y�._� .. ' ' _ . C`"
<br /> _ . - ��:5! _.. '. _. _ _-
<br /> . . . ._.:..._..-...�._l.-_ " _ .-_-...�--_�- � ._.�
<br /> `. _- -- . -- ---_ ,. _ �_ � . - _ _._ r �� F. 92—.��s:.:;:::; f�����.,,;..::.::
<br /> 4 � s a�t.E�rii�ii+�r:�ei�sano�rrs�a�u loe�::u�e i�p�o�s�a�ww�t a t�a�l.r abr:��it l�t.:
<br /> :,.,�[apab ir.itit�1a�6�r f�iaa�is i�t.eed.wiWia ir;w�.-es�aea�ioo�v�a��,,�aa�ssy al�a��aM.�:�t�ii�s� . -
<br /> � . ,�°:Uoo�or eoo��lor aiidr ta.ai��eq�:es�.�1t�i�i.0 be�ai�disi�ea ia e�e a�.o.ra�s.a rur i1�.�edot�
<br /> �:`, li�t irardet ieqrices.Tlie i�caeier ptaridto��ha i�traroF�q ee c6ou�ee by BoavNer s�b�oat w Ln�dar't"�ppro�r�l .
<br /> � �fiich s1�II�ot�e��roo�Liy�w�N�eid.IF Ho��a�i�ea fi�it=loo m�iaran co�e des�sibed�,:r;aeoder na0►.aA Lidirtes's - ,
<br /> opciae,cb�coi+rcc�e w pwai ttw�e�s ri�is Ife.�opaEt�r ia'aooa�aioe wit�pu��y. .�` : �; _
<br /> .. All i�oor�eoe pui'�ci�es;aad.i�i�'ifralt 3iari 5e'aoo�to Lei�dec_�ad'sbilt ioc[nde a�d mattp�e clswe. Ie�d�i�f::�
<br /> i�t�tle n�pt�o boid tbe polidea aad t�vais.If La�OEr�equir�s,8o�m�rer a1aU promptty�ive to Larda�ll�eeetp�s d'�� - -
<br /> -- '
<br /> � P�P��d�raervat notloes.In the tvmtuEla�s.�oiwa atall aive pr�ntpt uofice tolbe imut�ooe�iev�t.ee�ed ,';,
<br /> _- . I,ead�s�m�kp pmf'of lost if not m�de pcompt[�r b�►8oiro�wer.
<br /> Qdeis Leader aod Hoc��rr alNawise a��x io writi�.ids�uanoe pc+ooeeds sb�ll 6e applied to rasto�tion or npir af the -
<br /> �,+, -,.,..a,,,,
<br /> _ _-- -- -- - - - - - �i�jj7pRiCi�i�Riiy�isAfli-i '�i+�'.-3a�-:�wRin,..:i:-�---� .
<br /> � ICwlt fi IIOt a00n01o1CS1ly fEtl1�E a[IiAdCt'S SDplFity MAOYId 6C 1�.thC iOSIR�11oD QlbO00�d 5�1160�QiliOd b I60��
<br /> lOL7I��1.1�f�Ea11tY��f�lld Of o0[t�1E11 dYC.1Y�!�t!x0lSf Q�i0 HO[i�011Uf�k:��ORONQ�O�1�0
<br /> �tl1�E�l9•Q�C�npt�liA�����IS i�OU00�1�!T�d1�C��t�10�OSYI'�1C�C t�'L�Et���fME�Q i C�Itl�tblA
<br /> ,�dnder mry ooltect d�e�ptooeeds. Laider taay u&e dit p[�c�aeds w n�tr at tesiaa t�,:P�op�f�iat f��pay p�o�t
<br /> ;:�!t�d 69 tlis Sec�uity I�nnro�t,t�fiether.tx oot thea due.'['he 3�-d�:paiod,�!begin wlwt��i�e.��i!�tl+�-�` . .
<br /> A ! !;'
<br /> �::,.::..:_ ., . ..-.
<br /> ''`;?<=`i""•`V��.dldE[Wd�0[[01YC! ' �:" .
<br /> au a1�p�:apee in�r�itiog,au�_+p�t.#ct�a of pcnae,eds ur�aix�:��`��"
<br /> •:��•� r. /�y�}�� ,t 't-F�� � ..,A..,..�:�.`.. . .
<br /> 7 . ��� .I( y�.�`•`i..- �".. �v;,,:,�
<br /> � �'�.�l�1�IE�YC�E Of dIC ,.p1'�i'LS;lCfflfOQ LO tfl .. . �Rl:�OF-��!'t.�,-��O�;l,�;�., ix!�.�n �- .
<br /> �,..�'� �'• ` �
<br /> ,:: , �p�6 2E tlr P�op�it�i,is aa�q�r��l��ieader.Bormwer's r�7;u�.�eip�ii�i�,.puR',��iu0000�i�6�` ,�'*'� .
<br /> ... ���
<br /> ` :; ,i�d�y�StadK.�opatgpioiri�di���4p��l.aod�xw�e�c�6Ei�-��►
<br />'r-s;% ` ,,,,�y� � i t,�'ri;�.�•,: ,: •:,:: , , i,�;;;��.;.._, ,rr. �'=` ;,Y•
<br /> :.�::�,,�;:,��,�'';!' �d�9t'f': �'� cs." .;"' . ' •.,,.: t .p�, '�i.;,� '' �•�''• '•%.
<br /> . ,-1., . �� ";i:C;;'`i'P.l .,l:;'4 E ( •', ., . . . . • .
<br />�•;'�•�_1� :�:��� f������������� .
<br />-';i°����`'. <;�� . �v'�OC1�1.C�1f�s���.�t0�y S BOROMrt'S�1lL�lOL�C Njtlt��;lll�S�Cf iLE C�ONI10110f
<br /> �-;�;%5:�;:y��rrty le�eomait�od�W}1 oo�ti�'�'6oerpy We P�opply as Borm+�nC�s priacipd��'oc tit 1r�AUe yqr st�ar
<br /> �,�. `�`;s��;idate af oo�.y.mless I.eader aid�a�e s�teesifiis wrltiqs,wbi��i oanseat 3t�U Aot be nocr�orradly�ir'�ile#�aj ,qfdess
<br /> r;:`. ,
<br />:;�:`;;`�:`�';;�cim�aaes e�dst_whidi.?�.'b�!l1�1�CC6wa''s eontc�:�Bor�uwa sbaQ nat de�mY• d��tni�'�i3t'"�mP�it;.�e
<br /> �.,; ., Pn�petty.allo�v the Piro�perty to d�•��r`comont wras[e on tb�r';l.�eny.Bmnnwer shaU be i�daf�lt if my fo�rfetp�id _
<br />.<, xtion os procood'utg,wl�tlxs dvil as�1,is�s�t in L��$ood f�b judgrneat caaW resWt in fmfeiuue of 8�e
<br /> gc�aqaty ae ejbaaisa m�ta�aUy impair tbe lipt t�ated by this Secuuri�g'�ru�E,��ender's sa�riry i�t.HonuMner nmy
<br /> ,au�e�a default�d "�e�e.as pcovided ia pen�aph 18.by a�using tbe ��.aK�voeeding to be disrnissad wit6 a niliaa
<br /> " ,ttia�t.in l.eader's.good t�h?:�na�ioa, p�ctodes forfeidm af�tUe Bormw�s''as'�7.siC�iresE�.is,�e ProQatY vr atGa m�erW
<br /> �;i ' ,'�tme�R af the Uen craped by this Saatsiry,L�unax ot 1�rs-saarrny i�t.Boq�iitiHE',�6a11 slso 6e in defadt if
<br /> ` � �.d�iiimg'thc lom appliwtion pro�cs"s,gave m�tqiaUy fi�i3t°�ta��tc informatioa`0�;,3�ii�ments to Iarder(or fat'ied
<br /> `: '��'``qr�?tbvwe �f�ter.v;th,myy m�terial Wo�mut;oa)ia amiuia��a vr�:i�e laan ev;denoed by tbe rTili�;;inciudiqg,Mu nu�lin�ited �
<br /> '�`�-�.:tp;;�eaq�ions cunoemina Ba�nower's occuparx.y a��e�property as a principa!�es�denoe.If ttus saauit�i t�tiumait is oa a
<br /> :- �..
<br /> :::;:� ,: �
<br /> 9�sd�old, Borrower,a6il1 coieply witA�II tl�e provisions of tbe 1ase. If Bonaarer acquins.4S�;c�1e tai tific�Property. t�je":,.
<br /> kssd�oW aod the fx titk stsall nat merge unless l.erder agrres to the merger in v�rri4ng. � � � ;-;
<br /> 7.rl�kaioo ot I�.ae�s Ri�Mts��tUe P�vOe�ty.tE Eomuwer fails w perform che aot:eaie4s aii�a�nxments co+xaiued i��;°�,
<br /> this Savrity.Inununent,or tt�ene is a legal pmooeding t6at may signiftcar�tly affect,�iidicr��;'r�U�in the PtopenY(such as s��`
<br /> p�noeeding in baaluuptcy,pmbue.for oandenu�tio�ar forfeiturc ar to atfaroe lapys-�r�l:s�r�r��,tha�I.eoder may do aad
<br /> ` pay fa�vh�taver is�iooessuy w pcutect the valne of the Yrope�ty aM Len�lePs rig�.+,,i id�e;.�ierty- tead�r's actiom may .
<br /> iaclude pying uny su� secund Dy a lien which has prioriry over this Savrity i�tram�ar.`.�ppearing id ooart,�pay��$ _
<br /> rea�ombk�ttameys•foa anA enter�ng on the Property to malce+rcpia5�s.Ald�augh Leader m�y��arion under dus p�
<br /> 7.La�da daes not hava ta do so. • , ,,
<br /> My aa�ounts disbursed by I.ender nnder.this�a�caph 7 �a��7 6aome addition�l debt of Borruwer savnd 6y thls
<br /> 'Sacudry I�tnimen� Unt�cs:'�orrower and Lender a�t�e�i;�e►te�isc of paymrn�these amoums sh�ll beu intenesi fran the
<br /> date of dis6utsemeat at th�'Note rnte and shall be payable.wittb i��t. upon noticc from[.ender to Borrower�in8
<br /> P�Y�• , , '":.: ::.
<br /> S.Mo�e I�a�oi�,ii Lender roquirod mongage insursu�ce'�s'�'rntditian of making the lo�n secutrd by this 5ecurity
<br /> /t�wnent.Bmrawer s�'-py the piemiums raryired�to mairilaln thC mortga�gt�insuranoe in effert. YP. tar any nason, We
<br /> martgage insurance wvec�rr.�uired by Lender lapses os ceases to be ia eft'e�x.:�rawer shalt pay the premiums roquirod w
<br /> o6fain oove�e�3ubst�ti�i�}�i+Aquivalent to the moRgAge insurance pteviously in eCfi,�ct.at a cost substanti�lly equi�alrnt to.A�e
<br /> oost to Bortc��,of the�Ortgag�e insur9n¢e previousty in effed.fcaat.an altemata mangage i�:rcr approved by I�ende�t�:�
<br /> sttltstantiall��m�,tvatent Snor�gage imvranoe coverage is not availa6��::;19Wrrower slrall pay to Lendrr eac1�montb a sum eqtt�l}�ri _
<br /> ;��ri,rnretfth mf��!�ypii�natsxtgage insurmoe prcmi�bein$paid by�i?urrowes wt�en the insurance mverage!�d or eeased�o
<br /> .��,. .,. ..
<br /> :•`:l;;,::T;iiie�i�effcct.�l�et�idsr fu�i��rt'.use and tdain these pn7�nl�ts�s a toss rescrve in lieu of mottgage insur.�r: tass �esetve -
<br /> ' ',t:;, ' ��"; .y; :� �;:, ,. � . °
<br /> _��r;;.,F>r. � .' i- ,I . . ' ..1� FOIIIl.�� �1�Q1 —
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