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<br /> � 9 i�i0167�1 � , ,: . . � , :
<br /> int of be g; thence � . . ,
<br /> � (475.0) feet more or less to the acwal po ` � .. , � ,
<br />_: . n�orth on a line Four Huudred��venry�ive{475.0) t west of an� - - , -< - -__
<br /> r �/ of Section '�
<br /> . parallel w th�east line of the Northwest Quarte (N� ) � .i - .
<br /> . 'T�irteen(13),Township Eleven(11)North, Range Ten(10)West, < _
<br /> a distance of Si7cty (6f).0) f�et; thence east on a line Seventy Six �. . , x.
<br /> � (76.0) feet north of and paraUel to the south lin.e of the Northwest • •. . . t
<br /> � } Quarcer(riW�i) of Section Thirteen(13), Township Eleven (11) .. ,� ._
<br /> � North, Range Ten(10)West, a distance of Three Hundred Forty -. � --'-�x--=..
<br /> `:;;•;�.�;
<br /> ' thence deflecdng north on an arc with a radi�s of . •::.
<br /> �; Five(345.0)feet; Four �. � .. . `� � ` ,�°_" �--
<br /> � Fifty (50.0) feet, for a distance of Seventy Eight and Fifty ,'. _,�:;.�..�_�-
<br /> • :� gundredths(78.54)feet more or l�s;thence contim�ing north on a ,;��::,;.-;
<br /> line Eighty (80.0) feet west of and parallel w the east line of the , •'�r�"� —_
<br /> Northwest Quarter (N�'�) of Section Thirte�n (13), Township �; �.`��� _ y
<br /> �Ten(10)West,a distance of Eighty Four �. ., . �'�:''��
<br /> Eleven(11)North,R� southwest;thence • �`"�-''��—
<br /> . (84.0)feet to a point b�inniIIg an arc deflecting . . ,-'�=:�''�:"=
<br /> southwesc c�a s�id arc with a rad�us of Fifly(50.0)feet for�di�tance `;,�,+s: �.;. ; _
<br /> . Four Hundredths (78.54)feet��re or .5'���Y��
<br /> o f Seven�I Ei g h t and F i ft y <':�,,;;.''' �, -
<br /> �' less to a po'snt One Hundred Sucty (160.0)feee north of the south . ..�.?•'� :., .��.�-
<br /> . line of the Northwest Qnartei (NW y) of Se�tion Thirteen (13), ' , ._ ° _
<br /> z Ten (10) Wesi and One '` � .�
<br /> Townshi� �leven (11) North, R� ",:,- �
<br /> � gundred tT�irty(130.0)feet west of the east line of the Northwest -.. �.�. 4::
<br /> Q,�arter(rlW�a) of Section Thirteen (13), Township Eleven (11) ''�"�°=.
<br /> � t on a Iine One Hundred - .����.
<br /> North,RanSe Ten(10)Vilest;thence wes �''-,�Y.:;, .
<br /> el to the sauth line of the �.:�;.• ._ �,;
<br />, ; Sixty (160.0) feet north of and parall _ '� �' -
<br /> Northwest Quarter (I`IV{�'/a) of Se�tion Thirteen (13), Towa�sshiP � ,, ��` . _
<br /> w
<br /> . 1� North, Range Ten(10)R1est for a distance of Thre� �:. '��t ` -
<br /> Eleven( ) '
<br /> Hundred (300.0) feet; thence deflecting sou t i nwes t a d i s t a n ce o f '�.�;.r. � �i� t
<br /> u r gnndred Two and Forty Three Hundredths(402•43)feet more •��
<br /> Fo �, �``,�;�:. ��+#�L'�_
<br /> or less W a point Eiglat Hundred Eight(808.0)feet west of the east �
<br /> �� line o�f tlie Northwest Quarter of Section Thirteen(13),Township „
<br /> ..: _ n 10 West. and Sixteen(16.0)feet •� ���=�_
<br /> -- Ele�zn�11)North,Range'I'e ( ) �k of Section ��'�—>`�--_
<br /> north of the south liae of the Northwest Quarter(N�V ) ��__._ --
<br /> Thiirteen(b3),Township Eleven(11)North,RanSe Ten(10)West; �:,�
<br /> �hence e�on a line Sixtee�(16.0)feet north o f��e�cen ,'���.
<br /> .. sonth li�ra �f the Northwest Quarcer (NW ) .��., � .
<br /> Range Ten(1�)West;a distance �`^��'-�� -
<br /> (13),Township Eleven(11)North, '"`""""'""""--
<br /> of Three Hundred Thirt}' Th�� (333.0) feet more or less to the ': °
<br /> actual point of beginning; containing 1.24 acres more or less, as � �:.
<br /> �_... , -`'�- -
<br />� shown oa the plat dated Dece�'�er 6, 1996 attached hereto and ;. . �
<br /> incoTporated herein by referenc�. �,.,�,�,,:,.
<br /> .. �.�'�.
<br /> ..- :.,..-. -
<br /> . ,��..�`':�-i��,°. .
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