.:ti-�� �� � - -- �
<br /> R�M'�;t��.r� � D�'�D
<br /> ;
<br /> �:
<br /> � ii�v�e�J i-:L� ri1S:,i�i �Y �tL'S:'� `13i�.`.'� �+ �.
<br /> �?'n&G 4VC18T'6dS� in an BCtiJi'. OI ;)3Z't?LlOri �°1"'_.^.�!;^ iY? i.:'_c:; .�15L�"'�C1.
<br /> �OUT't Of' :21.1. Cn�7rlt'�j� iV��DY'3Skc3� NC'i8.'�127 :�!3�e '� -. JIi£:?�@Y' G?"1C Ll:��:. C .
<br /> _ . . . . .._, , .
<br /> s�"1.af'-GT'� u2Y' !�-USUdT1Q alla T??2? r: `�T'iT.�.. S':ei e p15iI1-�:_1 S� ?ri.^. '�'! �.i�?�t':1 ."�.
<br /> Ad.asns, `i'enart ir� Po:;sess-o�, Orville �?.. �nafe^, - �ir1:-1e per,or, ac:a
<br /> 3. =,nt�•1°rt and Frank �n�lart, :-e� :��:>oand, ana ��c.r. �-;. �n�x�'e�, � .__.. , �
<br /> o�rs�n, v,,�,�e defen�a.r_ts, Gnd Lena :�. -.aarns �.�.as a-•. interve��in,�� c�� �� r�:i.snt;,
<br /> �
<br /> i0Y' Gile: UaY'l.l�l0'l O�' tae. t�re :i:' . .�.,_':',�?"?`i:�t22' :.vSCT'lCi2:i� i.C::; ?121Q�2r�c_ '21�.�,i��
<br /> ,S <�
<br /> ��efer�e a�po`n�F� bv �azd coart to r�slce oartition o?' said real estxte
<br /> inade r�;t�ort � n tivr� tin : d�zlzr �:i nec, setti n�; fortn t�_at narti tior o= s�id
<br /> lands coulc: not be made �^rithout �;.reat �reiudice to t?.� o��:ne^s tncreof
<br /> �iJC11CC1 report �"JaS C7U1?," G'1c`L';]1?]i,C� b�% �i,P_E�' COI::T'�i. 8._`1C t,tic^ CO.'.Y't GE,'�Tic� ��t1S-
<br /> i'ied therewitti, a�proJ°d and cor;;'i.r;aed tre sa.,�:e a�:d ordered tce s:�.:�e to
<br /> be entered oi racord and directed r�e as said Refenee, to se�l sa� d pre-
<br /> mises on coni irmation of tne s��le i'or cas:i ar�. cir�:ctec suca sale to tatte
<br /> place at the nort�. door of tne co::rt,:ouse iz: tt_� � itv o�' '=r<and -sland,
<br /> �;all �%0:�11t'.V� iieb�^F;:.�'.i�l� d'_lC1 1'� _iI'5.�,,..:C; iJ� Sc:i.G i`?':2'1' �. C:U cP.C. '�: . _,.Cc; i
<br /> � f,0 'fJB ,DU�J1.1�'Cl°Cj_ 1T"1 tr)2 �T';z11C1 ._.,!`dT10. iittll'_ 1�1Gt:J'.'.T:, .,�.i., _. _.?: al CL�,�:SUci�.c,2'
<br /> 1�I'll'?t°d a?,a 1"? F!'P,'_�0T'al CJ T'C;�.'L�a�10;1 1.'i �a� Q C�_L`.T Ji � �..;:Ci 1 Si�i;7Q� <�a1.1.
<br /> �,71�Tli,y� i'TE,'YJ?'c13..�z� t}7��_: I �90UIU 01.�8Y' Lt"i:; Y'":�::� °5�3t� __.,_'E,'].Y?dI''tGi' C.CSCT'__JP.CX
<br /> � �
<br /> f'or sale at t�� north aoor o�-' L._e courti�� ..se i..: �:Le �it�, oi -rand lsiand,
<br /> �+ali Count�*, ��ebras?�a, or_� tr_e �t�. aa;� oi �,iGrca, 1956, =�t tre ro�_�r o" �:�0
<br /> o' clocic p. :�';, of said da�� a.�a at t�,e, tz e anc �lac� st-wteci �_. :��.�. r.o��ces,
<br /> 2.1"1^ clf't`_'.Y' �a _'a TlOi,lr?c C:a� bP�'•.. t�l;.'.�=1S:iGv. IOT' _.i0,"2 tC_cl�. ��i2't�, G2�� ,� �
<br /> �:.��'E?'2C7 Sc`�1C� �`dT?C� I OT' S`d�E 8.f% 1�i:0 i lr �:tl.'.C�i.:.01' &'.�G SO1.(� 1:'�_P c:^j° �O rli:�'_'iG'S
<br /> �Tlz,��er, for tae su:� of y�13,000.OG, :_e bc;i;:,� t��ie ii�_�hest ��_ccer t:��are-1'or
<br /> and af'ter�vard.s on t�e 2na ca�� o'_' �nr-1, 195�, -ai_a court a�:�ro�Tec ar�ci
<br /> coniirmed said sale ane b?T an order ri�.rect_�:� ~!e as sa_c re''er�e, �o ��e-
<br /> cute to �air rrarles Jun�� ;r, � .�e�c c� . ��> � . �id 1•a�cs �o _._ �n fee
<br /> �
<br /> sir;,t�le , no�n.� �n.ere_`'o�°e,
<br /> _�, P�ul C. �'OZ;IlU2r�?•� te'_'A'_ �P� i2: CO:"?S1Ci."t,��1�i1 O_� T.C'i�� riT'2?iilb'E'.S �:1C�
<br /> the surn of �''13,000.00, so pid anc pa:1.C1 b�- sa_u l"c,Ur?es �%n-c�r, �na -�T�
<br /> i%i.l'�U� O� 'tCl� �OtJPr.^, VeStvCl 11": t;., �;�T 1^n::� C�O ;' t�_�S° ;'��''°��YI�S� .-•2,?.'"lt�
<br /> ,�e11. and convPt• ,_�.ni_,� 'r.r�,a sa� d Cnarles.Jun_•c�r, ar�e to .�is �ei?^s =-rd. �_,�:sit�;ns,
<br /> t��e 1'ollovJin�, u�scriUel roal �,: ta-,^ . i�,o-.._._t:
<br /> '�':ie .�o�th . al� o� tne �.n;�, .:._,...._� :uar�:.r ��' �ecti^n ''�..��,::-L�.ree
<br /> �'o�,�r��iiip �-iT�e, �tan=�c �?�, i-� --ali C;ourt :, _.e �. _., �,a,
<br /> ,._ th a.l 1 ti:� ^.r��u�°i,cn�..�ce s tt_.._:,...n .;o t;elo�_�,�_�� .
<br /> lo �nave and t:�� i?olc� tr==' -,r�e '� r:: � ti�� -. � _ Ch.;.r'_�;: ��>>�r� .r, ana
<br /> riis r�eirs an� assi:;�-�s ?"orever.
<br /> -r . :;i !_. .�.� ,t.... ? �u � 1 -:ave !�� /_�.. _ .��-� � ,-- , ��. , ti �.- �:/c__-- cia�:
<br /> o f A p r i 1, 1 J 5 v. � �—,.-r •'-(�j �-'�-s' �^�.
<br /> , , ` �
<br /> . ,._._-' -, � �""
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<br /> �..���_ - --- -----------
<br /> ��l��f�:�z
<br /> 1:n �thc� ?resence ot':
<br /> / / ,
<br /> �
<br /> �.�'!��CL _.:_1c-.?`Y<`-�''�-�--
<br /> ' itness
<br /> : _ � ,� ,. . ,i�:�:ir. l _.S.
<br /> i,�L:., , � � -- �.
<br /> On t'r�is _�r.�'-.�� ua;r o_' :!r,.ril, �_:�6, r,�;fo�e r�e �_ _ -+.arr� _,i�____
<br /> �n@l,r ~ --� 'u' -\OtaT',`.' _Pil:i�7_r .._i.[��_:: al`:;' �O'_' Sc:1Cl C`Oi1T1tt,T� �E'T'50:1-
<br /> � ;,F,� 1n� �r;�t�ear�c t'ua� C. '�oliroe m, .;ef:�rc�, o,' ti�e �_t�� oi ir�n� Island, i!all
<br /> c 'r.v ty�] n .� )�1 ,lr,-�.
<br /> �\,(�h,z�;�V� 1`iebrr�'.:a, to r�e :�n�4�r: L� t.�� �c;nti al p.�r:-o_. and � s icer aes-
<br /> �r ez��p� ��i, ar.a t��iio exec•:tec rr.e ��o�e u:�ri �ore �in,= instrur�ent and r.e ac;_-
<br /> � ���,�,�;�e�'�- tne �.a,�e Lo �e �:.s vo���.nr_:r�r act anc ,^��ed a� suc� ,�ie�e;� ior the
<br /> - _ '�'�w��''=,-��cr^�u, �;oses therein menti r.sd.
<br /> - � t�6�1 � ,ti_1„�T'lz' l'J� C7'!.()?� J .1�\'E C;��I'°tii"]t(i -r C?21'`Q ctTi'" n"r��'� � ��'�l
<br /> �.:c+�t �h�a�;ra���P � ���r 1 a,.t a b o�,r e �`�'T'].L t�,I.. ( ��
<br /> c' ? G. �� _ ._���,�-r-i__ `^'��pY�_�__.__ _—
<br /> ? �`�.•.�,
<br /> .`�b�j��' `;C�C.'. _:ota.r P�;blic
<br /> .
<br /> ''����-..':;,,,���� /�'� Z 1/96�
<br /> `rr;� commies, �n expires �J -�—._--- -_—• ;-� �
<br /> Filed for recorc� April 11, 1956 ?t l�:1�5 P•M•�,f�i�.�.,.✓ Register of Deeds
<br /> Hall Co., Nebr.
<br />