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<br /> along the centerline of QVest 13th Staeet, being the north line of th� Northwest � �� � � �
<br /> �artex(NW',4)of Soction'fhirtcen(13),Townsl�ip Eleven(11)North,Raaige T�n _,__ � __ � .. :
<br /> - (10) �;les�, a distance of EightY (80A) fe�t; the�e cantinuing souti� on a line • _-,-___-_
<br /> � Eig;hty (80.0)feet west of and parallel w the east line of the Northwest Quarter _ � ' , .. '
<br /> , (N@st�/)of Section Thirteen(13), Township Eleven(11)North, Range Ten(10) ` � .� � _ ; -, ,_, � -
<br /> � West, a distance of Twelve Hundr�d(1200.0)feet to the acdial poini of begi�iag; ..-`�, .- .:���,;=.Y.�.���=
<br />� thence sout�oa the line Eighty($0.0)fat wese of and parallel to the east line of � ��, ��" �'``y�-'-'��� ��°
<br /> �, t3'r�i'lR�.r�,.i.i"r
<br /> the 1Vorthwest Quarter(NW�i)of Section Thirteen(13), Township Eleven(il) •.�=�i"''�' �T-
<br /> North, Range Ten{10)West, a distance of One Ttaausand Two Hundred Twcnty � _'"�=- _ �
<br />. ,;:,_�.. � :
<br /> �_'� Thres and Twenty Five Hundredths (1223.2� feet more or less to a point � . ._ .. ��.�.-_
<br /> beginning an arc detteciing west with a radius of FiRy(50.0)fat; thence west on �"�
<br /> .v ' �
<br /> � said arc w a point O n e H u n d r e d Ten(1 1 0.0) f e e t w e s t o f t he e a s t l i n e a n d O a e �,. ; .--;-'�:._-_
<br /> � Hundred Sixty�our and Forty Eight Hundredihs(164.48)feet more or les5 north � -�'•��--��v�-� .
<br /> r • ,;�.s;; .—
<br /> . :�� af the sout�line of the Northwest Quarter (NW':�) of Section Thirtc�� (13), :s;�r._�.���`
<br /> • Township Eleven (11)North, Itange Ten (10) West; thence �ort�h on a➢�One �---��"'��"'�"""`
<br /> . .. Hundred Ten(110.0) feet west of and parallel to the east 1"ar�of the Northwest �`;" �;�'���
<br /> . Quarter(NaV'/a)o�Sedion Thirteen(13),Townshi�Eleven(1IlD�VoxYh,Ra�ge Ten � ��=� `� �.��-
<br /> � i-_.
<br /> � (10)West a distance of One Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Eight aad Seventy One - � '="'
<br /> ���; Hundredths (1268.71) feet more or less to a point on a line Twelve Hundred �r ��-
<br /> ,�;���`:
<br /> .�� (1200.0)feet south of and parallel to tl�e centerline of 13th Street;thence east on � : -°Y�,� —
<br /> said 1'me Tizirty (30.0)feet w the actua�point of beginning,containing 0.86 acres -�;�� ,
<br /> _ � � ���,'.
<br /> more ar lrss,as shown om tla�plat dated Decemb�r 6, 199b, attacl�ed he�and - - �'�
<br /> � incarpurated herein by this reference, �R" ' ,
<br /> � z � .
<br /> . .�. •�_ �;;
<br /> . � together with the follownug rights,namely,unrestricted in�gress and egress under,over,and across such d'.�`'� .�i�`..�.�
<br /> :�.�., •
<br /> '� ��- ���. _-
<br /> . :�, land for the purpose of exercising die rights herein grante�i,to excavate aud refill ditches and trenches, ;�• ,.:�,t±..;,!,y�'.
<br /> ,. . ,,,�-
<br /> � and the right w clear a�d keep clear of Urees,roots,bn�sh,hedges,undergrowdz,and other obsuuctions ���—
<br />. . .�� ,.,
<br /> from the surface of such tracts interfering with the location, constcuction, inspection, repair, �
<br /> . �-�7::�L__
<br /> replacement,removal,and maintenance of such sanitary sewer system. �mmy su,ch a�p�nances plzsed � `° �� .
<br />_ , �_.�.L�F'" ..—_
<br />;�::�.� upon,over,a¢�l under such u�cts of land shall remain the property of the G�antee and may be remaved _- - .-.-
<br /> " L,�•, .�....
<br /> � or replaced at auy time. '-��",. _=
<br /> -- —'---ms=F?+�
<br /> The Grantor,for itself, its heirs,executars, administrators, successors,and assigns,he�by - � -`���:
<br /> � ...,z, :
<br /> . �r�
<br /> � � covenamts that no buildings,fences,or structures shall b°erected or permitted on said tract and that � `
<br /> t_,�i '.'..` -
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