perioJ� ���" <br /> �•.�>r . , �, <br /> , thet Lender reyuireti.Thc in+urance�arrier pruci.ling thc m,uranre �hall hr�hu�rn h} Borruwrr.ubjert to Lender'�apprm�al •r;,`:� '- <br /> ��hich ,hall not be unrca,unably �4ithheld. If Borro«rr fail. tu maintain c���rraLr drxrihed abovc. Lendrr ma�. at Lender', ����o`' "� ' ! <br />, __ �ip�inn obtaiu roeerag�tu protect(xnJer',nLht+tn thc Prupcnp in arcurdanrc with para�raph 7. ' s:,,'�''�`�. .:.: <br /> " ai{ in�ur:tnce policie+ and renewalti tihall b� sccrptahlr to LenJrr anJ ,hall inrlude a ,tandard murtgage clau�a l.ender � _ ' <br /> . ,hall have the right tu holJ the pul�c�e.and renev alti. If l.c:nder reyuire+. Borr�iw�r�hail prumptly givr tu(.c:uJrr uU rcticipt.r�rf' �:.'.i '� <br /> pdid premiumti anJ rcneaal notirc.�+. In the event oF lo.�. Bursuurr.hall givr prompt nutrc�to the intiuranre cxrrier and Lender. -`, ,; �': <br /> (xnder may make proof of lu�ti if n��t made prc�mptly by &irrow�r. � ,ti:- y��i � � <br /> Unteti�[xnder and&�rro�ccr c�thcrwi,r�rcc in writin�:. in.uranrc proreed�.hall be xpplicd to restoratinn or repnir of the ;s% �' ;s6-., <br /> _. Property damaged. if thc retituration ur rcpair �.ecunnmirally fca�ihle and Lender'� +erurity i,not Iessened. If the rctitoration or �� <br /> repair i> r�ot er��numic.dly lea+ihlr or I�nJer',,�runt} woulJ he Ic„ened, thr in�uranre priiceed�tihall h�applieJ to the+um+ � . <br /> Y�, • <br /> • tiecurui by thiti Secunty lmtrwn�nt, whcthrr ur nut thcn duc, wrth an� rxr�.. paid tu Burrowcr. if Borruwer abanJun+ the •- <br /> Propeny. or due, not am��er witttin 3U da}•+ �uutice frum lxnder that th� imurancc carrier ha�uffereJ eo,ettle a claim. then =f.;'�r:��=� <br /> Lender may collect the imurance prncet�l.. Lender may u.r the pnxeeJ, t�� repuir or re,tore the Propeny or to pay +umti ,�._ <br /> �`,:: <br /> • +ecured hy this Security In�trument,whethcr or n��t then duc. Thr 30-day peria�d w•iU hegin when the nuure i+given. r'�.:;_• - <br /> . L'nless l.ender anJ Burruwrr other�•i,� agree in «nting, any applicatiun ��t pmcecds to principal �hall nut extend or ��r: <br /> -- pustpone the dur�atr uf Q�r muu�hly pa}wru�, rcicur.l t�, iu paragraph; I :�uS = �ir change thc a�auat of the payments. lf -.��� - <br />� under ara ra h 21 thr Pro ert�i�ac uired b L�nder. Borruwer'ti ri�ht tu an• imurance c�licieti and re�crxds re,ultin from �`-'-`-s�'�'^``�`- <br /> . P S P P ) 9 } b ) P P s ,•�-..; , :,1� : <br />. damage to the Propeny priur to the acyui.ition.hall ps,a tu IxnJer tu the extent uf the�ums secureJ by thiti Security Instrument <br /> immediately prior tu thr acyui+itiun. "�-_ <br /> 6.Occupancy. PreservatIon. btaintenance and Protection oP ihe Property; Barr�Ker's I.oan Application; I,easeholds. ____uF�•= <br /> � . Borrower+hall cucupy. e+t�bli�h,anJ ux the Praperty a.Bnrri�wcr's principal reyidence within tiixty day,alter the execution of `�'�' <br /> - = thi� Securit; lnstrumenr :�nd .hall rnnlinur ti� �+ccun}• thr Property a. Barrower', principal re�idence for ut Ira�t one ye:ir a fter "__- <br /> the datt oF urcupancJ. unlr„ Lender uthenvi,�agree, in wnting. whinc�on.rnt �hall nut be unrw,onably withheld. ur unlctiti -- � <br /> � extenaaung circum+tanceti exitit whirh are beyund Burruwer'� rontrul. Borrower .hall not detitroy. damage or impair the �'�° <br /> Property, alluw the Prc�peny tu detcriorate. ��r r��mmit wa.l� on the Property. Burruwer shaU he in default if any fc�rfeiture � r <br /> r��- <br /> ,`4r����.:,•�lui_ <br /> • action or pruceuling, whcther civil or rriminal. iti hegun that in Lender',gnud 1:�ith judgmrnt cnulJ re+ult in li�rteiture of the ,;-_� <br /> � Property or otherwi�e mat�rially impair the iicn rrcatcd by�h��Sccunty (mtrument ��r Lwndcr'.xcurin mtere�t. Burruwer may �� °,; <br /> • curc wch a default and rein,tatr,a,pravidcd in paragr:�ph IR. hy the acuun ur prurccding t�hc Jismis,cd with a ruling . . .. <br /> � that. in IAUJer'ti oud 1'aith determination. r�clude� furfriture ��f thc Burru«cr'� intrrc.t in thc Pro crt ar other n�terial -'" ""•' <br /> _ � � P ' P 5 -,:a��.:c.r'.,-...:� �... <br /> � impairm�m ��f the lien crrated h} thi, 5aurny Imtrument ur IxnJcr'� �rcurity interc�t. Borrower ,hall ah�� be in def'ault if { ' • , . <br /> . Burrc�ker.during th�I�r.m appliwt„�n pr��u,��maWrially falu ur inarcuratc�nf��rntation or titat�mrntt ta I.enJcr 1or lailcd r=Y`-• �.•' � <br /> .-,--�._::-.., : <br /> . tu pn�v�dc LcnJcr wilh �my matenal in(ormaliun) in cunn�cUun with Ihc luan��idcncrJ by thc Nutr. inrlu�lin�.hut nut limitrd •.�•;"y.:::....:::: :. <br /> tu. rcpre,cntation.conccrning Burrowcr'.orrupancp ul'thc Properiy a.a prinrip�l rc.iJrncr. U �hi�Srcurit} In,trumcnt i,un a . ;� ' , <br /> Iea�ehold. Burc��wer ,hall c�imply w�th aU ihc pruvi,ium ��f Ih� Ira.c. II Hurruwer acyuire� icr t�Ilc tu dic I'rop�rty. Ihe . . <br /> Iea�rhold and the fee tiUc+hall not tncrge unlr�.LrnJrr agre��tu the merg�r in wnting. , <br /> 7.Protection ot Ixnder's Ri�hts in the Pn�perty. If Bunou•rr failti tu perform the cuvenant+and agrcementti contained in <br /> this Security Instrument. ��r there i,a Ir�al prurrrJing that may ��gnitirantly affcct (Andcr'. nght+ in the Pr��pert} �+uch a+a . <br /> procceding in bankruptcy, prub�te, for cundemnation ur lnrlciturc�rr tu entime law+�ir rrgulatium), then IAnJer may do and .. ' • . <br /> pay fnr whatevcr i.nrcc+urry t�� prat�rt thr �alu� ol thr Pmpcn} and LrnJrr'. right+ in thr Yrc�perty. l.cndcr'+ actions may <br /> includc pa�•ing any ,um. tircutcd by a lirn whirh ha. prior�ty ��vcr thu Sccunt� In.trumcnt. appcaring m court. pay�ng . <br /> � reesonable atturncyy' Icc,anJ rntrring�m the Pn�prny tn mal�r rcpain. Ahhnugh Lcndcr ma}• take acuon under thi�paragraph � <br /> 7. Lendcr doc+no(h:tv�lu Ju.o. . <br /> , � Any� ;�mount� Ji.hur,eJ hy txnJrr undrr thi, p:tra�:raph 7 .hall brri,mc a�diu��oal JrM ul F3nm���rr ,rrured h� thi. � - . - <br /> S��cunty In.trumcnt. l)nlr�• Hurruw•rr.mJ Lcndrr .�Er�r tu„thrr trrm.uf paymrnt. thr,,unt. �hall hcar mtrrr,t trnm thc � <br /> dstc nt J��hur�cm�m at thr tintr r;u�• .ind .h:dl hc p.�yeMc. ��ith �nirretit. upun n��urr tn,m Lrndcr i„ H„rn,wrr rryur�tm�: '", : . <br /> � paymcnL ' . . <br /> S.�inrtga�e In�urence. If Lcndrr rcywreJ nwrt�.agr m,uren�r.i�a r�mJ�u„n�,t �nal�in}:Ihr Inan.rcurrd h� thi. Srrunt) , . <br /> In.trumcnt. K�,rru�vcr �I1:III �8� ►hr prcm�um. rcywrcd U� mcun�.un thc murtg.�Lr m,uranrr in rffrrt It. li,r .�m rca,�,n. ihr � � <br /> mnrtga�e in.uranrr c���era�:r r��yuirr�l hy LrnJ�r L�p,�,��r�ra,e, In hr in �•Itrrl. Hurn,��cr .h.dl pa} ihr (�r�•nuum+ rcyutrcd tu . . . . <br /> „ht.un ru�rragr .uh,tantialh ryu��alcnt tn thr nt„n�aec �nwrancr prr�i��u.h m �Ilrrt. .n .i cn.t .uh�t.uiU.dh rqun:drm in�hc � <br /> iu.l tn Rutt�����r nl thr m��rtLagr in.ur.m:r prc�u,u�h m �Ifrct. trnm :ui �hrrn.ur m�,r��a�r iu.urrr :�p�r�i�rd h� lxnilrr. If . . <br /> , . � form 3028 9�90 ' � <br /> . � i. <br /> - - - ... . .--- - - - - . - , -_ _ .. . _,... . - + . <br /> . <br /> «..._._... _..___ ___-_,. ._. ...-.... ._ .. .. , .. • . . . <br /> -- r� . . . . . �� � Y��^' �. , • � ' • . . • ' _' ' . . • ' . . . • .. <br /> ,y ,, . , . „ : . . .. � . ' ._.rr. . . . . .� � � ' • . � � .. . , ' <br />