1p3%Z—WARRANTY DEED�oint Tensncy—Veectnt Entfrs t1tls In Satvlvor (Bevfred) The HuAman General Supp�y House, Linrnln, Nebr. �
<br /> - {
<br /> �
<br /> WIL�'RFD G. BAR?�'S a?�?D �,4ARJOR� F. BA�NES, eac� in his and her
<br /> own ri�ht and as spouse one to the other
<br /> I
<br /> in consideration of One dollar and o��er valuable consideration �_��-
<br /> in liand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto
<br /> '�EVx,RLY F. P�tOELLER A�?D D-�L� C. �'^ELLF'R, t�:�i.fe and husband
<br /> as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common; the following described real estate, situated in the County of
<br /> Hall and State of Plebraska , to-wit:
<br /> ..:. •..:....•,::Lot �leven (11) , In Block Twelve (12} , in
<br /> PAR�C?3ILL 'I'HIRD SLT"DI��ISIOr�, an Adciition
<br /> to the City o£ rrand Island, IIall County,
<br /> �
<br /> 'lebraska .... .... ...........:..:........:.........::......:......:::.......::.::...:.
<br /> ,
<br /> I
<br /> i
<br /> together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the estate, title,
<br /> dower, right of homestead, claim or demand whatsoever of the said grantor S , of, in or to the same, or any part
<br /> thereof; subject to � -,� ,�� ;;i � ,, ,—,
<br /> 1 ,�'%-' $%-
<br /> �iq� �
<br /> I V � �� ' ' � 3` '
<br /> I
<br /> �I _..�_.__--.. ._--______
<br /> I
<br /> I
<br /> , : I ! '
<br /> I I ��i,� I � I
<br /> 1"f 1;LINGT}-Ir 1N1'1:NTIC)N OF ALL PAR'I'IF_S HERETO,1'IIAT 1N 1'11L P:\'�NT OP TH� llEATH
<br /> �)1� L'1'1HL'R OF SAID GIZANTL'ES, TI-l� I�.N'CIP.E I'�E SII4IPI.1: TlT1_L' TO TH� 1:LAL �STAT� D�-
<br /> TO I-IAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said grantees as
<br /> JOINT T�NANTS, and not as tenants in conunon, and lo their assi��s, or to the hcirs and assigns of the survivor
<br /> of tliem, forever, and they the grantors named herein for tilems°lve�d their heirs, executors, and
<br /> administrators, du covenant with the grantees named herein and with thcir assigns and with the heirs and assigns
<br /> of the survivor of them, that the� arelaw•fully seized of said premises; that they are free from incumbrance
<br /> escept as stated herein, and that they the said grantor S have good riglrt and lawful authority to sell the
<br /> same, and that the,y will and theiT' heirs, eaecutors and administrators shall warrant and cle-
<br /> fend the same unto the grantees named herein and unto their assigns and tmto the heirs and assigns of the sur-
<br /> vivor of them, forever, against the la��•ful claims of all persons whomsoever, exduding the exceptio s named herein.
<br /> 1�' VI�ITNESS WHF_REOF thv'v have hereunto sct the ir han -S this 1�}th day of
<br /> april , 19 56 x �j� q,� �
<br /> ..._..._""_" '---- ,.:1 Y����- T,---- arrie- - ��----------�-------�--�
<br /> --------------------------------------------------�------------�----------------------------�-------
<br /> In presence of •X••••----��f'"'��i�Y3'T'"1,���'":'_'_B�3z'TTe-s)•••---•------•-•------
<br /> ., �
<br /> --•°--°-----°.............°--•••.._.._..-•--•-•-°-•-...__....-----•-•••-•--------°--°-.......
<br /> ...........-�--•---• -•---....-°-•-••- --°- ° ._ _....---•–°°-----°-...----••-•--- ----•---...---°°--....-°------•-----°---...-°--...-----°....................................°
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