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<br /> .; � -
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<br /> improveffients and normal replacement of Equipment. Tn�stor s1�all promPtly comPly with ` . .. ` _ -
<br /> � all laws, orders and ordinances affecting tfie Tn�t Pr°Pem'' or the use thereof, subject to ,. ,.� �
<br /> � Grantor's right to contest the foregoiag in accordance with tlie terms of Section 5.1(a)of the
<br /> Loan Agreement. Subject to the provisions of Section 7.1 of the Loan Agreement, Trustor , . � . ��,'>
<br /> thae is destroyed by �::�- ,
<br /> ; shall promptty repair, replace or rebuild az►p part of the Trust Property roceeding ' . �` `'°"�.`�'� -.
<br /> any casualty, or b�comes damaged, worn or dilapidat�d or that is affected by anY P . . . .. --
<br /> `'� of the character referred to in Para�hereof and shall complete and pay for any . .� �:� -
<br /> ' time in the rocess of const�uction or repair on the Premises. Trustor shaU ; . , 1.. s
<br /> .. �:'���
<br /> strucdue at any P rivate restrictive .� . � .
<br /> not initiate,join in, acquiesce in,or cousent to any change in any p ,.,. � . _� �
<br /> ,.,;:• . .. . .
<br /> ` covenant, zoni.ng la�v or other gublic or private resuiction, limiting or def�n�the uses � y. _ ` ,�
<br /> '< wluch may be made of the'I'nast Froperty or any part thereof wiihout tke prior written r ''L . `�.:'.' s
<br /><�Y�. c o n s e n t o f B e n e fr c i a ry,p r o v i d e�l,however,that the right of Beneficiary to gra�t or withhold ; .
<br /> terms of Section 6.1(g) of t he I.oan Agreem e n t. I f u n d e r ! � ; -��.
<br /> : such consent shall be subject w the is or shall � f�'`-
<br /> ' ,.���,r•,�sk�
<br /> aPPlicabl�zoning provisions the use of a91 or any portion of the Tn�st PropeTtY � ;:.:`�'. , ��.: f_ _
<br /> s.'� 6ecome a nonconfornning use, Tnistor arill n�ot cause or permit such nonconforming use to be t , � �
<br /> Tmstor sbau
<br /> � Y.s�,.��, �
<br /> discontinued or abandoned without the express written conse�t of Beneficiary. ;
<br /> not (i)change the use of the Trust Property, (ii)permit or suffer w occur znY was2e on or to -
<br /> an ste s whatsoever to convert the ����� � '
<br /> the Tn�st Propei2y or w any portion thereof or(�u�take Y P E.:.
<br /> Tn�st Properiy, or any portion thereof, to a condaminium or cooperative form of ' '. ' _
<br /> �:..
<br /> t.::, .;�.,-;.:
<br /> management. Trus�or will not install or permit to be installed on the Premises anY . ... _ .
<br /> - underground storage tank. . -_ ,-
<br /> 8. Transfer or Encuffibrauce of the'1'rust Prouertst. (a) Trustor •�' � ' `;; . `_
<br /> .�...-': .
<br /> - acknowledges that Heneficiary has examined and rehed on the creditwosthiness and _ . '�t � `
<br /> - �xxpeerience o f T r u s t o r i n ownin g and o peratiag properties such as the Tn�st Property in. ,�..'�;�.:. . . '�f' �:__'
<br /> P
<br /> : agreeing w make the Loan,and that Benefrciary will conwme to rely on Tmstor's owneiship : ..;�
<br /> �' of the Tn�st Property as a means of maintaining the value of the Tnist Property as security ��'° •
<br /> , for re�ayr�ent of the Bebt. Trusior acl�rowledges tbat 8eneficiary has a valid interes�t in ��� m��z_
<br /> maintaining the value of the Trust Prop�ty so as to ensure tha2, sh8uld Trustor defaua"�in the u ��
<br /> � �z can recover the IDebi by a sale of the Trust Properry. � � -a
<br /> . . �+epayment of the Debt,Ben� �Y ` ,;�,:
<br /> g��t����1 under the terms a��provisions of Section 6.1(j)of the Loan Agreement, � ',. : � ._,_
<br /> alienate
<br /> �-.- y�•
<br /> � • Tmstor shall not,without the prior wrar.�n consent of Beneficiary, sell, wnvey, , _ �
<br />� . � mortgage, encumber,pledge or otherwise transfer the Trust Property or any part thereof,or �� -- -- -
<br /> , permit the Trust Property or any part thereof w be solcl,coaveyed,alienatQd, mortgaged, . �,_``,,;,;�-�� �
<br /> . s encumberecl,Pledg�d or othera+ise uansfemed other than in conneMion with a release of the ;=:::�;f�.:;,:Hi�..
<br /> � ._:�:,.,,.�,,ra.._x�...;.
<br /> . Txust Prop�rty pursuant to Secdon 2.4 of the Loan Agreement. . : .. .: ��
<br /> .m�_��;a_
<br /> ' (b) A sale,conveyance, alienation,mortgage, encumbrance, Pledge _• '�:.;��w =
<br /> � or uansfer within.the meaning of this Para ra h 8 shall be deemed w inctude (i) an .`.:"
<br /> installment sales agreemeni wherein Ta�swr agrees to sell the Trust Progeriy or anY P� . � --
<br /> thereof for a price to be paid in inst�9mnents; (ii)an aSreemer�by Trustor leasing a�Il�r a . '�"
<br /> � substantial part of the Tnist Property for other than actual oc�upancy by a space tenaat ,
<br /> therewader or a sale, assignffient or other transfer of,or the grant of a s�taarity interest in, �
<br /> Trustor's right, tifle and interesc in and w any Leases or any Rents; (iii)if Trustor or any . � . .�
<br /> . general paroner of Tniswr is a corporation, the voluniary or involuntary sale, conveyance or . .�
<br /> � transfer of such corporation's stock(or the stock of any corporation directly or indirectly . . —
<br /> � controlling such corporaiion by operation of law or otherwise)or the creation or issuance of _
<br /> • 10018'/79.06 9 . ' .
<br /> ' . . � � - � � �. ' � , - --.:�-,�-�^-•---r-- - 'F .
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