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<br /> '� entered into affectin�the use,eajoyment or occupancy of, or the conduct of any activity � ,� , .� • .' :°
<br /> �.....
<br /> � upon or in, the Premises and the Improveme�ts, including any extensions, renewals, ' . � � . . . .
<br /> modificatioas or amendments the�eof(hereiaafter cQllectively referred to as the "Leases") a l
<br />' and all rents, r�nt equivalent�,znoneys payable as damages or in lieu of reni or rent - -- - . ---- - . �`-'
<br /> : ,�.. . , �
<br />. . equivalents, royalties(includin�, without limitation, all oil and gas or other m'sneral royaltiss � ,
<br /> and bonuses), income,receivables, receipts, revenues, deposits(including,witliout limitation, h -
<br /> se�urity, atility and other deposits),acxounts, cash, issues, Profits, charges for services � •. ._ ..-
<br />� rendered,and other consideration of whatever form or nawre received by or paid to or for . � .. �; �
<br /> � the account of or benefit of TnLScor or its agents or emgloyees fro�any and all sources •_ . � ,,�,�;�N�,: � --==
<br /> � ari�ing from or attn'butable to th�Premises and the Tmpmvements, including, witlaout � ;�<.�, ' `���
<br /> •.�.,.�=
<br /> �� limit�tion,all receivables, cu5toffier obli�ations, installment payment obligations aad other ����
<br /> obligations noa�exisiing or hereafter arising or created out of the sale, lease, s�ablease, � � ;��.,y;��.,�
<br />. �� license, concession or other grant of the right of the use and occupancy of property and ` ""��- �:�`-�
<br /> .'T.� .
<br /> . ! proceeds,if any, from business intenuption or other loss of income insurance (hereinafter .� ._ `���
<br /> `& co ll e c t i v e l y r e f e a e d t o as the"Rents"), to getlter with all proceeds fram the sale or other . . � � ��-r, -
<br /> �"�� disposition of the Leases and the right to receive and ap�ly the Rents to the payment of the :, ., . :_ a ;., .' �M`��
<br /> �; D�bi; , . • . '•���
<br /> ti . �e __
<br /> .�4�� (e) all proceeds of and any unearned premiums on��t insurance policies .� � : � �. .
<br /> ,., covering the Ttust Property, including, without limitation,the right to receive and apply the . � -
<br /> prc�ceeds of any iusurance,judgments, or settlements made in lieu thereof, for damage to the
<br /> ��. •_ .."
<br /> .�
<br /> . Trust Propsrty; - : ';s�f:.. --
<br /> � :.��:;.
<br /> . :��-.==
<br /> (fl the right, in the name a�'i on behalf of Tnistor, tca appear in and defead ._ . ��=,,1 _:�� , _
<br /> any action Qr�roceeding brought with respect t�the Tnist Property and to comffience any . ;�.��;, ,: _r� �'; � �;
<br /> . action or��=ar�ceding to protect t��i�sterest of Bene�iciaa�; �the Trust Property; . ' �
<br /> � � �c .
<br /> . . ,. .
<br /> a7�accounxs includin ,wi��ut limitation,resarve accounts, escrows, � .�� ��` �_
<br /> (�) ( g s�:
<br /> • documents, instruments, cha�el paper, claims, depasits and general intangi'bles,as the �.�„,�`� ,�;�r,,_��--.
<br /> n o -` °rr.�,:�.,.__
<br /> _ foregoing terms are defined in the Uniform Commercial Code, but excYuding the B ���� �;�
<br /> Account,as referred to in the Loan Agreement), and all franchises,trade names, trademarks, .,��,:.�.;�;
<br /> symbols,service mazks, books, records, Plans, specifications,designs, drawings, surveys, - . ., ' � _
<br /> � . .� �-.�.----
<br /> title insurance policies,Permits, consents, lice�.ses, nnanagement agre,ments, can�ract sights . `��-�•��_:-.
<br /> .,� .�.....r. _
<br /> . (including, without limitation,any conicact w�t�n any architect or engineer or w i t h any o t her . . .
<br /> grovider ar�aods or services fo�cr in conn�an with am�� const�uction,repa�r, or oiher .y + '�`'';. -
<br /> work upoa the Tnist ProPeriY), aPProvals, ac�ians, refun3s of real esta�te taxes and �. -�'"��'�'
<br /> c . �.��-:'-_
<br /> �ssessments {and any oiher governmeNal impositions related w the��t Property),and . ;"�'�-�'�.�°__ __
<br /> .;,�.
<br /> canses of action tUat now or hereafter relate to,are dsrived from oi�+�used in connection �""'s��
<br />� �. wi4h the Trust Property, or the use, operation, maintenance, occupancy or enjoyment thereof ' :l���=�
<br /> . . S,-.t.._ � .
<br /> or the conduct of any business or activities thereon(here�a ft er co llectively referred W as the ` �`��_
<br /> �- �„�-Ka.�s:�
<br /> � "llntangibles");aad :�;�.3`� :.� •3._._
<br /> n ;�: K.
<br /> �� :�,:,�,:;�...�� �
<br /> (h) all procee�s,g�rroducts, offspring, rents and profits from any of the - : ___
<br /> foregoing, iacluding,without lin��tion,those from sale, exchange,uansfer, collection, loss, f . � �. �_
<br /> damage,disposition, substitudon or replacement of any of the foregoiag. - _ �� -• � _
<br /> _-:�-:�=�,.�
<br /> Without limiting the generality of any of the foregoing, in the event that a . � .
<br /> ioo�arr9.os 4 . . , �
<br /> . �"��
<br /> . .� ._ .._.._. .-._.....__-- . ; -- .' . -_. .
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