;, 4��
<br /> ����'��� ����'���� ����� ���� ���� ���������
<br /> _: _ ._ ___ _� � _ _� __ _ - ..
<br /> _ ., FR O.M
<br /> �r. C. �i3son and �ife �C�jC �t�t¢ af ,�¢�ra���, � �g.
<br /> �a[I �Countp, )
<br /> TO I hereby certif� that this instrument was entered on Numeric�l Index, ,
<br /> ' and filed for Record this � day o �dSrCh 19 `��
<br /> , � � ��
<br /> at 11; �E� o clock A� .M. �.��p. �
<br /> �. L.Re118r�Gt�,Td18A Re�ister o D ee ds.
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> Fees, �' �..�.0
<br /> �r�o� �YY �e� �p t�je�e ��e�e�t�:
<br /> Ti�at Theophilus C.�ilson and Anna �ilson (Husband and Wife)
<br /> of �all County, and State of Nebraska
<br /> in conside��ation of the sum of �'OS.1T Hundred Fift;r 8.T1�. ����,��----.----____�____.___ DOLL�RS,
<br /> in hand paid by '�. L.'�e11er,Guardian, .
<br /> o f H8,11 County, and State of Rlebraska do hereby �rant, bar�ain, sell, convey,
<br /> and confirm unto the said W• L.Re11er,Gus.rdian .
<br /> the following described preinises, situated in the County of Hall, and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> Lot Seven ( 7) in Bloek Four ( �-) in Gilbert� s Seeond Additian to Gra.nd Island,Nebraska,as
<br /> surveyed,platted and recorded.
<br /> Subject to all assessments of every na�ur� that map be assessed after B�arch 21,1923.
<br /> Subject to the se�ver tax amounting to �2�:97 and accrued ix�terest.
<br /> (�. 50 I.R. Stamps----
<br /> (Caneelled �
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances to the same belonsins, and all the Estate, Ri�sht, Title,
<br /> Interest, Claim, or Demand zvhatsoever; includin¢ Dower, Curtesy and Hornestead Ri�hts, of the said Theophilu��� C.
<br /> �ilson and Anna �ilson
<br /> of, in, or to the same, or an� part thereof.
<br /> TO H.lVE .I,N'D .TO HOLD the above described premises, with the appurtenarcces, unto the said �.L. Keller,Guardian,
<br /> and to hia
<br /> heirs and assi�ns forever. .,4nd W8 hereb� covenant with the said '@�� �� $g].leT�G�a.rdian
<br /> that WC hold sai�? premises b� �ood and
<br /> perfect title; that �e haVB �SOOd ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey b,��e—s�cme; that they are
<br /> free and clear of all liens and incurnbrances whatsoever. exeept 8,8 3�JOV8 stated.
<br /> �nd 1�fe covernant to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the Zawful claims of adl persons whomsoever.
<br /> except as above atated.
<br />�
<br /> szG.�ED th�s 7th da� of March .�. D� 19 2�F
<br /> IrV' PRESENCE OF Theophilus C.�il�on
<br />' Paul C.Huston
<br />� Anna Wilson
<br /> ��je �tat¢ ot ,�¢�br���a, � ss.
<br /> A8.�.1. County;� On this $jth day of I�a,rch -.�.-.L�-19 2�
<br /> before me, �11e undersigned , a notary public within and for said
<br /> Countz�, personally came '1'�,eppllilut� C,::��.Z��� and Anna R118o�1 (Husba�ld a�1d wif8�
<br /> to me persorzally krLOwTZ to be tTie ide�2tical persoA,B whose name 8 a,T6 afjixed to the above instrument as �rantor S and
<br /> severall� acknowled�ed the execution of the same to be their voluntarz� act and deed for the purposes therein expressed.
<br /> ,filt �itltP,�S ��PxPR�, I yzave hereunto subscribed �ny name and af}ixed my o�cial seal, at Grand Island,Nebr..:.:�:,�,
<br /> on the date last above written. ( SEAL) Pe.U,l C.Ht18tOt3
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> .Mr� commission expires JU.Ile 2�,1929
<br />