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<br /> . � financing statements or c�ntinuntio�►statements. transfers and a�.�►�*ances as Beneficiary shall, , -
<br /> ,_.� from time to time, requure� for the better assuring, conveying, assigning, ttansferring, and : ` � • _�
<br /> � confirming unto Bene�tclary tiie prap�Ry atid ri�hts hereby given, granted, bargained, sold, � . . . -.-- -.--------
<br /> alienated, enfeoffed. conveyed.cor�{rmed, ple��ed. assigne3 and hypothecated or intended � � � . _
<br /> now or hereafter so to be, ar which Tcustor may be or may hereafter become bound to ' � . : '
<br /> • convey or assign to Trustee or Bsneficiasy, ar for cariying out the iniention or facilitating �. . �`� �
<br /> . the p erformance of the terms of this Deed of Trust or for filing,registering or recording this �, . � , �'.;,.�:�;L
<br /> Deed of Tnist, or. subject to the tem�s of Section 9.1 of the Loan Agreement, for facilitating , : . .. � _ -
<br />� the sale and�ransfer of the Laan and the Loan Daeuments in connection with a �� �f`;;,�;r:
<br /> "Securitization" as described in Section 9.1 of the Loan P►greement. Trustor, on demand, . �'�'�°'a�
<br /> ��
<br /> �-�--�_-
<br /> will execute and deli�rer and, in the event that Grantor fails to comply with Beneficiary's t . .: ;:��;Hn-:-^-,W—
<br /> request ihat Trustor execute and deliver same within ten (10) days, hereby authorizes E ;,;.�sr,;�;
<br /> � Beneficiary to exerute in the name of Trustor or without the signature of Trustor to the
<br /> extent Benefic' ma lawfull do so, one or more finan�cing statements,chattel mortgages �� :, � :`�� ,����`_
<br /> �Y Y Y
<br /> � or other instnu�ents, to evidence more effectively the security iuterest of Beneficiary in the � .� ' ' '�::
<br />� . Tn�st Property. Upon foreclosure, the appoimm�ent of a receiver or any other relevant � �����
<br /> . ..-;�...�.
<br /> ' h• _ ' ;_
<br /> action, Tnistor will,at the cost of Trustor and without expense to Beneficiary, cooperate � ..
<br /> ,.�.; fiilly and completely to effect the assignmeat or transfer of any license, pernut, agreement or • ;�. �� ���`
<br /> '' any other right necessary or useful to the operation of the Trust Property. �'rustor grants to � •� �"���� `�
<br /> � Beneficiary an irrevocable power of attorney coupled with an interest for the purpose of : ;� '� �,-.�
<br /> � exercisin and rfecrin an aad all rights and re�edies available to Beneficiary at law and . .., -_�_ ; �.�="
<br /> g Pe b Y . :
<br /> � in equity, including, without limitation,sttch rights and remedies available to Beneficiary ,� �� � �
<br /> •.
<br /> pursuant w this P��Pb- .. � ,�= ''
<br /> �� ;'
<br /> • 15. Recor�lin� of Deerl of Trust. Etc. Truswr forthwith upon the �'4"��"�`� � �
<br /> . execution and delivery of t�is Deed of Tzust and thereafter. from time to time, will cause • � �� ��'r� �
<br /> . -- this Deed of Tn�st, and any security ins�ument creating a lien or security interest or _�,�.��,.,_:�' �
<br /> . evidencing the lien hereof ugon the Tn�st Praperty and each insuument of further assurance. �-�� .;�� 4•-`
<br /> W be filed, re tered or recorded in such manner and in such laces as ma be r ed b '�~'- �"°
<br /> gis P Y � Y • �i- �� _.;=�,�—
<br />. �. , any present or future law in order to publish norice of and fully to protect the lien or security . ;_., , f-.��
<br /> , interest hereof upon, and the interest of Beneficiary in, the Trust Properry. Truswr will pay .. ;_°'���
<br /> � all fil'ln , registration or recordin fees, and all e enses incident w the aration, :�: �1`f�; ;-.-=�=�:
<br /> g g RP P�P � �_;;;�;:,�---.,.
<br /> � i exec�ation and acknowledgment of ibis Deed of Trust,any mortgage supplenuental hereto, any �-=�+�� —''�
<br /> security insro�ument with respect to the Trs�st Property and any insWment of fvrther '��.
<br /> .��-
<br /> � �:;-.::..:��. ...
<br /> assurance, and all fedei�l, state, county and municipal. taxes, duties. i�posts, assessments .:=�:�
<br /> and char es arisin out of or in connection with the execution and delive of this Deed of �'"�
<br /> g g ry •��
<br /> ' Trust, any mortgage supplemental hereto, any security instiument with respect to the Tmst '`�'r'�Qp'
<br /> ,�:.t��i!C"�l.� _ '��+.
<br /> . Property or any insnument of fua�her assurance, except v�here prohibited by law so to do. � � :��-�
<br /> •�xSi�iS�.TL:A 4.'�..:,
<br /> Trustor sball hold harmless and indemnify Beneficiary, its successers and assigns, a�ainst �"'°�'�" . - �
<br /> .� � . .;z:�'�"'.� . !� -
<br /> auy liability iacurred by reason of the imposition of any tax on the malsing and recording of . .: , ,.
<br /> � this Deed of Trust. '
<br /> .�:,..
<br /> 16. ]Repo�gRequtrements. Truswr agrees w�ive prompt nouce to � . .
<br />. . Beneficiary of the insolveacy or bankruptcy filing of Trustor. • � � �_� ,
<br /> 17. Events of Default. The Debt shall become iramediately due and ' ' -
<br /> payable at the option of Beneficiary upon the happening of any one or more of the follo�ving .
<br /> iooian9.o6 12
<br /> ,.: . -
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