<br /> �),�il�' CLf�1:i�i D���D
<br /> :��vOW ALL IJl�:i�� �sY 1%i�S� PnE;�i•,'la:
<br /> That, tne City o�' Grar?d_ lsland, a muni.cipal corporation oz the Countv
<br /> of Hall, and_ �tate of 1�:ei���asi�a, ior tr_e consic,eration o�' Li?e sum ot'
<br /> One Hunctred T�venty ='ive Dollars (.;12b.CO)
<br /> does t?ereb,y �tiuit Clai?*� and co�_.vev u.nto i�,iauc:e Lur_nev of tne Count,y of
<br /> Hall and Sta�e of Pienraska, all iLS ri�;:�;,, title ana interest of �Triat-
<br /> soever nature, in and to zcle fo'lot^:'.r. -� cie.scrl�ec; real P�tai;e, situ�.ted
<br /> in L'ne Countv oi' Ra� 7. and 3tute ol ?�"ebr��<��., to-���it:
<br /> Ti1at part oi i'�iadison Street, iv�^ norti.c.r:i�; oz' _ ,�.rr titr�et
<br /> iYl tCiP C;i_t�i of rT'�nd -�:lai�a, I?l0'_'G p�rT-��ti1 �_r>yzr ����T'lt'.�G ��
<br /> .f'01�.7V�c� �°=-•J.1lY:lY1� ciT tC!v�- Sv"t.C1S':°O� CCI'i1v�i �! T�CL �� 1?: `�C�C''-C
<br /> �� Of� �eY'ri0i c;ri c�P:;. �eC!rgT' �C�.C�?tlOi:� i.0 �::8 �;i_�t% �I '';n�nC T sland,
<br /> T?ebraska; T"�nn_�11c; Lnence ncrt:�4V2SL.°.-�'.LZ% ul0?'l ' '�:��Q i1.�011 L�>r,
<br /> we�t°ri-- line of sai� ��ot b to tne norz��::�a�.terl�r corr.�r �? said
<br /> Lot 5, ?or a aist�-:r�ce o1 152 f.e��t; r .r_r �_n�� tir?er.ce soui;n�•.�e sterlti
<br /> alon�* ano..�_t.nor� u ii.�� a°,�:_; cr_ i:= t_:e oro-!on "ti�r ol tt?e n�rtr_erl�T
<br /> 11Y1@ OI� Sal!� LOi. :�� I'OT' L� Q1S�'_'.?1Ci: !^:i b f'c�t,� r'U'P,'i:?.i1f":' LCic^I'iC@
<br /> southeasterl:y p:ro_l�el to �ne v:est ��ne oi' s�id. Lot b, for a
<br /> d_istar :^ of l02 �eet; runn�r.-_ �;rl�nce n�r��--�:. �•::�1� alon�� and
<br /> U?�OYl 'cz 11?1E l`JCl�_C.[i lC t.Cl^ �T'iJ!�?� ��-L1C:1 Oi� �C?E.' SOLiLt_c;L'1'T 1121:.' O1�
<br /> said Lot 5 for a dis�a?�ce �i 5 _'eet c.� te� coi_�t oz ��e •ini��_ng.
<br /> It is uncierstoed ar�d af;r�ea. t�:.�t tc�e ,r�r�tor sc,a? i r.nt be re-
<br /> qu�-red to furnish an abs�ract �_' titie a::G t��at tre ��;r�.ntee siza__�_ pazr
<br /> the costs incurr°ed bv tne �it;ti- of :?���rd Ts�luna i.r. publisr�in�; o�°diriances
<br /> and_ notices in connection ��i�r� ��ie sale o:' tne 1_.i:d r�ereii� descr:i.bed..
<br /> �'r?e �;rantor reserves �_into i�seif, �Ln av_�er:ient over, �lonr, and
<br /> across, tne prerniBes nerei.n con•reved, f'or suc:� util.i.t�.e� as trie cr�.iztor
<br /> maz- not^� nave erecLed t,.creon, or �'or suc�.� u.ti�i.ti°5 �s ma�- ue ��ere-
<br /> az'tcr� �r .GUircci.
<br /> .� '•: ��'i.l�''_�L';�C �tir'i�L"i� ,17�� t!18 i1�::21�0�� T.:_° -_t�r pj,' (`-r;::T]Q �:�land, �.27
<br /> �-d.1.� �OUTl�;�j� i�Tebraska, 11�:5 C2.U.SEr �C_c:?n 1�i'2;�1":LS LO 't>E'. S1�',ilECX �z= 1tS
<br /> President ot' tc�e Cit�� G��.�.r_ci7. anc. dttc�i;ed �o :�t- cne Cit,y C�er4� and
<br /> h.as caused trie oi'iicial seal of sai:3 C�_t;�r to be nareunto affixed this
<br /> tne � �" dd�r oi' h�ril, x. !�. 19�-�:.
<br /> , .�r.
<br /> ;.'�t C�F_�j F' ''' .-� C 1:7rt 0:�' G�<� .D 1;1,_i1�D
<br /> �� .. w���-s = �y
<br /> �y, cl '•O•�♦ i.�Q `DI�`=� \ �'j��j ���(�
<br /> //' �`" f :�_�",�— �Y: _ "___'C�_� 2_.y..'�(.�_,,,_' _—_"' `
<br /> --- - y+�1t�i�a����FF�� �: re'sident oz tne Citv Council
<br /> : �� -•- • :
<br /> �i'e�L'.1C1 1��2• ���� `
<br /> •^�• � • ` � �'L��ii�✓YY
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<br /> ••' Q...���im,.''"J�:i:: � �
<br /> ���l��,C �'� -- --_- - --- -_
<br /> � � Witnesgr,, _'�'.-''i;€y'��-� Cit,y C1;;rk
<br /> �fP{virdlt:�`
<br />