� " -.__.. _...--.... __... . ._., .. .-_- .--. .. ..- 1 - --`- - �° - -6.,... ....... . .. . -� - r --y._...___ ^''- • t `` —
<br /> y��"�' �v��`1 -- - -'-,-, ----_
<br />� -~ (e)The sals,transfar, lease, assignment, conveyance or furthe:encumbrance o!all or any paft of or any interest in the . . ,�---
<br /> � ` - PropeRy,eithar votuntarity or involunlarily.without the expres�writtan consent of tendar,provided that Trustor shall be perrnit- ^� ..
<br /> ted to execute a lease ot the Progerty that does not contain an option 4o purchase and the term of which does not exoeed one _ .
<br /> year, �`'�< -- -
<br /> " . (�Abandonment of the Prctperty;or . , , � t=r:
<br /> . (g)If Trustor is noE an individual,the Issuance,sale,transfer,assignmen� conveyance or encumbrance ot mare than(if a , , • ��
<br /> ccrporation)a total of per�ent of its issuad and outstandIng stoctc.or(if a partnership)a to�l oi .O1 per- -� _
<br /> r
<br /> ,� cont of partnershig Interesb,or('rf a limited liabilily company)a total of percent of ths limitetf tiahit9ty compa- . :,;
<br /> ny interests or voUng�ights dudng the pedod this Deed of Trust remains e�[en on the propsrty►. , • • , �`�`�,
<br /> ' 12.Remedles;Acce[arA4�on Upan DefauiL in the event oi any Event of OaTault Lender may,without notioe excapt as required , �' ,.. •
<br /> ' • by law,dadare alt indebtedness secured hereby to be d�e and payabts end the same shali thereupon become due and payabla with- ,
<br /> out any presantment,demand,protast or nottce of any kinrl.Thareafter Lendsr may. � . .
<br /> (a)Oemand tha2 Trust�e exercise the POWER OF SALE granted herein,and Trustee shail thereafter cause Trustors inter- • �"'
<br /> _ est in tl�e Proparty to ba soid and the proceeds to be disVibuted.ali in the manner provfdad in ttta t+labr�ka Trost Deeds Ac� -�---- --, � -�.�'�:
<br /> . (b) Exercise any and ail rights provided fior in any of the Loan ►nsUUments or by lavi upon oocurrence of any Event of � � . .�-
<br /> ti_.
<br /> De c)'Commence an action to foredose this Deed of Trust as a mortgag9,appoint a receiver,or speaficalty en4or�any of 4he � .`
<br /> .< 4
<br /> -- COY8i13�1�5 h8f@O}. . • • • .
<br /> No rem herein conterred u n or reserved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be exciusive of any offier remedy hscein,in tl�e Loan • �- -^'-�� � r
<br /> � InsVum�or by lav�provided or permitted,but each shali be cumutative,shafl be in add�ion to every other remedy given hereunder, � ,` , .�� �;�'
<br /> in the Loan Instruments or now or hereafter existlng at Iaw or in equ"dy or by slatute,and may be exerased concurtentty,indepensteMiy _��,�;�,�.�-.�-�
<br /> ' or sua�sivery. . .. • -.,;;��.�;'
<br /> ,.^,. �
<br /> 13.Y�ustea.The Trustee may resign at any time without cause,and Lender may at any time and wifhout cause appoint a suc- � ,,,�-_
<br /> c�ssor or substitute Trustee.Trustee shall not be liable to any party, induding v�ithout limitatian Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any pur- _ ��� . r.-
<br /> ' chaser of the Property,for any lass or damage unlass dus to reddess or witlful misconduct,and shail not be required to take any action ' T�`.���
<br /> in cannecKion v�ith the enforcement of this Deed oi Trust unless indemn�ed,in wri'ting,tor all�,compensation or expensas which
<br /> ' n Trusiee ma become a urchaser at an sate of tha Property(ju�cial or under the power of � ;����''�� �_
<br /> m a y b e a s s fl c i a t e d t h e r e w d h.i n a d d tt i o , y P Y �
<br /> ci
<br /> sale granted herein);postpone the sale of a!1 or zny portion of the Property,as provided by iaw;or setl the Pmperty as a whota,or in ., . : ' ""`_�Y,•?"
<br /> separate parcels or tots at Trustee's d'�scre6on. � �°� x, _
<br /> 14.Fees and IExpensea.In the ever�4 Trustee seiis the Property by exercise of power o!sale,Trustee shati be entitlsd to appiy
<br /> any sate prooasds first to payme�of a!I oosA and expenses of exercising power of sale,including all Tnistee's fees,and Lendefs and ` _ 'h��� ��
<br />�T - - Trustee's attomey�s tees, actualy L�curred to extent permitted by applicabte law.In the event Borrower or TnuYOr exercises any right - -- :=�-�=r��'
<br /> provided by!aw to cuae an Event of Detault,Lender shall be entitled to recover trom Trustor ali costs and expenses acivally incurred as . , "�j
<br /> a resutt of Tnistors default,including without iimitation ali Trustee's and attome�s fees,to the extent permitted by applicebte taw. � �, �. _ �
<br /> ' 15.Future Advances.Upon request�t�orrower,Lender may,at its option, make additional and future advances and read- ` -� �
<br /> vances tn Borrower.Such advances and readva�haes,with interest thereon,shail6e secured by this Deed of Trust At no time shall the .. -�;
<br /> � principal amount ot the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Tnist,not inGudng sums advanced W protect the secnrfty of this Dead of ��`�_. . �' .�.`�_�
<br /> ` Tnist,exceed the oflginal principal amount stated herein,or���.�,OOQ_00 ,whichever is greater. � 1
<br /> 16.Mlsceltaneous Provisions. �`�� � ��;. , �'
<br /> . (a)Borrower No!ReleasetD.Extensien of the 6ma for payment or modfication of amortiration ot the sums secured by this "° '�'_ ��
<br /> � , Oeed ot Tnist granted by Lender to any suocessor in in4erest of Borrower shall not operate to release,in any manner,the liabiti- "�". �«•- ":�•, t•
<br />� ';�` ry oi the odgina!Borrower and Borrowars successors in interest Lender shall not be required to oommence proceedings '.�=�":;���r. •
<br /> � agatnst such successor or retuse to extend Ume for payment or otherwise modily amortizaUon ot the sums secured by this i�'•.� .
<br /> � Deed of Trust by reason ei any demands made by the original Borrower and Borrowe�s suocessors in interest � ;;����. '��•''•
<br /> • (b�LendePa Powers.LYdhout affecting the liabilityr of any other person liahle fur the payment ot any obligation herein men- $ � i�.�, g.
<br /> :��� � tioned�d witl�out aftecting the lien or charge o!this Deed of Trust upon any portion M tha Property not then or theretotore ��' �`� ��� °
<br /> � released as security for the tull amount of all unpafd obligations,Lender may,irom Ume to time and without noUce()release : � ,��;�t. •ti."'
<br /> �- any person so liabte.(i)extend the maturity or aiter any of the terms of any such obligations,(u�grant other iredutgences,('iv) • F�, .:•
<br /> release or convay.or cause to De reteased or reconveyed at any time et Lendera opUon any parcel,portion or all of the . _ �s��_�_.--�
<br /> PBRY.I ) MY Y Y P Y P Po ..:s. . - ,...-
<br /> Pro v take or release any other or additional secu' or reconve ed at an time at Lenders o tion an arcei, rtlon or �. .s --^�,a:
<br /> a1i ot the Properry.(vi�talce or retease any other or addiUOnal securiry tor any obligaUon herein menUaned,or(vii)make compo- -_:,. �..,,r�:;�
<br /> sitions o!other arrangements wiM debfors in relatlon thereto. '��u��
<br /> . ,� (c)Forbearanae by Lender Not o Watver.My forbearance by Lsnder in exerGsing any dght or remedy hereunder,or oth- " �` �'�_
<br /> ervvtse aftorded by a�piicable law,shall not ba a�vaiver ot or precfude the exercise of any such right or remedy.The procure-
<br /> .;;�� ment of insurance or the payment of taxes or othet Iiens or charges by Lender shall not be a wahrer or Lenders�t t to aoceler- ���`���
<br /> � .:� ate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust � �������
<br /> (d)Suaxsaors azd U►safgns Bound;Jolnt and Se�rerel Lisbitity;Captions.The covenants and agreemer�ts herein o0o- �`'��
<br /> tained shail bind,arad+_��dghts hereunder shali inure to,the respec#ive sucoessors and assigns of Lender�.°ad Trustor.A!I -� _--;''"�"�.-° `r�'"
<br /> :� � oovanants and agreeme".es o!Trustor shatl be Jo1nt and several.The captions and head ings o f t he paragrap h s of this Deed of �-`
<br /> Trust are tor convenience only and are not to be used to interyret or de8ne�e provisions hereof. ���7
<br /> V.:����,.._ .
<br />. • (e)Request tor Noticea.The paRi�hereby request ttiat a copy of eny notice o!detault hereunder and a copy of any noUce �"'
<br /> ''� ot sate hereunder be maited to eacti party to thFa Deed of TNSt ai tfie address set torth ebove in the manner presaibed by ;'s""�'s'=•=—
<br /> . applicabie law.Except for any other no�ce requ(red under applicabfe taw to be glvan in another manner.erry notice prov(ded tor �- -..:,,-';'� `
<br /> , ,' 'i; in this Deed of Trust shall be glven by mailing such noUce by certifced mail addressed to the other parties,at*'�e addreos sei +'?•: �"' ''
<br /> � forih above.Any noUce provWed for in this Deed of Trust shall be etfecHve u�on mailing in ths manner designated herein.If ;��'��;_� "� � � � r°
<br /> � ; Trustor is more than one person,notice sent to the address set forth above sha{i be noUce to ail such persons. ' ���` ' "�
<br /> ;� (�tnspection.Lender may make or cause to be made reasanable entdes upon and InspecUons oi the Praperty,pravided .~t'� �`���. ���� :���
<br />• ' �t that Lender shall give Trustor notice prior to any such inspection specifydng reasonabfe causs therefor related to Lenders intar- � ��- '..
<br /> est in the Property. °•.:u�•.�..,�-.,:-•.., ■.
<br /> , (g)Reconvsyancs.Upon payment ot all sums secured by this DeeC of Tnist,Lender shatl request Trustee to reconvey the ��•^�;;,"��,A Y� —
<br /> Property and shall surrender this Dasd ot Trust and all notas evidancing Indebtedness secured by this Deed ot Trust to - �_ �.
<br /> � Trustee.Tnistee shall reconvey the Property.withaut wananty and without charge to the person tegally entitled thereto.Trus[ar "="!R'. -•.°'"'. . �
<br /> -R,�`i+.-::.yR.,�-.
<br /> shafl pay eSt oosts or recordaUon,i}any. � �. -''�`,�.,` .
<br /> h Personat Pro rty;Securi A reement. As additional securi tor the a ent of the Note,Trustor hereb ranLS '`'`''"�`�"''`�'.""
<br /> � l ) P� �Y 9 �Y P Y►n Y 9 , . �
<br /> ' Lender under the Nebraska Unitortn Commercial Cflde a seeurity interest in all fixtures,equlpment,and other personal properiy �'
<br /> used in connection wttt�the real estate or improvements located thereon,end not o2hervvise declared or deemed 4o be a part of , . , �-
<br /> the real estate secaced hereby.This instrument shat►be construed as e Security Agresment under said Code,and fhe Lender . .
<br /> . . . shall have atl the ri�a and remedies of a secured party under said Code in addition to the rights and remedies under this •
<br /> paragraph shatl be cumulathre with,and in no way a timRation on,Lender's rights and remedies under any other securiry egree- . • � �`'
<br />, ment signed by Borrower or Trustor. � : �� _
<br /> (i)Uens and Encumbrances.Trusnor hereby warrants and represents that there is no default under the provisions of any .
<br /> mortgage,deed of Uust, lease or purchase oontract describing all or any part of the Property,or other contract,instrument or � � �• --
<br /> agreement constituting a Iien or encumbrance agalnst all or any part o}the PropeRy(oollectively,"Uens7,existing as o1 the • . _-_-
<br /> date o!this Deed of Trust,and that any and ail existing Liens remain unmoditied except as disclosed to Lender in Tnistor's writ- �'
<br /> ten disclosure ot liens and encumbrances provided tor herein. Trustor shall timely pertorm all of Trustor's obligations. . . , � ___
<br /> • • covenants,repraseMetions and warranties undsr any and ali existing and future Liens,shatl prompUy forward ta Lender coples . •
<br /> 01 afl notioes of defauit sent in connection with any and all existing or tuture Uens,and shall noi vritha�rt Lenders prior written • _--
<br /> � consent in any manner modify the provisions ot or allow any tuture advanoes under any existing or future liens. � .
<br /> � Q)App11ca4lons o}Peyments.Unless otherwise required by law,sums paid to Lender hereunder,induding Lrithout imita- � °
<br /> tion payments of principal and Interest,insurance proceeds,condemnaUon procestJs and rents and profits,shall 6e appiied by --
<br /> . Lendar to the amounts due and or+ing from Trustor and 6orrowar in such ordor as Lender in its sois discretion deems desir . � .� -�--
<br /> .j abte. —'
<br /> --�� (k)SeverebtlfY'�I. If any proWSion ot this f)eetl of Srust cortfficts wrth appitcabie iaw or is deciared imraiid or oiiierwix�unen- E �-_°---=__=�_� _
<br /> � � • ��
<br /> I i'
<br /> � '� • � ' . . . .,
<br /> { •a�q:.
<br /> --._; ---�--�,a_::.,-..-- . i --^^_'^� . .. , • • • - • � . .
<br /> �- �:
<br />_ , .. . � • . - � � � _ ". _ �. ' • . v ... ,_ _ . .i ,•y , .�, . '�� ` . .
<br /> , _ • - . . .. .f� . '_ ' .. • `.. - ' � ��. .. • . ' ' .�� .. r • '_
<br /> - • .. . � � .�'`' , . . . a , . , . . . . .. .. . ':! .. ' ' _ . . . ' . .. . . . �. , . ... . _ , ' . . , . , _ . .a • . . . � r,:
<br />