.. ; ___- ; . . , . .. . . ;�-_ -_ _
<br /> .
<br /> • , ` ' . . � .. . ..._ �.'!__ ` � ._ . ._.. ._.. . . _..�?.._ .__.__ . - , `�z z.
<br /> .�
<br /> -• -- - - -••- --, x.e�_.._.._._ . �.----•�_. . . � "' � , � +�'"`
<br /> � EXHIBIT A , - .:�'
<br /> • � ,.� i � _ - � _.< << _ _.
<br /> 1. The ti�uh s.a�i RfirSai in� 47�i: ':.:- ' ' (- � ��-' - .t
<br /> ; � ' . � = thc itorthes�e Qu�rtcr (:!.\i•.�S) .v�l rhn \.�rch H�1��`1 � - , , . ' ; • ,� '
<br /> �t �.�. �, � t
<br /> the South Half oE the Yortheas[ Oiiarte� �
<br /> . ' j� e•ccep[ a plat oE a tract of�,�nd conpYSS�i10 �* ; ' k ,
<br /> ,� .. '� I I _ i -� k V ; -�_.
<br /> y, of thC Northeast ua ter f '
<br /> �� R�n�e t � n fttl F*P r '
<br /> To:mshiP 'I'Welva i12� ,•^' �-- f e,.H
<br /> � a. oE chc 6ch Y.H. Hnll Cauniy w^�•�ob-+.�nsr �- � -� .---- (� ` , .
<br /> T. I • .� _. p
<br /> n. narticular G ' : __ � k .. .�_
<br /> • -- ------- °6 �td r•� ' ` -.
<br /> y, B cinninp �t the 2' � I � ,
<br /> [hence S °11'OS"E alonR [he easc line of safcL � .
<br /> _ le. section a distance of�42.19 e • °2b'35" � � � '. � ^-
<br /> i1.T{a s�ance o i781 00 feet• thence N00°03 37"W � i � . _
<br /> 3I' a s ance o . zeet to t e nort ne of sai T � � . •
<br />�_ iy_ section; Lhence S84 � a B along [he norch line of --- ` , .
<br />_,__ is s� sect on a distaace of 99.05 fest ta the South- � � - � ` _ _ _�';�
<br /> � ls.east coraer of ection 35 of Aocrard o n •+: t e e � ; , . .
<br /> ; 11.Sd9 38 34 E alon� the nosth line of sald sectioa a � � �
<br /> la.distance of 1676 50 feet to the Norther.st cornPr L, i �.�N;.�;' _
<br /> , 19.aF said section also bein2 che point �` h i i^o I �. _ . �
<br /> I � ._yk�i4.-�
<br /> =o.Said [ract contains 78.5 acres m r ��t �-
<br /> " . 7i.Nuich 2.79 acres nore or ess ' _ , � •,3�' °�°_:�
<br /> '� _�.R 0 Si all in Section Three (3) Townsh�n "'� � � _
<br /> ., , � � ;`?.�'�;=;•`s
<br /> � - (12 Nor[h Ran e Eleven S � � _
<br /> t3. -� j9° 1' � � �-�. ._,_.
<br /> (otn) P.:1. Nall Count� 'tebraska -.
<br /> r.. � . - . `�
<br />.. 4' _; ' ' ' '`�. .
<br /> � :i. . �.�.o
<br /> 2°' Thc Northeast Quertcr (N£1/d) of Section Four (ay in �-==-�:�_=-=--
<br /> �3' Township TMelve (12) NortD, Aange Eleven (11), excepting �
<br /> � � .�ne;e*�. .r--t
<br /> ` '9' the�etrom a certain traet of land more pa�ticularly described , ;,,�rs_ ,,,,
<br /> � ;°• in Wae�anty Oeed recorded ia Hook 167, PaBe 139 as the same ' _ _ _
<br /> jl• is on file tn the Registe� o[ Deeds Oftice of Hall Cvunly. � ;� `„_ ��-,--
<br /> . �a. Nebcaeka. _... _ .... _ . . � _�----
<br /> ...i ��^'_�.''�'^�.:-.-
<br /> . ii. '•L•._'_- ___
<br /> ' • Parce 1 2: . ----- ' -
<br /> ?��:t;c' . T� 'i�2 :+'1�4 of 9ecticn 2� '�'Q'i![I9�LCD �� it0�:1� R.aIIyC 31 ii?9t � '1 '���.
<br /> .- oc Che 5thJP.M., &rnra:d Coux:t�, iTaDra3'.ca. �;. • �
<br /> ` . Pareel 2:_ . `�•=F.. *�,;. _.
<br /> • -Th3 &�ti/� of SecCion 34, To+u^�,*^.io 13 ;iCrth, AaagB Il 47est c` .:,. - ��
<br /> the Stn F.M., Scxard Couaty, �i:_-as:ca: L.CC3?iT_:IG a trac� of `:�:a�,� . :,�, ' .
<br /> land,±a ��e 9outh:,rest carnzr o� tha 3'Al/S ac sa?d Sectio� 3d, ' �':� '>.. --
<br /> . mora accuxa�ely descri.�e� as follo,rs: Ha�-:nniag a� C�z � :.'•
<br /> South,rest Section coraer of,said Seaticn �4, the Foia� a� ��i.� .,
<br /> � begi.nning, thencs i� a narrhxly di�rect_cn along the we3t ��.e ��;; � . ..
<br /> , .r, of sai3 3ection 34 on a bear?zg of iT 3 dey..ass 10 minutES 25 • �` �
<br />' aeconda 3 a distancs oi iBe.9 fest, tbecce in aa eastes2 f �''''..: '""�'F:�"•,.�; •�
<br /> � :�� direct:cr. on a bearing oe Et 9a deg�ees OQ [R�AIIt69 00 sacoada E ,t.• • . . r
<br />,`�•�;;.. " • 'a dis•,.ancs o� 280.5 fast, thsnca in a scLrherly dfx�ctioa aa a t�
<br />_,_;,,� . �': bearinq e� S 3 degrses 10 minutea 25 seeonds W a dis�anca o.-". ��'�5��i�:�.�;:
<br /> a i -- r.t^.;iT f t
<br /> 258.4 fQSt to a oint oa tce south lina c_ said 3ect_ca 34,
<br /> ��-�`• thenea :« a wastasly diracticn along ths socts liaa cF sai? '�'�'��.:R. .
<br /> Ssctiea 3� cn a bea:i.ng oc 8 90 dearae� 00 miautee 00 ssc.:.c� :� t•� �� ;.,.��
<br /> • a di�tar.ca o� 280.5 2aet to tae co�t o! zea:.lai.'tg anc $� �
<br /> • contaw.::5 1.02 ac�s mo_e or ?esa �hic» j�.eiuZas C.3a8 ac:as ���"-
<br /> c*_ Cewz=f �ead Richt-OE-�tay, a:.d itt.�h9= less a po:�:cn o� Ia:� ; �gR��'� '
<br /> de�cr�e3 aa foLo�ra: 4��_
<br /> , a T=ac� o° land lccatsd ±a t;� 3:•�1�� of .�._c�i�r. 33. Y�.�::si3� _3 - - ----
<br /> ;tor�h, Ra:.gs 1? West oP �;�e 5ta ?.,•t.� £cxz=� wu:.ty� M9�1'33�r� -
<br /> � aui �or� �astieularlj da3cri'r.e? as iol2rNS: C:ma¢nci=c at th= _
<br /> � Scutr;dast coz�er oP said &ect3on 3�l, alsc a'_ag tae yo?a� o�
<br /> • �aginrsa�r.c. tte^.ca on aa aaa�me� raari�g e= :1 03 �e�r=ss 21 __
<br /> minuta9 3C szcoads � alone t:s iJest line of said s'Al/3 a •'g • -- -
<br /> discane_ c: 410.0o feat, Cl.3AC3 �t 90 ce,reee CO mtnusas 00 '
<br /> seeor.da = a^d paralle2 to Sa:ta lina of aaid S.ti/4 a diataacs � _:,;t .
<br /> oE 532.a0 P�et, th�ac� S 03 c3eyr2as 11 ma:�Las 30 secoad3 'rt �? " � -
<br /> . parallal t �teat lisse of aaid S:r1/4 a distancs oE 410.00 faet ,��' �� . ��,�.1.`_ _
<br /> � to a ^o�:t�cn tha south line oP said S'A7./4, t:eaca 21 90 der,-_.�a - -,":
<br /> 00 minutes 00 secands rt along t4e Souta lisse oE 9aid 5�11/3 a '""�'�-_--
<br /> � diatanc� of 532.0o Eaet to the yoint of ceginn'_ng. Said t:act `�"�,,;;i�ie�_.`-
<br /> � contaias 5.00 a�a3 more or 5933 of v+nici o.63 ecra i� coua[-s �a-�^��. -
<br /> - road ;ight-a-way. A7.1 corners oE said trac� ha�e reen m�-ts$ ��.,`�",.,�� _
<br /> m
<br /> � �+ith ee�.a:ent ison monument3; and fur�h°� �°_39 ttsa Eollc�iag : . . �•�•�•
<br /> ' CracL: a t_act oz land campsiaiag a parc o: tae SI/3 Srri/1 0� ;'.- �*�,'�
<br /> � SeeC'_oa 34, ;oNn9hi� 13 LTosth, Ftangs 1� %�_s� o: tisa 6th 8.;4. i_. ,�s:
<br /> � - Howasd Cau,r_ty, Ptebraa'r.a, mors par�u�la.il daac:i�ed aa ' � '"�Y�-*:••
<br /> Pollews� 2egir.stiag at a Faiaa an tnA nont: lin� of said S:r_!1, A. z_.,��<:�r.,,,_, •
<br /> ' �aid poiat 'ce+_r.g 53�.o E39C �ast o' :he 3ai�:•+ee: c�rr.a= o: `�'�� •
<br /> s
<br /> 3c1�d aC�:iGA 34� thCIICE E83t°Sl'! ]�OAC C:d 3CCLG ?�.:°_ C� Jld:^ _.. . ,�:�, ,�•,�,.:,:•..
<br /> - ��a,�_.--
<br /> ' S3CCjCII 34, 3 d{�taI1C3 O' BZl.Z1 :.9°Ci t:13AC3 G�3"3C!'.��C 1=" i+'i�{.��?w-q•-�=,.`.��
<br /> 30 G�OCr?99 '�0 TISALICE'3 a21Q �.lA:f+„^.Q IIOICf2S�_t� 3 a�3C11T.C± O'_ .:r�'i�e�".:,�r � ..
<br /> .. 303.25 °39` ^ei:r.� d?:1es"_ir.g 1_- ?Q d�a=�e9 - ' . �`�� '
<br /> ' ` '` v'0 minu:�� .;..c .
<br /> su:.ni-g xe3:ar'_�, a diatar.cs c� 733 33 -a�t ��3^c� de;?_�:_-_ � ��
<br /> ls°C 85 3e�ae3 4d �i as��s ? �a^ar.da ar.c rj.,i:; 3:L�z==-�' , _
<br /> .. ' A�JC3:C3 C= -.��.i _?3: �� ..:! �_aJ� O_' �°^y=_,_ _ . ' .. ' ,
<br /> . . � � • . .�...,s_:.
<br /> 2�Z,rj�q� ��1:i/._ � ��,rG � • -
<br /> � DATE � Steph D. Clark • � . -
<br /> � . � . �°�, �, N.�„�- � � � �. �
<br /> DA"�"'�� Lola M. Clark •
<br /> OF THE MIDLANDS. FLCA. . .. � • -
<br /> r
<br /> � . .
<br /> - -- �--.-----_�� _
<br /> . • ;',�•' -_'�-,'_
<br /> _ .:- � .. ' . . ,.� " .. . . . .. �� ' . . .' � � ',.,� % ' , .. ' .. • :
<br />.. � ' _ . .'_ • . . . � ,. � 1 . . . Y .. . ' .� 1 . � ,I1� . �.• . . ._ . �. r ... . • ... � �1 . • , .
<br />