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<br /> (b) "Itents" shall mean all tems, rent equivalents, monies payable as ! . . . � '�—
<br /> d a m ages or nn li e u o f r e n t or renY e q u ivatents, ro yaities(m�luding a21 oi�an+d gas or other .. , . �:- �=
<br /> mineral royalties and bflmase�), imcome,re�eivables, receip�s, revemies, depasits(in+cluding .. . . � . -
<br /> security, utility and other deposits),accounts, cash, issaes, Profits, Proceeds� aharge� for ` `�� -
<br />-- services readered, and othe•r consideratiea of wbatever form or nature receive�by or paid Yo .- - . �.. . .��`
<br /> or for 3he account of or benefit of Assignor or its age�or employees from any and all � . --
<br /> � so�arisang from or atcr�utable w the Propexty, iacluding all receivables, c�siomer .� � � .-..�_ =
<br /> obligations, instatt�.eIIt paymeat obligations and other obligations now eaisting or hereafter �. . . ' , •�z-.
<br /> arising or created out of the sal$, lease, sublease,licenss, con�ssion or other g�rant of the ; , , . .j-��Y
<br /> right of ti�use and occupancy of the Pr�operty and proceeds, if any, from business � � ��'-��,��_
<br /> . ..;�.�- -
<br /> iaterraption or other loss of income insnrance. ' . .. . '>`�--Y.��.
<br /> �•-.-
<br /> i `�ra-.t-�-.r��.:
<br /> !' - • —
<br /> - Se�tion 2. Certain Re��esentations Warran�es and Covenants. � . .�-._ -
<br /> F
<br /> t
<br /> ASS1g,O.0I I�I�SCDZS,Wa?rdD1S�COVCD2�I3 W��lSS1gII£� U13L: � . . ..
<br /> an � _
<br /> .� - (a) The payment of the Renis to acccue under any Lease will not be ,�'F''�"-"-: -_-
<br /> waived, released, re�duced, discounted or otherwise discharged or compminised by Assignor � -
<br /> excepi as permittecl in the Deed of Trust or Loan Agreement. Assignor waives a�►rigt�ts of ,. �-
<br /> " set off against any tenant u n der any Lease. Assign.or a g�e e s that it v�71 noi assign any of the , :��`����'' -�
<br /> ��-° ��.,.., ���rr�:
<br /> Itents e�cepi to a purchaser or grantee o f t he T r u s t P r o p e�r t y p e r m i tt e d u n d e r t h e L o a n - � ���:�. y:-�
<br /> .. ,�;_ :: �
<br /> � . Agreeffient or as expressly contemplated by the other Loan Dacuments; ,.,..: 'r,. =,'
<br /> ;..
<br /> � ..i3'yl�+'.�- . �c�t;�--=
<br /> (b) Assignor has not perfoimed, and w�l not perform,any acts, and has . �%��� ' _
<br /> . ,� noi exe�, and will not execute, any instcum$nt that wonld prevent Assignee fro�n .�-. �, ��`�"� '�
<br />'. � exercising its rig�i��der this Assignment;and ��rs'W ��t; � ..._
<br /> � � � :�`
<br /> '"�;raU�'.,.> � s ��
<br /> � (c) Assignor hereby authorizes aad direcis any�^�nt uadec any of the �'��; �, —
<br /> :� ' Leases and any successor to all or any pax�e of the intesres�of any sucla tena�.^��a paY�Y .. t � -_
<br /> • w the Clearing Account(as such term is defiged in the Deposit Ac,�owoi Agreement). in "��' .. . '�
<br /> accordance with the�rms of the Deposit Account Agreement, the Rents due and to becon�e , .��.
<br /> .�, ;:�;_..
<br /> due uncde3 the Leas�and such authori7ation and di�ection shall be sufficient wanant w the .� ,-,;�,;:_:�
<br /> � �:, tsnani?�n�akP fi�tur��ayments of Rents directDy to the Cleazing Account in accordance with =_°`�"�` -- _
<br /> the terms of the De�osit Account Ag�+eemeni without the ne�essity for further consent by the �,��_���:°; ;
<br /> � . Assignor. � '"=r:�.�.,-.
<br /> .`` Section 3. Defes�ed Exercise of Ri�hts. =����,.���. --
<br /> ,;� _.._��t�-=
<br /> ���_
<br /> : ; (a) As part of the consideration for the indebtedness evidence�by ihe , "'"''��"�"-�`
<br /> .����
<br />�. � Note,Assignor daes hereby absolutely anafl unconditionally assign w Assignee aU right, title �... .:.
<br /> �'� and 'ini��st of Assignor in a�sv aU present and future Leases and Rents,and this =:*�.'����;'a .�
<br /> ' Assigr�ent constitutes a present and absolute assignam�and is intended to be unconditional `°'., =�; _
<br /> ; 1
<br /> -?�•��..J�.i:f•t..�
<br /> and noi as an assignment for additi�nal seauity only. It is furthea intended tbat it noi be .,.� ..;..L•s' .
<br /> . ,i �.' • , .
<br /> � -3- �:" � �-�
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