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<br />.. . . . `, - .F�
<br /> ���► itii6�'3 , � �� . -
<br /> : Beginning at a point Thirty Three(33.0)feei south of the northeast coraer of the . � , �
<br /> ° _ Northwest Qvarter (NVi��b) on the east line of the 1�lortfleast Quarter of the ' _ .. _ �
<br /> Northwest Quarter(NE'/a NW�i)of Secuon Thirteen(13), Township Eleven(11) � � . �-� � .
<br /> � North, Iiange Ten(10)West; thence west on the south right-of-way line of 13th � ��� -
<br /> �. � .
<br /> �1, Street;being Thirty'fhree(33.0)feet sauth of agd parallel to tiie noreh line of the � . • - -_ < .
<br /> � Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE'�i NW�/) of Section 'Thirteen '�,-�
<br /> �:. � (13), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West, a distance of Six � �..���,_,;.�:�.
<br /> �.,. Huadred Eighty(680.0)feet; thence south on a line Six Hundred Eighty (6�0.0) , _ �
<br /> � feet west af and garallel to tb.e east line of the Northeast Quarter af the Northwest ' '�����--
<br /> ... -�� - =
<br /> Quarter (NE�/ NW�/) of Section Thirteen (13), Township Eleven (11) North, � .. -_ ���"-�'��
<br /> ,� Range Ten(10}West, a distance of Seventeen (17.0)feet to tl�e acnial point of �_...����_-
<br /> begirming;thence cotuimiiag south on said line a distance of Twenty Eight(28.0) � =--�—--
<br /> feet; thence w�est on a lin$Seventy Eight(78.0)feet sauth of ansi pardlIel w the � �-"���-__ �
<br /> ' north line of the Nartheast Quarter of the Norehwest Quarter {NE'/ NW�i) of ••_;��.r;_"
<br /> - - Section Thirte�n (13), Township Eleven (11) Noreh, Range Ten (10) West, a _-�'�=,-� ._: � ;ti��,
<br /> distance of Six 1�IIanndred Twenty One and Twelve Hundredths(621.12)feet more %�._ �.��'
<br /> or less to a poini on a line Sixteen(16.0)feet east of and parallel to the west lins `:��".;�_�
<br /> ;:��� of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (N E�a N W%a) o f S$ction `��;� ,�::�.w,� : _
<br /> ,�� , . �„F. � ... .
<br /> Thirteen(13),Township Eleven(11)North,Range Ten(10)West;thence north on . �� '"" , �� ,
<br /> said line Sixteen(16.0)feet east of the west line of the North�ast Quarter of the �e ���zt. :xS -�-
<br /> � NorthwestQuarter(NE'k NW�)of Section'fhirteen(13),Township Eleven(11) " t ��"
<br /> a�:�
<br />�.-�:7 North.Ran�e'!'�n(10)Wesc a distance of Tarenty Eight(28.0)feet;ihence east on - ,. . —,-�-;
<br /> _`_,.,�'�,�'"g :� �f,,:
<br /> . a line Fifty (50.0) feet south of and parallel w tt.� north line of the 1�Yartheast
<br /> . Quarter of th� Northwest,Quarter (NE'/a NW'k) of Section Thirteen (13), '., j. S
<br /> � Township EIeFe� (11) North, Range Ten (10) West to ekr� acmal point of -- ,1� .`
<br /> - . - begn�ning, containing 0.40 acres more or less, as shown on the plat dated ��it. � �:
<br /> I D e r��b er 6, 1 9 9 6, a u a c h e d h ere t o an d incorp o r a t e d h e r e i n b y t h i s r e f e r e n c e, =��-
<br /> wgeiher with the following rights,namely,unresaricted ingress and egress under,over,and acrass s�ch ` '=•,=��
<br /> . . �'�_� -.
<br /> ___ land for the pucpose of exercising the�aghts herein granted,to excavate and refill ditches and uenches, -`����:�� �-
<br /> . ���:. .
<br />� and the right�o clear a.�ri keep ctear of trees,raots,bmsh,hedges,undergra�,and other ohstructions �s���
<br /> F .ZYr�':
<br /> L�"'::.
<br /> ��..t... F��T''!l��,�`7
<br />� -- from the �..:r�� of such tracts interfering with the la�+�on, conswc6on, ia.sgee*�oe. rPQaiis, ��r'�'� :.
<br /> �'�r,'1�.�: :
<br /> ..., replacement,removal,aa�d maintenance of such tirsliries. Any such utilities and appu�tenances glasc� .� _. � ~::�-_ .
<br /> ..�� ��.
<br /> upon,over,and under such tracts of land sLall re�ain the pra�erty of the Grantee and�ay be removed ��� �
<br /> .. ll �_:���':�
<br /> � :_--��.�.:
<br /> :f or replaced at any -�`-��a�.y.�.,,.<:,�
<br /> � time. . �,_ ;�' . '.
<br /> :.�,:"�.--•
<br /> � ;
<br /> i � �m�•��
<br /> �
<br /> . "'�.�...
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